Undergrad Measure Theory vs Research: What to Choose?

In summary, the conversation discusses the importance of a measure theory course as an undergraduate, particularly for those interested in fields such as probability theory, integration theory, ergodic theory, Lie theory, and operators. The most important theorem for 21st century mathematics is argued to be Szemeredi's lemma. The conversation concludes with the decision to take both the measure theory course and do research in differential geometry, as both are valuable for future studies in this field.
  • #1
How important is a measure theory course as an undergrad? I have to choose between taking an undergrad measure theory course and doing research. I'm already doing another research project, but I figure no grad school is going to penalize me for doing too much research. But how "bad" is it that I'm not taking a Measure Theory course? There is no way I can do measure theory and the research, it would put me at 6 courses which is just way too much for me given all the other nonacademic things I have to deal with.

I have taken an analysis course which did all the basics: sequences, series, derivative, all the way up to the Riemann integral. I have also taken a complex analysis course.
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  • #2
Mmm. What are you interested doing research in? What are the other courses? If you've only gone up to Riemann integrals, measure theory is basically an extension of the notion of Lesbegue integration. Very important for some fields, not for others. Can you give us a context?
  • #3
Dick said:
Mmm. What are you interested doing research in? What are the other courses? If you've only gone up to Riemann integrals, measure theory is basically an extension of the notion of Lesbegue integration. Very important for some fields, not for others. Can you give us a context?

My ultimate goal is to research differential geometry; I have been reading very broad overviews of Perelman's work, Richard Hamilton's founding work on Ricci flows and I am enamored with this field of geometry. I would also like to delve into more mathematical General Relativity, maybe the manifolds used in quantum gravity. I want to delve into a heavy dose of geometry, geometric analysis, and some topology. But I do see the value of taking measure theory as an undergrad, getting exposed to the material before taking in the same time a year from now in grad school. Some of my peers have told me if I plan on going into geometry, go for the geometry research project. I'm torn on the decision because up till now I have been able to take every course and fit it anything else into my schedule.
  • #4
this is a tough one, as both are valuable, but i will go with the research. measure theory is important for analysts and say people wanting to understand mathemaical foundations of quantum mechanics, but since you say you waNT differential geometry, i go with the research experience in geometry.
  • #5
Most important theorem for 21st century

Ditto mathwonk, FWI.

Measure theory is required for probablility theory and integration theory (in a graduate analysis course), which are required for ergodic theory, which is the most abstract part of dynamical systems theory. If you study Lie theory you'll run into "Haar measure", for example, and if you study anything involving operators you'll run into other measures. The most important theorem for 21st century mathematics is Szemeredi's lemma, which belongs to ergodic theory; see Terence Tao, "What is Good Mathematics?", http://www.arxiv.org/abs/math/0702396, which proposes Szemeredi as the canonical example of good mathematics. For philosophy as well as math students, there is no topic more important.

Nonetheless, ditto mathwonk. See Folland, Real Analysis for all the measure theory you'll need presented compactly (no pun intended).

("Most important": taking a cue from mathwonk, I am being deliberately provocative in hope of impressing the impressionable, for the very best of pedagogical reasons!)

("Philosophy students": because the most important problem to which philosophers can contribute is this: "what if anything is the signifcance of statistics?" I've been saying that for years but finally decided I am going to start saying it every darn chance I get, because I am really serious about this claim.)
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  • #6
Chris Hillman said:
Ditto mathwonk, FWI.

Measure theory is required for probablility theory and integration theory (in a graduate analysis course), which are required for ergodic theory, which is the most abstract part of dynamical systems theory. If you study Lie theory you'll run into "Haar measure", for example, and if you study anything involving operators you'll run into other measures. The most important theorem for 21st century mathematics is Szemeredi's lemma, which belongs to ergodic theory; see Terence Tao, "What is Good Mathematics?", http://www.arxiv.org/abs/math/0702396, which proposes Szemeredi as the canonical example of good mathematics. For philosophy as well as math students, there is no topic more important.

Nonetheless, ditto mathwonk. See Folland, Real Analysis for all the measure theory you'll need presented compactly (no pun intended).

("Most important": taking a cue from mathwonk, I am being deliberately provocative in hope of impressing the impressionable, for the very best of pedagogical reasons!)

("Philosophy students": because the most important problem to which philosophers can contribute is this: "what if anything is the signifcance of statistics?" I've been saying that for years but finally decided I am going to start saying it every darn chance I get, because I am really serious about this claim.)

I want to take it because he does a chapter on the space of measurable functions, a little sneak peek to functional analysis. arg, I might just take both...screw it. this is my last semester to take real math courses since I'm graduating in May and in Spring I need to take 4 general ed courses to graduate. I'm going to do both because i want to do both.

FAQ: Undergrad Measure Theory vs Research: What to Choose?

1. What is the difference between Undergrad Measure Theory and Research?

Undergrad Measure Theory is a course that covers the fundamentals of measure theory, which is a branch of mathematics that deals with the concept of measurement. Research, on the other hand, involves the systematic investigation into a particular topic or problem in order to discover new information or insights.

2. Which one should I choose: Undergrad Measure Theory or Research?

The choice between Undergrad Measure Theory and Research ultimately depends on your interests and career goals. If you are interested in pursuing a career in mathematics or statistics, then Undergrad Measure Theory may be more beneficial for you. If you are interested in conducting research in a specific field, then Research would be a better choice.

3. Is Undergrad Measure Theory a prerequisite for Research?

No, Undergrad Measure Theory is not a prerequisite for Research. However, having a strong understanding of measure theory can be helpful in conducting research, especially in fields such as mathematics, statistics, physics, and engineering.

4. Can I do both Undergrad Measure Theory and Research simultaneously?

Yes, it is possible to do both Undergrad Measure Theory and Research simultaneously. However, it may require a lot of time and dedication as both require a significant amount of effort and focus.

5. How can Undergrad Measure Theory and Research benefit my career?

Both Undergrad Measure Theory and Research can provide valuable skills and knowledge that can benefit your career. Undergrad Measure Theory can give you a strong foundation in mathematics and statistics, which are highly valuable in many industries. Research can also help develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills, which are highly sought after by employers in various fields.

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