My computer runs very slow on internet and other program

In summary, the conversation involves a person seeking advice on their slow-running computer, specifically on the internet. They have already tried increasing memory and freeing up space on their hard drive, as well as running virus scans. Suggestions are made to use a different web browser, install anti-spyware software, remove unnecessary programs, and try using CCleaner. There is also a discussion about the possibility of a computer virus and the option of switching to a different operating system. The conversation also touches on the idea of blocking flash to improve performance and checking for firmware updates.
  • #1
My computer runs very slow on internet and other program!

I need advice on my computer. My computer is running slow particularly on internet. I have perform these:
1) Increase to 1.25G memory. I also check memory usage and never hit the limit. I notice the hard drive usually not active meaning hard drive is not being used as virtual memory.
2) Free up at least 5G on C drive.
3) I check CPU usage while running internet, a lot of time CPU usage is very high on iexplore.exe, up to 100% when it become very slow.
4) I did clean disk and defragmented the disk.
5) I went on internet option under tools on explorer page and delete all temporary internet files and cookie.
6) I always subscribed to Mcafee and ran virus scan a few times, nothing came out.

Anything else I should do before I recover the system and start all over again?

Thanks for your input.
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  • #2

My recommendations:
1. Use something other than Internet Explorer. Like Firefox or Chrome.
2. Install Ad-Aware, and Spybot Search and Destroy.
3. Remove any programs in your system tray (by the clock) that you don't actually use.
  • #3

DaleSwanson said:
My recommendations:
1. Use something other than Internet Explorer. Like Firefox or Chrome.
2. Install Ad-Aware, and Spybot Search and Destroy.
3. Remove any programs in your system tray (by the clock) that you don't actually use.

Thanks for you help. If I load Firefox, can I still use Yahoo as my internet blowser and keep my Yahoo email?

Someone also suggested using CCleaner to clean up the computer.

  • #4

Firefox, IE, Chrome, etc are internet browsers, Yahoo isn't. If you meant the page you first see when you open your browser that is called your homepage, and yes you'll be able to use Yahoo as your homepage and email with any browser. It used to be that some sites wouldn't work in Firefox, but that is very rare any more, any major site should work fine. Also just because you install Firefox doesn't mean you won't be able to use IE if you need to, you'll just have the option of Firefox or IE.

Yes, I saw your other thread about CCleaner. I've never used it, but it may help (I wouldn't be worried about it being anything bad).
  • #5

DaleSwanson said:
Firefox, IE, Chrome, etc are internet browsers, Yahoo isn't. If you meant the page you first see when you open your browser that is called your homepage, and yes you'll be able to use Yahoo as your homepage and email with any browser. It used to be that some sites wouldn't work in Firefox, but that is very rare any more, any major site should work fine. Also just because you install Firefox doesn't mean you won't be able to use IE if you need to, you'll just have the option of Firefox or IE.

Yes, I saw your other thread about CCleaner. I've never used it, but it may help (I wouldn't be worried about it being anything bad).

  • #6

Hi.. You have mentioned that your computer runs very slow on internet and other programs...When I read your thread, the first thing that came in my mind was COMPUTER VIRUS.. Here are computer virus symptoms:

* The computer runs slower than usual.
* The computer stops responding, or it locks up frequently.
* The computer crashes, and then it restarts every few minutes.
* The computer restarts on its own. Additionally, the computer does not run as usual.
* Applications on the computer do not work correctly.
* Disks or disk drives are inaccessible.
* You cannot print items correctly.
* You see unusual error messages.
* You see distorted menus and dialog boxes.
* There is a double extension on an attachment that you recently opened, such as a .jpg, .vbs, .gif, or .exe. extension.
* An antivirus program is disabled for no reason. Additionally, the antivirus program cannot be restarted.
* An antivirus program cannot be installed on the computer, or the antivirus program will not run.
* New icons appear on the desktop that you did not put there, or the icons are not associated with any recently installed programs.
* Strange sounds or music plays from the speakers unexpectedly.
* A program disappears from the computer even though you did not intentionally remove the program.

->if some of those happens to your computer, maybe, your problem is computer virus.:frown:
  • #7

It is likely that your computer shipped already infected with MSW. Some symptoms include running slower than the hardware should allow, sudden crashes, corruption of attached devices, frequent urge to restart and/or defenestrate your computer, and a sizable sum missing from your bank account. A good patch to remove this virus is BSD or Linux.

I say this in good humour - pardon the tongue in cheek. You may have a virus, as has already been mentioned, so be sure to do a scan. It is preferable to scan from a completely separate OS (even just a different instance of the same version) to prevent rootkits from obscuring their presence.

Also, even if you do make what some think is a wise choice to switch operating systems, be sure to practice safe hex by using an antivirus such as
  • #8

Hi there,

One thing that I noticed, with any web browser, is that flash can consume most of the CPU in your PC. The first I would suggest before changing anti-virus, or running for hours an virus detector, is to install addons that block flash. If you run a webpage where you so desperately need to see the flash program, just click on it to run it.

  • #9

You may need more RAM, but mainly you can switch programs to background services which can speed up your computer's basic tasks and that might help. However, you might also have some spyware which can bog down things like the loading of webpages, the loading of your browser window, etc. These are all things to look into.
  • #10

Are you running through a router? If so, you may need to update your firmware. Also, windows does not play well with less than 2G ram memory. RAM is cheap and this may solve your problems.
  • #11

If you can't kill the virus, then get a firewall to control access.

FAQ: My computer runs very slow on internet and other program

1. Why is my computer running slow on the internet and other programs?

There are several reasons why your computer may be running slow on the internet and other programs. It could be due to a lack of memory or processing power, too many background programs running, a virus or malware infection, or a slow internet connection. It is important to troubleshoot and identify the specific cause in order to find a solution.

2. How can I improve the speed of my computer on the internet and other programs?

There are several ways to improve the speed of your computer on the internet and other programs. You can try closing unnecessary programs and tabs, clearing your internet browser's cache and cookies, running a virus scan, and updating your computer's hardware and software. You may also want to consider upgrading your internet connection or investing in a faster computer.

3. Can too many browser extensions or plugins slow down my computer?

Yes, having too many browser extensions or plugins can slow down your computer's performance. These add-ons can use up memory and processing power, causing your computer to run slower. It is recommended to only keep the necessary extensions and plugins and regularly clean out any unused ones.

4. Is my outdated operating system causing my computer to run slow on the internet and other programs?

Yes, an outdated operating system can contribute to slow performance on the internet and other programs. It is important to regularly update your operating system to ensure it is running efficiently and securely. If your computer is unable to support the latest updates, it may be time to consider upgrading to a newer system.

5. Could a fragmented hard drive be the reason for my slow computer?

Yes, a fragmented hard drive can cause your computer to run slow. Fragmentation occurs when files are broken into smaller pieces and scattered across different areas of the hard drive. This can make it harder for the computer to access and retrieve the necessary data, resulting in slower performance. It is recommended to regularly defragment your hard drive to improve its efficiency.
