Retarded Time & Position: Exploring Electrodynamic Concepts

It differs from w(t) because w(t) represents the current position of the particle. In summary, the conversation discusses the concepts of retarded time and retarded position in electrodynamics. Retarded time is the sum of the time elapsed since the electromagnetic 'news' reached a point and the time it took for the news to reach that point. Retarded position is the position of a particle when the electromagnetic 'news' first reached it, compared to its current position.
  • #1
Hey everyone,
Just a quick question about a few electrodynamic concepts:

1) retarded time: t = t_r - (curly)r/c. Is t = total time, t_r = time elspased since the electromagnetic 'news' reached the point in question, and r/c = time taken to reach the point in question?

2) I'm a bit confused about w(t_r), the retarded position. Is this the position of a particle when some electromagnetic 'news' first reached it, and is now currently at a different position? How does it differ from w(t)?

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  • #2
Your 1st equation should be:


where t is the present time, t_r was the time r/c ago from the present time.

w(t_r) stands for the position of a particle at a time r/c before the present time.

FAQ: Retarded Time & Position: Exploring Electrodynamic Concepts

1. What is retarded time and position in electrodynamic concepts?

Retarded time and position is a concept used in electromagnetism to describe the time and position of an event as it is observed from a specific point in space. It takes into account the finite speed of light and the distance between the observer and the event, resulting in a delay in the observation of the event.

2. How does retarded time and position affect our understanding of electromagnetism?

Retarded time and position allows us to accurately describe and predict the behavior of electric and magnetic fields, as well as the interactions between charged particles. It takes into account the time delay and distance between objects, providing a more complete understanding of the dynamics of electromagnetism.

3. Can you provide an example of retarded time and position in action?

One example is the phenomenon of light aberration, where the apparent position of a star is shifted due to the finite speed of light and the motion of the Earth. This shift can only be explained by taking into account the retarded time and position of the observation.

4. Why is it important to consider retarded time and position in electromagnetism?

Ignoring retarded time and position can lead to incorrect predictions and explanations of electromagnetic phenomena. By taking into account these factors, we can develop more accurate models and theories of electromagnetism.

5. Are there any practical applications of retarded time and position?

Yes, retarded time and position are used in the development of technologies such as satellite navigation systems, where precise calculations of time and position are essential for accurate positioning. They are also crucial in the study of space and the behavior of electromagnetic waves in the universe.
