Get Applied Math BS in addition to Physics? (Goal=Medical Physics)

In summary, if you want to get into a top medical physics program, it may not be worth getting a second BS.
  • #1
I was thinking about postponing my graduation one year to get a BS in Applied Mathematics in addition to my Physics BS.

My goal is to get into a top Medical Physics program. I am currently a member of a Medical Physics research group here at my school and have impressed my advisor. He thinks I have an idea that is worth publishing.

I know that Medical Physics relies heavily on mathematical modeling. Would it be a waste of time to stay here another year and get a second BS?

In addition to gaining applied math skills, I think it would give me time to work on some projects and get my name on some publications from my Medical Physics research group. Plus my wife and I love the weather here in California and are not looking forward to moving back east for graduate school.
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  • #2
Not worth it. Especially for medical physics. If you can get into grad school now, go now. If you can't then "getting your name on some publications" may be worth the time. The amath will not be (unless you're stuck there anyways).
  • #3
I used to coop at a couple medical physics outfits. None of them had much of a math background (which is part of the reason I ended up leaving coop).
  • #4
I think what this really depends on is how strong your application will be as you complete the physics degree. Additional mathematics can help you, depending on the project you choose, but provided you have a physics degree, you should already have a sufficient background to start a graduate project.

My advice would be to apply for the program that you're interested in. If you don't get in, do the extra year to strengthen your application. But if you do get in, there's not much point in delaying (unless staying in your current location is that important to you).

FAQ: Get Applied Math BS in addition to Physics? (Goal=Medical Physics)

What is a "Get Applied Math BS in addition to Physics" degree?

A "Get Applied Math BS in addition to Physics" degree is a program that combines the study of applied mathematics and physics. It is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in both fields, allowing them to apply mathematical principles to problems in physics and other scientific fields.

What is the goal of a "Get Applied Math BS in addition to Physics" degree?

The goal of this degree is to prepare students for a career in medical physics. Medical physics is a highly specialized field that applies principles of physics and mathematics to the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, such as cancer. This degree equips students with the skills and knowledge needed to pursue a career in this field.

What courses are typically included in a "Get Applied Math BS in addition to Physics" degree program?

Courses in this program typically include advanced mathematics courses such as calculus, differential equations, and linear algebra, as well as physics courses such as mechanics, electromagnetism, and quantum physics. Other courses may include biology, chemistry, and computer science.

What skills will I gain from a "Get Applied Math BS in addition to Physics" degree?

Through this degree, students will develop strong analytical, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills. They will also gain a deep understanding of mathematical and physical principles, as well as the ability to apply these principles to real-world problems. Additionally, students will gain skills in data analysis and computer programming.

What career opportunities are available with a "Get Applied Math BS in addition to Physics" degree?

Graduates with this degree can pursue careers in medical physics, as well as other fields such as biophysics, engineering, and data analysis. They may also choose to continue their education and pursue a graduate degree in a related field, such as medical physics, applied mathematics, or physics.

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