Book for Independent Study in Modern, Thermal, or Mathematical Physics?

In summary: Thermal Physics:I haven't read Thermal Physics for myself, but I think it might be a good book to start with if you want a more general overview of the subject.Mathematical Methods:I have found Mathematical Methods in the Physical Science to be a very helpful book when studying for exams. It is written at a graduate level, so it might be a bit too advanced for you, but it does have a lot of problem sets and examples that can be helpful.
  • #1
I'm looking to do a guided independent study course at my college next term; the college doesn't offer physics beyond the introductory calculus-based sequence, which I've completed, and I'm not yet ready to transfer. The physics major sequence at the school to which I intend to transfer continues with thermal physics, modern physics, and a mathematical methods sequence. I'm hoping to get a little bit ahead in one of those areas (not terribly picky about which).

I have a solid math background including multivariable calculus and linear algebra and will be taking differential equations concurrently. I will have access to two wonderful instructors who will be happy to help explain any sticky parts, so I can probably handle a book geared to upper-level undergraduates. However, I don't want to get too far over my head - I don't think I can handle books written at the graduate level. I'd prefer a book in more-or-less "textbook" format with problem sets rather than a reference-style book, since I don't want to have to ask my professors to write problems just for me.

So, can anyone recommend a text in one of those three areas that they consider an ideal follow-up to the first-year introductory sequence?
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  • #2
There are lots of books in each of the areas that you've listed. Here are example for each area.

Thermal Physics: An Introduction to Thermal Physics by Daniel Scroeder.

Modern Physics: Modern Physics by Tipler and Llewellyn.

Mathematical Methods: Mathematical Methods in the Physical Science by Mary Boas.
  • #3
Mathematical Methods:
I agree with George Jones on Boas' book.
I've also found R. Shankar's book "Basic Training in Mathematics" to be of some help. It leaves off at linear vector spaces, so it really is relatively basic, but Shankar shows some interesting tips and notes on things you might not normally notice in self study.

Modern Physics:
I believe you can find Tipler's Modern Physics for $1.99 online. At that price, it's at least worth a look.

FAQ: Book for Independent Study in Modern, Thermal, or Mathematical Physics?

1. What is a "Book for Independent Study in Modern, Thermal, or Mathematical Physics?"

A "Book for Independent Study in Modern, Thermal, or Mathematical Physics" is a comprehensive textbook that covers topics in modern, thermal, and mathematical physics. It is designed for self-study and is often used by students and researchers in these fields.

2. Who is this book intended for?

This book is intended for students and researchers in the fields of modern, thermal, and mathematical physics. It is also suitable for anyone who is interested in learning more about these topics and has a basic understanding of physics and mathematics.

3. What topics are covered in this book?

This book covers a wide range of topics in modern, thermal, and mathematical physics, including quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, and mathematical methods in physics. It also includes numerous examples, exercises, and problems to help readers deepen their understanding of the material.

4. How is this book different from other textbooks on physics?

This book is designed for independent study, meaning it is written in a clear and concise manner, with self-contained chapters that allow readers to learn at their own pace. It also includes a variety of real-world applications and examples, making the material more relatable and engaging.

5. Is this book suitable for beginners?

While this book does assume a basic understanding of physics and mathematics, it can be used by beginners who are motivated to learn and have a strong foundation in these subjects. The book also includes appendices with helpful review material and a glossary of key terms.

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