Elemental Chemistry: The Significance of Atomic Mass and Atomic Number

In summary, the atomic number, which determines the number of electrons, is more important than the atomic mass in chemical reactions. While atomic mass may play a role in nuclear reactions, the number of valence-shell electrons is the most significant chemical property of an element.
  • #1
which is more important to the chemical behaviour of an element?

cant seem to find this anwhere
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
atomic mass
  • #3
Electrons and orbitals are an important part of chemistry, unless something is an ion the atomic number is the number of electrons. I would say atomic numer is more important.
  • #4
how come? :smile:
  • #5
atomic mass
  • #6
well basically put it this way... carbon has different kinds of atomic mass, one is 14, one is 12 and some are other number. 14 is the most reactive one among all the isotopes of carbon. so therefore, atomic mass is important in chemical reaction in elements
  • #7
love_joyously, atomic mass definately becomes more important on the nuclear level, but I still stand by what I have already said.

J_o_S, in chemistry you study bonding and reactions and the electrons play an important part in that.
  • #8
Gamecubesupreme is wrong. love_joyously is wrong. To both of you: please do not answer questions when you are not sure your answer is correct.

The atomic mass is almost completely irrelevant in almost all chemical reactions. The number of valence-shell electrons (determined by the atomic number) is by FAR the most important chemical property of an element.

- Warren
  • #9
ok.. sorry. my bad
  • #10
Do not feel bad, he did say "element" which would probably cause people to think of atoms by themselves rather than the interactions with other atoms.

FAQ: Elemental Chemistry: The Significance of Atomic Mass and Atomic Number

What is the difference between atomic mass and atomic number?

Atomic mass is the total mass of an atom, which is mainly determined by the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus. Atomic number, on the other hand, is the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom. In other words, atomic mass tells us the mass of the atom as a whole, while atomic number tells us the identity of the element.

How are atomic mass and atomic number related?

Atomic mass and atomic number are related in that they both provide information about the composition of an atom. The atomic number is equal to the number of protons, which also determines the element's identity. The atomic mass, on the other hand, is the sum of the protons and neutrons in the nucleus, so it is always slightly larger than the atomic number.

Why is atomic mass listed in decimal form?

The atomic mass of an element is listed in decimal form because it takes into account the average mass of all the isotopes of that element. Isotopes are atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons in their nuclei, resulting in slightly different atomic masses. The decimal form takes into account the abundance of each isotope to provide a more accurate representation of the average mass of the element.

How are atomic mass and atomic weight different?

Atomic mass and atomic weight are often used interchangeably, but they are slightly different. Atomic mass is the mass of a single atom, while atomic weight is the average mass of all the atoms of an element, taking into account the abundance of each isotope. Atomic weight is listed on the periodic table, while atomic mass can vary slightly depending on the isotope.

Why is atomic number more important than atomic mass in determining an element's properties?

Atomic number is more important than atomic mass in determining an element's properties because it is the atomic number that determines the element's identity and its position on the periodic table. The number of protons in the nucleus determines the element's chemical and physical properties, while the mass may vary slightly due to the presence of different isotopes.

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