Exploring the Consequences of Galois Group Isomorphism to Quaternions

In summary, the conversation revolves around the statement that a rational polynomial with a Galois group isomorphic to the quaternions must have a degree of at least 8. The reasoning behind this is that the splitting field K must have a degree of at least 4, and since the Galois group has a finite number of subgroups, K must be simple and can be represented as K \cong \mathbb{Q}(a) for some root of a minimal polynomial of degree 8. This leads to the conclusion that m_a divides f, and since m_a has a degree of 8, f must have a degree of at least 8. Further discussion explores the possibility of other permutation groups containing the quaternions
  • #1
This statement was made in my class and I'm trying still to piece together the details of it...

We say that some rational polynomial, [tex]f[/tex] has a Galois group isomorphic to the quaternions. We can then conclude that the polynomial has degree [tex]n \geq 8[/tex].

I have a few thoughts on this and I might be overlooking something simple...but letting [tex]K[/tex] be the splitting field, then [tex][K:\mathbb{Q}][/tex] divides [tex]n![/tex] so [tex]n \geq 4[/tex].

My other thought is that since the Galois group has finite number of subgroups then between K and the rational numbers are a finite number of intermediate fields, thus K is simple. With [tex]K \cong \mathbb{Q}(a)[/tex] for some root of a minimal polynomial whose degree must be 8 since [tex]\mathbb{Q}(a) \cong \mathbb{Q}[x]/\langle m_a \rangle [/tex].

Does [tex]m_a[/tex] divide [tex]f[/tex] or something?
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  • #2
(notation: In this post I shall use [itex](\sigma f)[/itex] to denote f with [itex]\sigma[/itex] applied to all the coefficients of f; it's well-known that the new polynomial has the same degree and if x is a root of f, then [itex]\sigma x[/itex] is a root of [itex]\sigma f[/itex]).

math_grl said:
Does [tex]m_a[/tex] divide [tex]f[/tex] or something?

Almost, let [itex]\beta \in K[/itex] be a root of f. Let [itex]\sigma : K \to K[/itex] be an automorphism fixing k and sending [itex]\beta \mapsto \alpha[/itex]. Now [itex](\sigma f)(\alpha) = 0[/itex] so [itex]m_\alpha | \sigma f[/itex] and since [itex]\deg(\sigma f) = \deg(f)[/itex] this let's you conclude [itex]8=\deg(m_\alpha) \leq \deg(f) = n[/itex].
  • #3
rasmhop said:
Let [itex]\sigma : K \to K[/itex] be an automorphism fixing k and sending [itex]\beta \mapsto \alpha[/itex]. Now [itex](\sigma f)(\alpha) = 0[/itex] so [itex]m_\alpha | \sigma f[/itex] and since [tex]\deg(\sigma f) = \deg(f)[/tex] this let's you conclude [tex]8=\deg(m_\alpha) \leq \deg(f) = n[/tex].

Isn't an automorphism from K to K fixing k the identity? or do you mean fixing [tex]\mathbb{Q}[/tex], the base field?

And just so I understand what you are trying to say is that the roots of [tex]m_a[/tex] are roots of f, since K is the splitting field for both [tex]m_a[/tex] and [tex]f[/tex]?
  • #4
As a permutation group, the quaternions are a subgroup of [tex]S_8[/tex] generated by the permutations [tex]\{(1234)(5678), (1537)(2846)\}[/tex]. Therefore [tex]f[/tex] must have 8 roots in [tex]K/\mathbb{Q}[/tex]. So the degree of [tex]f[/tex] must be [tex]\geq 8[/tex] (with equality if [tex]f[/tex] is irreducible).
  • #5
I shouldn't mess with this question but I'm curious: I once did an algebra problem where one of the roots of the polynomial was

sqrt(2) + sqrt(3) + sqrt(5)

and of course there are eight roots for all possible choices of the signs, so there's an eighth degree polynomial. I wonder if that's an example of the quaternion group?
  • #6
mrbohn1 said:
As a permutation group, the quaternions are a subgroup of [tex]S_8[/tex] generated by the permutations [tex]\{(1234)(5678), (1537)(2846)\}[/tex]. .

Is S8 the only permutation group the quaternions are a subgroup of?
  • #7
I'm pretty sure there are a few subgroups of [tex]S_8[/tex] containg the quaternions, although I don't know off-hand. For the purposes of this question, all you need to know is that as a permutation group they act on 8 objects - in this case: 8 non-rational roots.

FAQ: Exploring the Consequences of Galois Group Isomorphism to Quaternions

1. What is the Galois group isomorphism to quaternions and why is it important?

The Galois group isomorphism to quaternions is a mathematical relationship between two groups, the Galois group and the quaternion group. It is important because it allows for the application of abstract algebra concepts to the study of quaternions, which have many practical applications in fields such as physics, engineering, and computer graphics.

2. How does the Galois group isomorphism to quaternions impact the study of algebraic structures?

The Galois group isomorphism to quaternions provides a deeper understanding of the relationship between different algebraic structures. It allows for the translation of concepts and techniques from one structure to another, making it easier to analyze and solve problems in both fields.

3. What are some real-life applications of the Galois group isomorphism to quaternions?

The Galois group isomorphism to quaternions has many real-life applications, such as in the development of computer graphics algorithms, the design of spacecrafts and robots, and the study of crystallography and molecular geometry. It also has applications in physics, particularly in the study of quantum mechanics and electromagnetism.

4. How does the Galois group isomorphism to quaternions relate to other mathematical concepts?

The Galois group isomorphism to quaternions is closely related to other mathematical concepts, such as group theory, field theory, and ring theory. It also has connections to other areas of mathematics, such as topology, differential geometry, and number theory.

5. What are some potential areas for further research in exploring the consequences of Galois group isomorphism to quaternions?

There are many potential areas for further research in this field, such as investigating the relationship between the Galois group isomorphism and other mathematical structures, exploring its applications in different fields, and developing new techniques and algorithms based on this concept. Additionally, there is room for further investigation into the connections between the Galois group isomorphism and other areas of mathematics, as well as potential applications in quantum computing and cryptography.
