Charge density in terms of (r,θ) but need it in terms of the vector r'

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the approximate potential for points on the z axis, far from a sphere with a given charge density. The potential is calculated using the potential of the dipole equation and integrating it with respect to the spherical coordinates. The conversation also includes a discussion on a mistake in using the half-angle identity. Ultimately, the dominant term in the potential is the quadrapole term, and the correct answer is 3πkR5 / 64εoz3.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A sphere of radius R, centered at the origin, carries charge density
ρ(r,θ) = (kR/r2)(R - 2r)sinθ,
where k is a constant, and r, θ are the usual spherical coordinates.
Find the approximate potential for points on the z axis, far from the sphere.

Homework Equations

potential of the dipole
V(r,θ) = 1/4πεo * 1/r2 ∫ r'cosθ' ρ(r') dτ'

The Attempt at a Solution

I just want to know why I'm giving the charge density in terms of r and θ and yet I need it in terms of r'. I know that the vector r' is related to θ' by r' = rcosθ'
So I tried to say that since θ is the inclination from the xy plane and θ' is the angle between r and r' so that θ'+θ = π/2. Then that would give me
sinθ = [(π/2))-θ'] = cosθ'
Since the direction of r' is cosθ' I thought maybe I could replace r with r'?
so maybe
ρ(r',θ') = (kR/r'2)(R - 2r')cosθ' so
ρ(r') = (kR/r'2)(R - 2r') ?
PLEASE help I have a test on this tomorrow..
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  • #2
darkpsi said:

Homework Statement

A sphere of radius R, centered at the origin, carries charge density
ρ(r,θ) = (kR/r2)(R - 2r)sinθ,
where k is a constant, and r, θ are the usual spherical coordinates.
Find the approximate potential for points on the z axis, far from the sphere.

Homework Equations

potential of the dipole
V(r,θ) = 1/4πεo * 1/r2 ∫ r'cosθ' ρ(r') dτ'

The Attempt at a Solution

I just want to know why I'm giving the charge density in terms of r and θ and yet I need it in terms of r'. I know that the vector r' is related to θ' by r' = rcosθ'
So I tried to say that since θ is the inclination from the xy plane and θ' is the angle between r and r' so that θ'+θ = π/2. Then that would give me
sinθ = [(π/2))-θ'] = cosθ'
Since the direction of r' is cosθ' I thought maybe I could replace r with r'?
so maybe
ρ(r',θ') = (kR/r'2)(R - 2r')cosθ' so
ρ(r') = (kR/r'2)(R - 2r') ?
PLEASE help I have a test on this tomorrow..

Looks to me that you are confusing yourself on a simple matter. When inside the integral, it is often convenient to use primed-coordinates to separate from the original matter. If you had

V(r,\theta)=\frac{1}{4\pi\varepsilon_0}\,\frac{1}{r^2}\int r\cos[\theta]\rho(r)d\tau

it might confuse you because your limits of integration would also be in terms of [itex]r[/itex] and [itex] \theta[/itex]. The prime markers just show that, inside the integrand, [itex]r'[/itex] is slightly different from [itex]r[/itex], but does become [itex]r[/itex] after integration; this way you have

V(r,\theta)=\frac{1}{4\pi\varepsilon_0}\,\frac{1}{r^2}\int r'\cos[\theta']\rho(r')d\tau'

to tell the difference between what needs to be integrated and what is already taken care of through integration.
  • #3
so in ρ(r,θ) = (kR/r2)(R - 2r)sinθ, r and θ are bascially r' and θ'?
when I integrate it that way I'm getting
∫ r'cosθ' kR(R-2r')sin2θ' dr'dθ'dφ'
then integrating ∫sin2θ' cosθ' dθ' I get
1/3sin3θ' (0 -> pi) which gives me zero.
And the answer is supposed to be
V(z) = 1/4πεo kπ2R5/(24z2)
  • #4
darkpsi said:
And the answer is supposed to be
V(z) = 1/4πεo kπ2R5/(24z2)

What makes you think that?...I also get that the monopole and dipole terms both vanish, and so the dominant term will be the quadrapole term...
  • #5
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  • #6
That's a pretty sketchy website to be looking for homework solutions...the answer they give doesn't even have the correct units, so that should be a dead giveaway that something is wrong.

Your quadrapole term is a little off...why not show me your calculation?
  • #7
Here goes:

V(r,θ) = 1/4πεo * 1/r3 ∫∫∫0R (3/2 cos2θ' - 1/2) kRsin2θ' (Rr'2 - 2r'3) dr'dθ'dφ'

= 1/4πεo * 1/r3 ∫∫0π (3/2 cos2θ' - 1/2) kRsin2θ' (-1/6 kR4) dθ'dφ'

| Using 3/2 cos2θ'(cos2θ' - 1)
| = 3/2 (cos4θ' - cos2θ')
| = 3/2 [(1/2 + 1/2cos2θ')2 - cos2θ']

= 1/4πεo * 1/r3 ∫∫0π [3/2 [(1/2 + 1/2cos2θ')2 - cos2θ'] sin2θ' (-1/6 kR4) dθ'dφ'

= 1/4πεo * 1/r3 ∫∫0π 3/2[(1/4 + 1/2cos2θ' + 1/4cos22θ')- cos2θ'] -1/2sin2θ' (-1/6 kR4) dθ'dφ'

= 1/4πεo * 1/r3 (-1/6 kR4) ∫0( 3/2[(θ'/4 + 1/4sin2θ' + θ'/8 + 1/16sin2θ')] - 1/2(θ'/2 - 1/4sin2θ'|0π dφ'

| Since all the sine terms are zero I got

= 1/4πεo * 1/r3 (-1/6 kR4) ∫0( 3/2[(θ'/4 + θ'/8)] - 1/2(θ'/2)|0π dφ'

= 1/4πεo * 1/r3 (-1/6 kR4) ∫0 3/2(-3/8π) dφ'

= 1/4πεo * 1/r3 (-1/6 kR4) 3/2(-3/8π) * 2π

= 3πkR5 / 64εor3 |r=z

= 3πkR5 / 64εoz3

I think there may be a mistake in my use of the half-angle identity?
  • #8
darkpsi said:
| Using 3/2 cos2θ'(cos2θ' - 1)
| = 3/2 (cos4θ' - cos2θ')
| = 3/2 [(1/2 + 1/2cos2θ')2 - cos2θ']

Why are you using this?

  • #9
gabbagabbahey said:
Why are you using this?


Because I was distributing the sin2 to just that term and then trying to solve that integral. But I see that you're way is much easier. Thanks!

FAQ: Charge density in terms of (r,θ) but need it in terms of the vector r'

1. What is charge density in terms of (r,θ)?

Charge density in terms of (r,θ) refers to the distribution of electric charge within a given volume or region of space, described in terms of the distance from the origin (r) and the angle from the x-axis (θ).

2. How is charge density represented in terms of the vector r'?

In terms of the vector r', charge density is represented as a function of the position vector r' that describes the location of the point in space where the charge is located.

3. Can charge density be negative in terms of the vector r'?

Yes, charge density can be negative in terms of the vector r'. This would indicate that the charge is distributed in a way that creates an electric field that points in the opposite direction of the position vector r'.

4. How does charge density affect the electric field in terms of the vector r'?

The electric field at a given point in space is directly proportional to the charge density at that point in terms of the vector r'. A higher charge density will result in a stronger electric field, while a lower charge density will result in a weaker electric field.

5. What is the relationship between charge density and Coulomb's law in terms of the vector r'?

Coulomb's law, which describes the force between two point charges, can be written in terms of the vector r' as F = (1/4πε0)(q1q2/|r'|2). This equation shows that the force between two charges is directly proportional to the charge densities of the two charges and the inverse square of the distance between them.
