Free Access to Online Physics Journals for Students?

In summary: It is true that many researchers post their papers electronically, but this does not mean that the journals are free to access. Journals typically charge subscription fees for their content.
  • #1
I am a student from a third-world country. How can I access the APS and other online journals? In my country most students don't have a .edu email address. Any idea where I can access such kind of valuable knowledge? Also, I have seen that most of the reasearch papers are locked behind a sub-wall? Any particular reason why?

I really love to read new stuff. Unfortunately, I am not privileged to study in an american or a british college. I just came across this link on the PhysicsForums about free access:

But I am not able to access these journals? What should I do?

Physics news on
  • #2
You can't access them because the journals charge a subscription fee which most universities would pay for you. You can access some for free if they have been posted at . Those you should be able to access from anywhere.
  • #3
Does your university library have subscriptions to the journals?
  • #4
Nope. it doesnt. :(
  • #5
jp2009 said:
I have seen that most of the reasearch papers are locked behind a sub-wall? Any particular reason why?

It costs money to produce a scientific journal.
  • #6
But if researchers start posting themselves electronically, then wouldn't it be free?
  • #7
Researchers publish in high end journals for a reason, it isn't just about getting your work out there, it's about having your work recognized in a decent journal. That usually means people have to pay to read it.
  • #8
That is true. Actually what happens here is that the universities here don't offer us these logins. We do not get access to such valuable knowledge. :( I am sure that America and Europe too would be having at least a few researchers who can't afford to pay these sub-wall fees. I would really like to access all knowledge but can't due to monetary and then political reasons. Alas..
  • #9
I can't possibly imagine in America/Europe researchers having trouble paying the sub-wall fees. My university provides campus-wide access to 99% of the journals out there. My professor I worked for during the summer had stacks of research journals on his desk every day, all of which are not free.

As already pointed out, is probably your best bet for accessing journal articles. The exceptional papers on the arxiv end up in these high-end journals anyway (as far as I know, someone can correct me if I am wrong). So you're basically getting a free-screening of the papers that might end up in Physical Review, or Nature, etc.

FAQ: Free Access to Online Physics Journals for Students?

What are the benefits of free access to online physics journals for students?

Free access to online physics journals allows students to stay up-to-date with the latest research and advancements in the field, enhancing their knowledge and understanding of physics. It also provides students with the opportunity to access a wide range of resources and information, which can aid in their studies and research projects. Additionally, free access to online physics journals can save students money, as they do not have to pay for expensive journal subscriptions.

How can students access free online physics journals?

There are several ways for students to access free online physics journals. Some universities and institutions have subscriptions to online journals, which students can access through their school's library website. There are also open access journals, which are available to anyone for free. Additionally, some funding organizations and government agencies provide free access to online journals for students.

What types of information can students find in online physics journals?

Online physics journals contain a wide range of information, including research articles, reviews, and case studies. They also often include data, graphs, and images, which can aid in understanding complex concepts. Additionally, some journals may have interactive features such as simulations or videos to help students visualize and engage with the material.

How can students determine the credibility of online physics journals?

When accessing online physics journals, it is important for students to consider the credibility of the source. One way to determine this is by looking at the journal's impact factor, which is a measure of how often the articles in the journal are cited by other researchers. Students can also check the authors' credentials and affiliations, as well as the peer-review process of the journal.

Are there any limitations to free access to online physics journals for students?

While free access to online physics journals can provide many benefits, there are some limitations to consider. Some journals may only offer a limited number of articles for free, while others may have a delay in making new articles available. Additionally, not all online physics journals may be reputable or have a high impact factor, so it is important for students to carefully evaluate the sources they use.
