Why Are Magnesium and Beryllium Not Chemically Inactive?

  • Thread starter ghallya
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of chemical inertness and how having closed subshells does not necessarily make an element chemically inactive. While a valence shell octet or duet is the condition for maximum stability, having fully filled subshells does contribute to some increased stability. This can be seen in the ionization energies of Be and Mg compared to B and Al, where the disruption of the periodic trend is due to the extra stabilization from the filled subshells. The conversation also notes that this effect is also seen in electron affinities, although not as clearly.
  • #1
Hi all

I was woundering , and I searched for a convincing answer but
I didnt find any , so i hope i will find it here :)

Both Be and Mg (ofcourse othe examples apply ) have closed subshells
, why are they not chemically inactive (inert) ?:confused:
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Having closed subshells is not a condition for chemical inertness. The condition that maximizes stability (minimizes reactivity) is a valence shell octet (or a duet in the case of He).

However, having fully filled (and even half-filled) subshells does contribute to some increased stability. The fact that Be amd Mg are inherently so reactive (being only 2 electrons removed from an octet/duet) makes it a little hard to notice this small stabilization due to the filled subshell. However, careful measurements of ionization energies (and even electron affinities) clearly illustrate this stabilization.

Compare the 1st ionization energies of Be and B, and those of Mg and Al. The periodic trend is for the IE to increase as you go down the period. However, Be has a higher IE (899.5 kJ/mol) than B (800.6 kJ/mol) and Mg has a much higher IE (737.7 kJ/mol) than Al (577.5 kJ/mol). This is telling us that it's harder to pull out a valence electron from Be and Mg than from B and Al. This is a direct result of the extra stabilization from the filled subshells.

Note 1 : A similar disruption of the periodic trend in IEs is observed when you go from the N group (which has a half filled p subshell) to the O group.

Note 2 : Although less convincing (because the periodic trends are not as clear as with IEs), the effect of the stabilization is also seen in the electron affinities.
  • #3
thank you very much , I really appreciate your help :)

FAQ: Why Are Magnesium and Beryllium Not Chemically Inactive?

1. Why are magnesium and beryllium not chemically inactive?

Magnesium and beryllium are not chemically inactive because they have valence electrons in their outermost energy level, making them capable of forming chemical bonds with other elements.

2. How do magnesium and beryllium bond with other elements?

Magnesium and beryllium typically bond with other elements through ionic bonding, where they transfer their valence electrons to form ions with a full outer energy level.

3. What properties of magnesium and beryllium make them reactive?

Magnesium and beryllium have relatively low ionization energies, which means it takes less energy to remove their valence electrons and form chemical bonds. They also have small atomic radii, making it easier for them to form close bonds with other elements.

4. Are there any exceptions to the reactivity of magnesium and beryllium?

While magnesium and beryllium are generally considered reactive, there are some compounds in which they exhibit more stable or inert behavior. For example, beryllium oxide is highly resistant to chemical reactions and is used in high-temperature applications.

5. How do the reactivities of magnesium and beryllium compare to other elements in their respective groups?

Magnesium and beryllium are both considered to be relatively reactive compared to other elements in their respective groups. However, they are not as reactive as some other elements such as lithium and sodium in Group 1 or aluminum in Group 13.
