Problem the 555 get triggered when i power up circuit

In summary, removing the capacitor on pin 3 of the 555 monostable fixes the problem of it triggering on startup.
  • #1
I am connecting a Not and And gate to an activation switch (S1 or S2) that trigger a 555 to turn on a motor using a relay , i am using a main power up toogle switch that power the 555(vcc of 555 is sensor1) , so when it is off the 555 can't be triggered ,my problem is that everytime i turn on the toogle switch ( connecting 5 V to Sensor1) , the 555 get triggered alone and one cycle is run , attached is the circuit , and gate and not gate are connected to 5 V before the toogle switch is in position of sensor1...

Any ideas of how to fix it ?



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  • #2
Are you using the 556 as a monostable? If so, I think I know what causes this.

Try removing the capacitor C3 on pin 3. This is not necessary and it causes a delay on the lower two 5K resistors and you get a false triggering, just on turn-on.
On a 555 this is pin 5 and you do the same thing.
  • #3
Yes i am using the 556 as monostable, i will try what you said , i let you know , thank you for your quick response...

  • #4
unfortunatelly i just tried that and it did not work , i took off the C3 and keep auto triggering when i put the toogle switch in position of sensor 1 :frown:

any other idea ?

Thank you
  • #5
Pull down resistor on TRIGGER_555

edit: currently you have a pull up on trigger_555, thus during power up it will turn HIGH first.
  • #6
Looks to me like you are triggering the 555 when applying the 5volt Vcc. (which is what ShadowPho1 suggested) Ususally one would have a power-on reset circuit of some sort. In this case, I whould hold the trigger low for a time while the power supply comes up. Not quite sure why you are using the switch for test/sensor.
  • #7
Your monostable circuit is fairly standard.

You could try removing the trigger input to the 556 (temporarily) to see if it still triggers on startup. It may be getting a pulse from earlier in the circuit when you turn on.

Leave C3 disconnected, though. It does cause this effect.
I had a camera being used for aerial photography which was being driven by a 555 monostable and it was taking a very expensive photo of the runway every time it was turned on. Removing this capacitor, which is always shown in circuit diagrams, fixed the problem.

FAQ: Problem the 555 get triggered when i power up circuit

1. Why does the 555 timer get triggered when I power up the circuit?

The 555 timer is a commonly used integrated circuit (IC) that is designed to trigger and control timing functions in electronic circuits. When power is supplied to the circuit, the internal components of the 555 timer are activated, causing it to trigger and start its timing function.

2. Can the 555 timer be triggered by other factors besides power up?

Yes, the 555 timer can also be triggered by external factors such as a change in voltage levels or a signal from another component in the circuit. However, power up is the most common trigger for the 555 timer.

3. How does the 555 timer get triggered by power up?

The 555 timer has a built-in voltage comparator that compares the voltage at the trigger pin to a reference voltage. When the voltage at the trigger pin exceeds the reference voltage, the timer is triggered and its output changes state.

4. Can I prevent the 555 timer from getting triggered on power up?

Yes, there are ways to prevent the 555 timer from getting triggered on power up. One way is to use a power-on reset circuit that delays the supply of power to the 555 timer, giving it time to stabilize before it can be triggered. Another way is to use a capacitor at the trigger pin to filter out any sudden voltage changes that may trigger the timer.

5. Are there any other factors that can affect the 555 timer's trigger on power up?

Yes, the trigger voltage of the 555 timer can also be affected by variations in temperature and the internal components of the IC. It is important to consider these factors when designing a circuit that utilizes the 555 timer.
