Momenum and differential of momentum

In summary, the conversation discusses the definition of momentum and the confusion surrounding the second term in the equation for differential momentum. It is suggested that the equation is only valid in certain cases, such as non-rotating rigid bodies, and may need to be modified for higher dimensions. There is also a mention of special relativity and how it affects the concept of mass.
  • #1
This was written on the board this last semester, and I can't seem to figure it out and its been bothering me to no end (mentally).

Momentum is defined as:


therefore, if you want to find the differential momentum, it should be, mathematically speaking:

[tex] d(p)=d(mv)=dp=dm*V+m*dV[/tex]

But differetial momentum is always written as:

[tex] dp=dm*V[/tex]

I can't make sense out of what happened to the second term on the right side.

In fluid mechanics we have:

[tex]d(\rho VA)=\frac{d \rho}{\rho}+\frac{dV}{V} +\frac{DA}{A}[/tex]

So d(p) for momentum should follow just the same using the product rule.

It makes sense conceptually, as each particle dm has a velocity V, and if you sum it over the body you get the total momentum, but it seems totally wrong mathematically.
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  • #2
classically, dm=0 in most cases. However, when special relativity is involved, mass does change. Another case where mass changes involves selfpropelled objects (rockets, airplanes) where fuel is burned off changing the mass.
  • #3
Cyrus is asking what happened to the second term, m * dV. If the differential moment definition is correct as written above, then dp would always be zero according to you. Good question.
  • #4
I suspect that the answer to your question only makes sense in a relativistic framework.

If our frame of reference is moving with the same acceleration as a given particle, then

[tex] m\cdot dV=0 [/tex] since [tex] dV=0 [/tex].

Then, in this setting,

[tex] dp=dm \cdot V+m \cdot dV=dm \cdot V [/tex].

However, in this framework, the only useful hint is that momentum affects mass.
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  • #5

Using the equation

[tex]dp = dm*V[/tex]

must implicitly assume that V is constant wrt the variable by which you differentiate.

If that variable is length x, say, then m=m(x) and V=V(x). Then

[tex]\frac{dp}{dx} = V\frac{dm}{dx} + m\frac{dV}{dx}[/tex].

First, it's important to note immediately that this is only valid in one dimension.
The second term on the right is zero if dV/dx=0, which implies that V is a constant with respect to x. Note that V could actually be a function of some other variable (like time), but our consideration is only with respect to one variable, x. So it appears that dp=dm*V is only valid if you're talking about rigid, non-rotating? bodies in which velocity does not change with respect to the integration variable. The full formula would apply in more general cases.

I could be wrong, tell me what you think.
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  • #6
mathman said:
classically, dm=0 in most cases. However, when special relativity is involved, mass does change. Another case where mass changes involves selfpropelled objects (rockets, airplanes) where fuel is burned off changing the mass.

I think you might have misunderstood my question.
  • #7
gabee said:

Using the equation

[tex]dp = dm*V[/tex]

must implicitly assume that V is constant wrt the variable by which you differentiate.

If that variable is length x, say, then m=m(x) and V=V(x). Then

[tex]\frac{dp}{dx} = V\frac{dm}{dx} + m\frac{dV}{dx}[/tex].

First, it's important to note immediately that this is only valid in one dimension.
The second term on the right is zero if dV/dx=0, which implies that V is a constant with respect to x. Note that V could actually be a function of some other variable (like time), but our consideration is only with respect to one variable, x. So it appears that dp=dm*V is only valid if you're talking about rigid, non-rotating? bodies in which velocity does not change with respect to the integration variable. The full formula would apply in more general cases.

I could be wrong, tell me what you think.

I think that you're mostly correct (there is one trivial case which is important to remember).

The body must be rigid (otherwise at some point along the body there might exist a place where [tex] dV \neq 0[/tex]) and must be either non-rotating or rotational velocity is neglected. I suspect that for most cases that the body will be non-rotating.

Your formula is somewhat limiting because it doesn't generalize to higher dimensions, but I think that you have the right idea.
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FAQ: Momenum and differential of momentum

1. What is momentum?

Momentum is a measure of an object's motion and is defined as mass multiplied by velocity. It is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude and direction.

2. How is momentum different from velocity?

Velocity is a measure of an object's speed and direction, while momentum takes into account the mass of the object as well. An object with a higher momentum will be more difficult to stop or change its direction compared to an object with a lower momentum but the same velocity.

3. What is the equation for momentum?

The equation for momentum is p = mv, where p is momentum, m is mass, and v is velocity. This equation can be used to calculate the momentum of an object in motion.

4. How is momentum conserved in a closed system?

In a closed system, the total momentum remains constant. This means that the total momentum before an interaction or collision is equal to the total momentum after the interaction or collision. This is known as the law of conservation of momentum.

5. What is the differential of momentum?

The differential of momentum, also known as impulse, is the change in momentum over a specific time interval. It is equal to the force applied to an object multiplied by the time it is applied for.

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