Solutions to laplace's equation & uniqueness thrm #2 (Griffiths)

In summary, the second uniqueness theorem states that in a volume V surrounded by conductors and containing a specified charge density ρ, the electric field is uniquely determined if the total charge on each conductor is given. This refers to the charge density belonging to the volume V in which we are solving for the electric field. Uniqueness theorem 2 is specifically for Poisson's equation, while uniqueness theorem 1 applies to both Laplace's and Poisson's equations.
  • #1
In griffith's intro to electrodynamics (4rth edition), ch. 3, pg. 121.

here is the second uniqueness thrm for the solutions to laplace's equation:

Second uniqueness thrm: In a volume V surrounded by conductors and containing a specified charge density ρ, the electric field is uniquely determined if the total charge on each conductor is given.

the only part I'm confused about is, in the beginning where he says "in a volume V surrounded by conductors and containing a specified charge density ρ"

Q: is the charge density ρ referring to that belonging to the region of space whose potential we're trying to determine? or is it referring to that of the conductor/insulator?

Physics news on
  • #2
It is referring to that belonging to the volume V in which we are solving for the electric field.
  • #3
thought so!

but then this leads to another confusion. I thought both uniqueness theorems were meant for the solutions to the laplace equation. The laplace equation however does not deal with charges inside the region.

so then, i guess, uniqueness thrm 1 is for both the laplace & the poisson equations while uniqueness thrm 2 is for just the poisson eqn?

please confirm this for me
  • #4
Uniqueness theorem 2 is for Poisson's and uniqueness theorem 1 is for Laplace's.
  • #5
for any help!

I can clarify that the charge density ρ in this context refers to the charge density of the region of space in which we are trying to determine the potential. This could be a conductor or insulator within the volume V surrounded by other conductors. The charge density of the conductor or insulator itself is not relevant in this theorem, as it is the charge density within the volume V that is being considered. The uniqueness theorem states that if the total charge on each conductor within the volume V is known, then the electric field within that volume is uniquely determined. This is important in solving Laplace's equation, as it ensures that there is only one solution for the electric field within that volume, given the specified boundary conditions.

FAQ: Solutions to laplace's equation & uniqueness thrm #2 (Griffiths)

1. What is Laplace's equation?

Laplace's equation is a partial differential equation that describes the behavior of a scalar field in a given region. It is often used to model physical phenomena such as heat flow, electrostatics, and fluid dynamics.

2. What is the uniqueness theorem #2 in relation to Laplace's equation?

The uniqueness theorem #2 states that if a solution to Laplace's equation satisfies certain boundary conditions, it is the only solution within the given region. Essentially, it guarantees that there is only one possible solution to the equation that meets the specified requirements.

3. How do solutions to Laplace's equation help in solving physical problems?

Solutions to Laplace's equation provide a mathematical representation of physical phenomena, allowing us to predict and analyze their behavior. They can also be used to find solutions to complex problems that would otherwise be difficult to solve using traditional methods.

4. Are there any limitations to Laplace's equation and its solutions?

While Laplace's equation is a powerful tool for solving physical problems, it does have some limitations. For example, it can only be applied in regions where the field being studied is well-behaved and continuous. Additionally, the boundary conditions must be well-defined and the region must be simply connected.

5. Can Laplace's equation be used in fields other than physics?

Yes, Laplace's equation has applications in various fields such as engineering, mathematics, and economics. It can be used to model and solve problems in areas such as heat transfer, electrostatics, and fluid dynamics. Its versatility and usefulness make it a valuable tool in many different disciplines.
