Why are there several gauge fixing choice for gauge symmetry fields?

In summary, gauge symmetry fields have redundant configurations that need to be cut off in order to accurately describe the physics of the field. This is done through the use of gauge fixing conditions, which can vary and lead to different laws. These conditions must exhaustively cut off all redundant configurations in order to accurately describe the field's physics. If the remaining configuration is smaller than the elementary subconfiguration, there may be technical problems in finding a "good" gauge fixing function. However, the essential idea is clear in terms of accurately describing gauge invariant observables and the freedom to work in different gauges specified by the gauge fixing function.
  • #1
Please teach me this:
For gauge symmetry fields,only one of any elementary subconfiguration of the whole configuration covers the all physics of the field.So we need to cut off the redundant configuration.It seem to me,in a loose sense,there is only one way to cut off the redundancy(the gauge fixing condition).But in fact,they use many gauge conditions(e.g for electromagnetic field),from which we could derive different laws.Do they exhaustively cut off all the redundant configuration,and so why they lead to different laws.
Thank you very much in advanced.
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  • #2
It seem to me any gauge fixing condition does not affect the physics of the field despite the ''remaining configuration'' after the ''cutting off'' is not ''smaller'' than ''elementary subconfiguration.So,what happened if the ''remaining'' is smaller than elementary subconfiguration?
  • #3
Look at the following example:

[tex]A = \int_0^\infty dr\,r\,a(r)[/tex]

Now we re-write this as

[tex]A = \frac{1}{2\pi}\int_0^{2\pi} d\phi \int dr\,r\,a(r) = \frac{1}{2\pi}\int d^2r\, a(r)[/tex]

We have managed to rewrite the integral such that we have a gauge symmetry

[tex]\phi \to \phi^\prime[/tex]

which corresponds to SO(2) rotations in the xy-plane. Gauge-fixing this integral means that we introduce a delta-function. The simplest way is

[tex]A \to = \frac{1}{2\pi}\int d^2r\, 2\pi\,\delta(\phi-\phi_0)\,a(r)[/tex]

But there are more general possibilities like

[tex]A \to \frac{1}{2\pi}\int d^2r\, f(\phi)\,\delta[G(\phi)]\,a(r)[/tex]

where G is a gauge fixing function and f corresponds to the Fadeev-Popov determinant. The delta-function "counts" only zeros of G, so a "good" gauge fixing function is one that has exactly on zero. f can be calculated uniquely from G using the properties of the delta function (are you familiar with them?) and requiring that

[tex]1 = \frac{1}{2\pi}\int_0^{2\pi} d\phi\, f(\phi)\,\delta[G(\phi)][/tex]

In quantum field theory we are interested in calculating gauge invariant observables A; the choice of G reflects the freedom to work in different gauges specified by G. There are technical problems like finding "good" gauge fixing functions G, but the essential idea should be clear.
  • #4
There is also a related explanation using the Hamiltonian formulation like in classical mechanics.

FAQ: Why are there several gauge fixing choice for gauge symmetry fields?

1. Why is gauge fixing necessary in gauge symmetry fields?

Gauge fixing is necessary in gauge symmetry fields because it allows us to choose a specific gauge (or reference) in which we can analyze and solve physical problems. This helps simplify the equations and makes it easier to study the behavior of particles or fields.

2. What are the different gauge fixing choices for gauge symmetry fields?

There are several gauge fixing choices for gauge symmetry fields, including the Lorenz gauge, Coulomb gauge, and axial gauge. These choices differ in how they impose constraints on the gauge fields and how they simplify the equations.

3. How do gauge fixing choices affect the physical interpretation of gauge symmetry fields?

The choice of gauge fixing can affect the physical interpretation of gauge symmetry fields because it can change the form of the equations and the solutions. For example, different gauge choices can lead to different physical predictions or interpretations of the same phenomenon.

4. Are there any limitations to the gauge fixing choices for gauge symmetry fields?

Yes, there are limitations to gauge fixing choices for gauge symmetry fields. In some cases, certain gauge choices may not be applicable or may lead to unphysical solutions. It is important to carefully choose the appropriate gauge for a given problem.

5. How do gauge fixing choices relate to the gauge symmetry principle?

Gauge fixing choices are related to the gauge symmetry principle because they allow us to choose a specific gauge in which the equations of motion are invariant under gauge transformations. This ensures that the physical predictions are independent of the choice of gauge, as dictated by the gauge symmetry principle.

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