Paradox of Rigid Body: Solve the Mystery

In summary, the conversation discusses a rod rotating about one end, with an external force applied at the other end. This results in a tangential component of resultant force acting on each mass element of the rod. However, the conversation also brings up the concept of a constraint force at the fixed end of the rod, which is necessary to keep the fixed end in place. The calculation of this constraint force is derived through calculating the tangential component of resultant force and considering the moment of inertia. Ignoring this constraint force leads to a fallacy in the argument and the incorrect conclusion that the rod would fly off if there were no constraint force.
  • #1
There is a rod treating as rigid body, the rod which mass is m and lenghth is R rotate about one end of itself with the angular acceleration [tex]\alpha [/tex]. Apply a tangential external force f on another end to make the rod rotate. Now divide the rod into elements of mass. For each mass element dm with the distance r from the fixed end, it acted by an tangential component of resultant force dF which satisfy:

[tex]dF=dm\cdot a_{t} = dm\cdot \alpha r =\lambda dr \cdot \alpha r[/tex]([tex]\lambda[/tex] is the linear density)

[tex]\alpha =\frac{M}{I}=\frac{fR}{\frac{1}{3}mR^{2}}[/tex] (M is the moment of force,I is the moment of interia about the fixed end)

So the tangential component of resultant force F of the rod will be:

[tex]F = \int_{0}^{R}\lambda dr \cdot \alpha r=\frac{m}{R}\frac{fR}{\frac{1}{3}mR^{2}}\int_{0}^{R}r\cdot dr=\frac{3}{2}f[/tex]

As we see, F is not equal to f, is this a paradox? what is wrong in this argument?
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  • #2
There is a constraint force at the fixed end of the bar that is keeping the fixed end fixed, and you are ignoring this.
  • #3
D H said:
There is a constraint force at the fixed end of the bar that is keeping the fixed end fixed, and you are ignoring this.

I think ,at the fixed end ,the tangential component of resultant force dF is zero according to [tex]dF =\lambda dr \cdot \alpha r[/tex],which have included the constraint force.
  • #4
Try again.

If there were no constraint force the bar as a whole would go flying off.
  • #5
Isn't this" ? If you sum the moments around the free end, you'll see that there must be a nonzero component of force perpendicular to the bar at its fixed end, as D H says. Otherwise the bar wouldn't begin to rotate.
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  • #6
This is not Carroll's paradox. Carroll's paradox describes an unreal situation. The OP describes something that is real.
  • #7
Ah, right you are; I spoke (wrote) too soon.
  • #8
Note that the tangental force at the end of the rod is partially opposed by a force at the hinged end of the rod, and I don't see where this opposing force at the hinged end of the rod is taken into account in the original post.
  • #9
Yep, I have realized that I ignored the constraint force, but I still do not understand how to calculate the constraint force f',it is f'=3f/2-f=f/2, isn't it? Is there another way to calculate it ? I only learn a few thing about constraint force before. Constraint force can adjust to the condition automatically, is that right?
  • #10
You have:

This yields:
where C is an undetermined constant.
Using the relation F(R)=f, we get:
and that is the constraint force at the hinge.

Your fallacy lies in assuming that constraint force to be 0.
  • #11
redoxes said:
Yep, I have realized that I ignored the constraint force, but I still do not understand how to calculate the constraint force f',it is f'=3f/2-f=f/2, isn't it? Is there another way to calculate it ?

You could sum the moments around the center of mass and apply

  • #12
arildno said:
You have:

This yields:
where C is an undetermined constant.
Using the relation F(R)=f, we get:
and that is the constraint force at the hinge.

Your fallacy lies in assuming that constraint force to be 0.

I am afraid I could not agree with you, because under your assumption,there will be F(0)=C Which is not equal to zero at the fixed end, and this will make the rod fly off, so it sounds impossible. I would like to think:

[tex]f+C=F=\frac{3f\lambda R^{2}}{2mR}=\frac{3}{2}f [/tex]

and therefore: [tex]C=\frac{1}{2}f [/tex]

Is that right ?

FAQ: Paradox of Rigid Body: Solve the Mystery

What is the paradox of rigid body?

The paradox of rigid body is a phenomenon in classical mechanics where a solid object is able to rotate around a fixed point without experiencing any deformation or internal stresses.

How can the paradox of rigid body be solved?

The paradox can be solved by understanding the concept of inertia, which states that an object will remain in its state of motion unless acted upon by an external force. In the case of a rigid body, this means that the rotation will continue without any change in shape as long as no external force is applied.

What is the significance of the paradox of rigid body?

The paradox of rigid body is significant because it challenges our understanding of the physical world and forces us to rethink fundamental principles of physics. It also has practical applications in fields such as engineering and robotics.

What are some real-life examples of the paradox of rigid body?

A spinning top or gyroscope is a common example of the paradox of rigid body. These objects are able to maintain a stable rotation without changing shape or experiencing any internal stresses.

Are there any unresolved questions about the paradox of rigid body?

There are still debates and ongoing research about the paradox of rigid body, particularly in regards to its implications for relativity and quantum mechanics. However, the concept has been widely accepted and used in various fields of study.

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