Understanding Pressure: Forces F1, F2, F3 and Their Effects on Surfaces

  • Thread starter atavistic
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In summary, pressure at a point is determined by the magnitude of the vector sum divided by the area, or the sum of the magnitudes of individual forces divided by the area as the area approaches zero. On a surface, pressure is measured/acts perpendicular to the surface. For a given surface with pressure P, the force on the surface is in the normal direction. In most fluids, pressure is the same in every direction.
  • #1
Suppose we have lots of forces F1,F2,F3 etc acting at a point. Then pressure would be the magnitude of vector sum divided by area , limit of area tending to zero or just sum of magnitude of individual forces divided by area, limit of area tending to zero.

Also if we are given a surface and pressure on it is P, then we say force on the surface is FA (but keep in mind my above doubt), what is the direction of this force?

Please tell me all the subtle points like these about pressure.
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  • #2

The first part doesn't make a lot of sense - you can't really have more than one force at a point and a point has no area. It is also not usual to add three forces, assign an area to them, and call it "pressure", though it could make sense in some cases, such as where you have a distributed load on one side of an object and point loads on the other (such as a fish tank on a four-point stand).

For the second question - I don't see where you display a "doubt" in the first, so I'm not sure what you are asking. But pressure at a point in space goes in all directions. On a surface, it is measured/acts perpendicular.
  • #3
Hi atavistic! :smile:
atavistic said:
Then pressure would be the magnitude of vector sum divided by area , limit of area tending to zero or just sum of magnitude of individual forces divided by area, limit of area tending to zero.

Not quite …

pressure is the magnitude of the component of the vector sum in the normal direction, divided by area …
Also if we are given a surface and pressure on it is P, then we say force on the surface is FA (but keep in mind my above doubt), what is the direction of this force?

(you mean PA, i assume? :wink:)

The normal direction :smile:

though obviously, if the surface is curved, you'll have to do an integration of these normal forces to get a net force on the surface. :wink:

(but in most fluids, the pressure is the same in every direction :wink:)

FAQ: Understanding Pressure: Forces F1, F2, F3 and Their Effects on Surfaces

What is pressure?

Pressure is the force exerted on a surface per unit area. It is typically measured in units of pascals (Pa) or pounds per square inch (psi).

How is pressure calculated?

Pressure is calculated by dividing the force applied on a surface by the area of that surface. The formula is P = F/A, where P is pressure, F is force, and A is area.

What is the difference between forces F1, F2, and F3?

Forces F1, F2, and F3 are all types of forces that can exert pressure on a surface. F1 is a normal force, which is perpendicular to the surface. F2 is a shear force, which is parallel to the surface. F3 is a distributed force, which is spread out over an area of the surface.

How do these forces affect surfaces?

F1, F2, and F3 can all cause deformation or changes in shape of a surface. F1 can compress or expand a surface, F2 can cause sliding or tearing of a surface, and F3 can cause bending or twisting of a surface.

What are some real-life examples of pressure and its effects on surfaces?

Examples of pressure and its effects on surfaces include the weight of an object on a table, the force of wind on a building, and the pressure of water on the walls of a dam.
