Mechanism behind photon absorption and photon emission

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of allowed orbits in an atom and the emission and absorption of EM radiation by electrons. It also raises questions about the mechanisms behind these phenomena, including the role of resonance orbits, electron excitation and de-excitation, and the creation of EM waves by the acceleration of a charge. However, these explanations are based on a semi-classical model and do not accurately account for the quantum nature of these processes.
  • #1
hi all, i learned that only certain orbits were allowed in the atom and that if the electrons occupied any of the orbits in between, that they would no longer be in a resonance orbit (i was taught that the allowed orbits were the electron probability wave in resonance and therefore no EM radiation given off) and emit EM radiation; and then we just learned the fact that the absorption of a photon means that the atom is absorbing energy and this excites the electron up to the energy level corresponding to that "hf" value, and also the de-excitation of an electron leads to the electron giving off energy in the form of a EM wave.

but how exactly does this work? (obviously i haven't yet taken QM)

i want to know the mechanisms behind these phenomena

first off, when a photon of energy "hf" is incident to an electron cloud, but there is no other energy level with the energy difference of "hf", why does this photon still not get absorbed? what is wrong with absorbing the photon and then getting excited into the energy gap "orbital" and then instantly having its energy radiated since it is not in a resonance orbit? it's as if the electron knows that it cannot be in that orbit at all. how is this?

how are electrons excited and de-excited? do they physically travel across the energy gap? or do they somehow teleport? I've heard that they teleport

what is the mechanism for photon absorption? how exactly does an electron cloud absorb
i'm aware that EM waves are created by the acceleration of a charge. If this is true, ie.. if this is the only mechanism for which an EM wave can be created as far as we know, then this implies that the de-excitation of an electron causes the electron to undergo deceleration (rather obviously..); however, in any allowed orbit besides the s-orbit, the electron is accelerating and decelerating continuously, but in resonance. So, if the electron does physically travel across the energy gap, then is the emission of the EM wave solely due to the facts that the electron is 1.) undergoing deceleration and 2.) not in a resonance orbit and therefore it radiates away the energy of the still orbiting electron, as I've learned in my class?
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  • #2
iScience said:
hi all, i learned that only certain orbits were allowed in the atom and that if the electrons occupied any of the orbits in between, that they would no longer be in a resonance orbit (i was taught that the allowed orbits were the electron probability wave in resonance and therefore no EM radiation given off) and emit EM radiation;

That's a semi-classical picture, convenient for describing atomic spectra when you haven't seriously studied QM, but that you'll have to unlearn as part of learning modern QM. Most of the questions that you're asking serve to highlight the difficulties with this semi-classical model.
  • #3
iScience said:
when a photon of energy "hf" is incident to an electron cloud, but there is no other energy level with the energy difference of "hf", why does this photon still not get absorbed? what is wrong with absorbing the photon and then getting excited into the energy gap "orbital" and then instantly having its energy radiated since it is not in a resonance orbit?

This can happen.

iScience said:
how are electrons excited and de-excited? do they physically travel across the energy gap? or do they somehow teleport? I've heard that they teleport

The energy gap is not a physical location across which electrons travel, and electrons do not teleport.

Imagine a guitar string that is vibrating at its fundamental frequency. It can also vibrate in a different mode at twice this frequency, and it can vibrate in both modes at the same time in superposition, in which case you will hear both frequencies at once (this is simple classical superposition of two waves, nothing quantum). Now imagine that the guitar string, which is originally vibrating only at its fundamental frequency, gradually starts to vibrate at its higher frequency as well, perhaps because it is being excited by an external source of sound at that frequency. The fundamental mode might then gradually die off, leaving the guitar string vibrating only at the higher frequency.

This situation forms a fairly precise analogy to an electron transitioning between energy levels, with the following correspondences:

electron wave function = guitar string
electron energy = string's frequency
energy gap between electron energy states = frequency gap between guitar string resonant frequencies
light source = sound source

iScience said:
i'm aware that EM waves are created by the acceleration of a charge.

This is true in classical electrodynamics, but in quantum electrodynamics this is not how things work because the concept of "acceleration" is fuzzy or nonexistent. In the quantum theory charged particles can simply emit or absorb photons at any time, subject to conservation of momentum and energy.
  • #4
iScience said:
hi all, i learned that only certain orbits were allowed in the atom and that if the electrons occupied any of the orbits in between, that they would no longer be in a resonance orbit (i was taught that the allowed orbits were the electron probability wave in resonance and therefore no EM radiation given off) and emit EM radiation; and then we just learned the fact that the absorption of a photon means that the atom is absorbing energy and this excites the electron up to the energy level corresponding to that "hf" value, and also the de-excitation of an electron leads to the electron giving off energy in the form of a EM wave.

but how exactly does this work? (obviously i haven't yet taken QM)

That kind of model of an atom is nowhere near the level of abstraction that you'd need to even define what a "photon" actually is, let alone calculate absorption cross-sections or decay lifetimes.

In first-year chemistry and physics classes they show you nice pictures of hydrogenic orbitals and claim that these are the only states that the orbiting electron can be in. That is a really crude simplification, but it's probably pedagogically necessary at that point. In reality the electron can be in any "mixture" (linear combination) of those states, it's just that in the mixture states the atom does not have a definite value of total energy and the electron density is not time-independent.
  • #5
i want to know the mechanisms behind these phenomena

Good question, welcome to the club...There is no simple universally agreed upon 'one liner' [nor even a paragraph or two] that can answer your question precisely. We would all like to know that but nobody can even describe exactly what an electron 'is'. What we can do is model via mathematics what so far tracks well with experimental observations of that particle behavior.

Wikipedia has a decent, short explanation:

...Quantized energy levels result from the relation between a particle's energy and its wavelength. For a confined particle such as an electron in an atom, the wave function has the form of standing waves. Only stationary states with energies corresponding to integral numbers of wavelengths can exist; for other states the waves interfere destructively, resulting in zero probability density...

This means from a quantum mechanics viewpoint the probability density of an electron in a nucleus of, say, hydrogen, is just about zero.

Also try reading this which gives some QM insights.

For example in the Standard Model of Particle Physics, relativistic quantum electrodynamics [QED which is QM modified via special relativity] describes such interactions as 'instantaneous' among 'point particles'. This approach uses such mathematical approaches as probability amplitudes and propagators...and Feynman diagrams.

[Are electrons really 'point' particles: There are discussions in these forums offering different perspectives. ]

Here is one good discussion about energy levels and energy gaps in general:

Photoelectric effect versus Compton Scattering

[A key take away from the above discussion is that it is the degrees of freedom of the atom or lattice structure that determines allowed energy levels.]

For more discussion, search these forums for 'electron orbitals' or 'electron energy levels'

Regarding the prior post from Duck, which I like, a convenient way to think about 'superposition' [which is a cornerstone of quantum mechanics] is via Fourier transforms. If you haven't studied those yet, a simplified view arises from HS trig: take, say, Sin2x = 2SinxCosx. This says that a sine wave of one frequency [2x] can be decomposed into the product of two other waves of half that frequency [x] ...crazy, but true. And such relationships can be carried out via all the trig identities...lots of different frequencies are allowed in a linear system to combine in limited ways.

An electron in 'free space' [an ideal] is 'free' to vibrate at all frequencies appropriate to it's energy...and its waveform extends indefinitely] But confine that same electron, as in an atomic orbital, and it is 'bound' to certain energy states [as you described]. The analogy with the guitar strings is that when the ends of a guitar string are bound [fastened firmly and cannot vibrate] only certain vibrations are allowed...depending on how tightly the string is strung...that is energy levels.
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FAQ: Mechanism behind photon absorption and photon emission

1. What is the mechanism behind photon absorption and emission?

The mechanism behind photon absorption and emission involves the interaction between photons and matter. When a photon collides with an atom or molecule, it can be absorbed by exciting the electrons to higher energy levels. This absorption process is known as photoexcitation. Similarly, when an electron in an excited state drops to a lower energy level, it releases a photon, resulting in photon emission.

2. How does the energy of a photon determine its absorption and emission?

The energy of a photon is directly related to its frequency and wavelength. The energy of a photon determines which energy levels of an atom or molecule it can interact with. An atom or molecule can only absorb a photon if the energy of the photon matches the energy difference between its current and excited state. Similarly, the energy of an emitted photon is equal to the energy difference between the excited and lower energy state of the electron.

3. What factors affect the absorption and emission of photons?

The absorption and emission of photons can be affected by several factors such as the type of matter, the temperature, and the intensity of the light source. Different materials have different energy levels and can only absorb or emit photons within certain energy ranges. Temperature also plays a role as higher temperatures can excite more electrons, leading to increased absorption and emission. The intensity of the light source can also impact the rate of photon absorption and emission.

4. What is the role of quantum mechanics in photon absorption and emission?

Quantum mechanics plays a crucial role in understanding the mechanism behind photon absorption and emission. It explains the behavior of subatomic particles and their interactions with photons. Quantum mechanics also helps in understanding the energy levels of atoms and molecules and how they interact with photons to absorb or emit energy.

5. How is photon absorption and emission used in everyday life?

Photon absorption and emission have various applications in everyday life. For example, it is the basis of photosynthesis in plants, where photons from sunlight are absorbed to produce energy. In technology, photon absorption and emission are used in solar panels to convert sunlight into electricity. It is also used in medical imaging, such as X-rays and MRI, where photons are absorbed and emitted to create images of the body.

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