Magetic contactor humming noise

In summary: Magnetostriction is a common cause of humming in AC contactors. Corona discharge from high-voltage power lines can also cause audible noise. In summary, AC contactors can produce audible noise due to magnetostriction or corona discharge. The frequency of the noise is dependent on the type of voltage and construction of the contactor. The noise can affect the performance of the contactor and can be caused by vibrations of the contactor's housing or enclosure.
  • #1
The ac contactor with two magnets sometimes give a noise.For some contactors humming is more audible.What are the possible causes of humming.
Also what is the effect of humming on performance of contactor.Can anybody help on this subject?
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  • #2
What's an AC contactor? How is it constructed, and what voltages and currents are involved?

There are two main sources of audible noise from AC voltages. The first is magnetostriction, when the AC voltage is placed across a coil around a magnetic material. The AC magnetic field that is induced in the magnetic material causes physical deformation at the excitation frequency, and this physical deformation can generate an audible noise. That's the main reason that big AC transformers hum at 50/60 Hz, and why you sometimes can hear a 15.750kHz squeal from the flyback transformers in TVs (that's the US frequecy).

The other cause of audible noise from 50/60 Hz voltages is around high-voltage power lines or switching yards, where you can get some corona discharge from the HV lines when the air gets humid enough.

So if the AC voltage is across a coil with magnetic material, the cause is magnetostriction. If the AC voltage is HV and there is no magnetic material involved, it is likely corona discharge.
  • #3

AC contactors are a common name that electricians use. They are heavy coil and contact relays; used for such thing as switching on three phase motors.


Probably most of what you are hearing is due to vibrations of the contactors housing/enclosure. The force of the coil to contact causes the 50/60 Hz hum which is transmitted through the enclosure.

FAQ: Magetic contactor humming noise

1. What causes a magnetic contactor to make a humming noise?

The humming noise from a magnetic contactor is typically caused by the electromagnetic coil inside the contactor. When the coil is energized, it creates a magnetic field which can vibrate and produce a humming sound.

2. Is the humming noise from a magnetic contactor normal?

In most cases, a slight humming noise from a magnetic contactor is normal and does not indicate a problem. However, if the noise is excessively loud or changes in pitch, it may be a sign of a malfunction and should be checked by a professional.

3. Can the humming noise be reduced or eliminated?

Yes, there are a few ways to reduce or eliminate the humming noise from a magnetic contactor. One option is to use a contactor with a quieter coil, or to install vibration dampening materials around the contactor. Another option is to add a noise filter to the circuit to reduce the electrical interference that can cause the humming sound.

4. Does the humming noise affect the performance of the contactor?

In most cases, the humming noise does not affect the performance of the contactor. However, if the noise is caused by a malfunction or damage to the contactor, it could potentially impact its performance. It is important to regularly inspect and maintain contactors to ensure proper functioning.

5. Are there any safety concerns related to the humming noise?

In general, the humming noise from a magnetic contactor does not pose any safety concerns. However, if the noise is accompanied by unusual smells, sparks, or other signs of malfunction, it is important to shut off the power and have a professional inspect the contactor to ensure it is safe to use.

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