Why does the current stop at pinch voltage in a JFET?

  • Thread starter nhrock3
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In summary, a JFET pinch voltage is the voltage at which the depletion layer between the P and N regions of the JFET becomes thin enough to "pinch" off current flow. It is determined by the material properties of the JFET and can affect the device's performance and reliability in electronic circuits. The JFET pinch voltage must be considered in circuit design to avoid unexpected behavior. It cannot be adjusted or controlled, but can be selected based on the specific JFET and is also affected by external factors.
  • #1

i thought that as we increase the voltage the gap becomes smaller
and in pinch voltage we have an open circuit

but the grath says otherwise
that as we increase the voltage the current increases and in the pinch voltage (when there is no way for the electrons to move and we have a total deplition region on one side)
we have a saturation
and there is no decrease in current no where
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
in here
when i increase the Vdc the current stop
no matter what in the Vgs
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FAQ: Why does the current stop at pinch voltage in a JFET?

1. What is a JFET pinch voltage?

A JFET (Junction Field-Effect Transistor) pinch voltage is the voltage at which the depletion layer between the P and N regions of the JFET becomes so thin that the electric field is able to "pinch" off the current flow through the device. This is also known as the pinch-off voltage.

2. How is the JFET pinch voltage determined?

The JFET pinch voltage is determined by the material properties of the JFET, specifically the doping levels and the thickness of the depletion layer. It can also be affected by external factors such as temperature and applied voltage.

3. What is the significance of the JFET pinch voltage?

The JFET pinch voltage is an important operating parameter for JFETs, as it dictates the maximum voltage that can be applied to the device before it enters the pinch-off region. This can affect the performance and reliability of the JFET in electronic circuits.

4. How does the JFET pinch voltage affect circuit design?

The JFET pinch voltage must be taken into consideration when designing circuits using JFETs, as exceeding the pinch voltage can result in the device entering the pinch-off region and causing a decrease in current flow. This can lead to unexpected or undesirable behavior in the circuit.

5. Can the JFET pinch voltage be adjusted or controlled?

The JFET pinch voltage is a characteristic of the device that cannot be adjusted or controlled. However, it can be selected based on the specific JFET being used for a particular application, as different JFETs have different pinch voltages. Additionally, external factors such as temperature and applied voltage can affect the pinch voltage.
