Electric Field Strength of a Wire w/ Linear Charge Density

  • Thread starter foxjwill
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses finding the magnitude of the total electric field strength produced by a wire with uniform linear charge density at a distance x much greater than the wire's length. The conversation also addresses different approaches to solving the problem and the concept of "much greater than" in this context. The final answer is determined to be E = \frac{2\,k\,\lambda}{x}.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find the magnitude of the total electric field strength, [tex]E[/tex], at a distance [tex]x[/tex] produced by a wire of length [tex]l[/tex] and uniform linear charge density [tex]\lambda[/tex] such that [tex]x \gg l[/tex].


Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

This how we went through it in class:
First, we realized that the electric field in the y direction would be zero. So, working in the x direction,

[tex]dE = \frac{kdQ}{\sqrt{x^2 + y^2}}\cos{\theta}[/tex]

Since [tex]\lambda[/tex] is a uniform, it will be the same no matter how small of a portion of the wire is taken, so we can say that [tex]\lambda dy = dQ[/tex]. Also, based on the graphic and some ingenious trig,

[tex]\cos{\theta} = \frac{x}{\sqrt{x^2+y^2}}[/tex].


[tex]dE = \frac{xk\lambda dy}{(x^2+y^2)^{3/2}}[/tex].

Integrating from [tex]-l[/tex] to [tex]l[/tex],

E = {\int^l _{-l} \frac{xk\lambda}{(x^2+y^2)^{3/2}} dy}= \frac{2k\lamda l}{x\sqrt{x^2+l^2}}

But the question has that [tex]x\gg l[/tex]. How does this work? According to our teacher (it's her first year teaching this particular course, and for some reason the previous teachers all decided, among other things, not to tell her what kind of questions to expect), the answer should come out to be

[tex]E = \frac{2k\lambda}{x^2}[/tex].

What's stumping us is how we can just get rid of [tex]l[/tex]. If it was just on the bottom, we could find the limit as [tex]l \rightarrow 0[/tex]. But as it is now, doing so would result in a value of 0, which is wrong.

I was thinking possibly of doing something with differentials,
[tex]dE = \frac{-2k\lamda (l dx (2x^2 + l^2) - x^3 dl)}{x^2(x^2+l^2)^{3/2}}[/tex]
[tex]\lim_{l \rightarrow 0} dE = \frac{2k \lambda dl}{x^2}[/tex]
but then what do we do with [tex]dl[/tex]?)

or maybe taking the limit as [tex](x-l) \rightarrow \inf [/tex] (which I'm not entirely sure how to do).
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
As far as I can tell, the correct answer is
[tex]E = \frac{2kl\lambda}{x^2}[/tex].

That makes sense because when [tex]x>>l[/tex] you are essentially looking at a finite lump of charge from a distance. Bigger [tex]l[/tex] means more charge so more E.
  • #3
The correct answer is

[tex]E = \frac{2kl\lambda}{x^2}[/tex]

From [tex]x\gg l[/tex] you have [tex]\frac{l}{x}\ll 1\Rightarrow \frac{l}{x}\rightarrow 0[/tex]. So write the denominator as

[tex]x\,\sqrt{x^2+l^2}=x\,\sqrt{x^2\left(1+(\frac{l}{x})^2\right)} \rightarrow x^2 \quad \text{for} \quad \frac{l}{x}\rightarrow 0 \quad \text{and} \quad x>0 [/tex]
  • #4
mda said:
As far as I can tell, the correct answer is
[tex]E = \frac{2kl\lambda}{x^2}[/tex].

That makes sense because when [tex]x>>l[/tex] you are essentially looking at a finite lump of charge from a distance. Bigger [tex]l[/tex] means more charge so more E.

But if it's negligible compared to x, wouldn't changing it slightly not have much affect on E?

I was just thinking it through on the lines of differentials. Above, I wrote that

[tex]\lim_{l \rightarrow 0} dE = \frac{2k \lambda dl}{x^2}[/tex].

However, since [tex]x \gg l[/tex], wouldn't that mean that [tex]dx \gg dl[/tex]? So, that would mean that

[tex]\lim_{l \rightarrow 0} dE = \frac{2k \lambda}{x^2} {\lim_l \rightarrow 0} dl = 0[/tex]

and not [tex]\frac{2k \lambda dl}{x^2}[/tex].

Therefore, we can say that, overall, [tex]l[/tex] has negligible affect on [tex]E[/tex], and

[tex]E = \frac{2k\lambda}{x^2}[/tex].

Is this right?
  • #5
HallsofIvy, the "k" is just the Coulomb's constant! Nothing peculiar :smile:
  • #6
I found the actual question. It's similar to what I have above (which I'm still confused about; I don't really understand why you can keep the [tex]l[/tex] on top, but not on the bottom.), but not the same.

A very long, straight wire has charge per unit length 2.10e-10 C/m. At what distance from the wire is the electric field magnitude equal to 3.00 N/C?

The answer is 1.26 m, which can be gotten by plugging values into the formula:
[tex]E = \frac{2k\lambda}{x^2}[/tex],
where [tex]E[/tex] = electric field strength, [tex]k = \frac{1}{4 \pi \epsilon_0} \texttt{m/F}[/tex], [tex]\lambda[/tex] = linear charge density, and [tex]x[/tex] = distance.

Again, I got to

[tex]E = \frac{2kl\lambda}{x\sqrt{x^2+l^2}}[/tex].

Now, since this time [tex] l \gg x[/tex], what do I do?
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  • #7
Look at post #3
  • #8
Hmm. I think what's tripping me up is the definition of "much greater than." Is there a rigorous definition?

I'm going to have to think of a better way to formulate my confusion.
  • #9
Since now you have
A very long, straight wire

you have to integrate in the domain [tex](-\infty,+\infty)[/tex] so the electric field is

[tex]E = \frac{2\,k\,\lambda}{x}[/tex]
  • #10
Rainbow Child said:
Since now you have

you have to integrate in the domain [tex](-\infty,+\infty)[/tex] so the electric field is

[tex]E = \frac{2\,k\,\lambda}{x}[/tex]

Oh. That makes sense.

I'd still like to know if there's a rigorous definition for "much greater than."
  • #11
foxjwill said:
I'd still like to know if there's a rigorous definition for "much greater than."

As would I. Can anyone provide something? I am working with RF propagation, and far field region is defined as d>>wavelength. 10x? 20x? 100x?

FAQ: Electric Field Strength of a Wire w/ Linear Charge Density

1. What is the formula for calculating electric field strength of a wire with linear charge density?

The formula for calculating electric field strength (E) of a wire with linear charge density (λ) is: E = kλ / r, where k is the Coulomb constant and r is the distance from the wire.

2. How does the electric field strength of a wire with linear charge density change with distance?

The electric field strength of a wire with linear charge density decreases as the distance from the wire increases. This is because the electric field follows an inverse square law, meaning it decreases with the square of the distance.

3. Can the electric field strength of a wire with linear charge density be negative?

Yes, the electric field strength of a wire with linear charge density can be negative. This occurs when the wire has a negative charge and the direction of the electric field is opposite to that of the positive direction.

4. How does the linear charge density of a wire affect the electric field strength?

The linear charge density of a wire directly affects the electric field strength. The higher the linear charge density, the stronger the electric field will be at a given distance from the wire.

5. Is the electric field strength of a wire with linear charge density uniform?

No, the electric field strength of a wire with linear charge density is not uniform. It varies depending on the distance from the wire and the distribution of charge along the wire's length.
