Solving Green's Function for L w/ Boundary Conditions

In summary, the problem is that the derivative "jump" should be e^{(b/a)y}/e^{(b/a)y}=1, but it is not always the case.
  • #1
Hello! I have problem with my homework, but what I'm going to ask you is not homework problem so I hope it is OK I'm writing it here :)

I need to find Green's function for differential operator
i.e. find solution for differential equation equation
I'm looking for solution in interval [tex][0,1][/tex] and boundary conditions: [tex]G(0,y)=0, \frac{dG(1,y)}{dx}=0[/tex]. Well, my problem is, that I don't know what conditions the derivative [tex]\frac{dG(x,y)}{dx}[/tex] must satisfy for [tex]x\rightarrow y[/tex] from the left and from the right. I just know, that [tex]G(x,y)[/tex] must be continuous function (when we look at it as function in x argument) also in the point y.

On wikipedia there is said, that there should be derivative "jump". i.e.
[tex]\frac{dG(x,y)}{dx}\vert_{y^+}-\frac{dG(x,y)}{dx}\vert_{y^-}=1/p(y)[/tex], where [tex]p(y)[/tex] comes from the Sturm-Liouville differential operator which they consider, i.e. they just examine the case

So my question is: what are the conditions for the derivative jump in case of linear operator above? Or if there are none, how can I find Green function satisfying [tex]LG(x,y)=\delta(x-y)[/tex] as I have just three equations (comming from boundary problems and continuity) for four constants and these equations don't consider the delta function on the right side of the equation?

Thanks for your soon reply and I apologize for my very non-mathematical approach to that problem while formulating my questions, but this is homework problem from my physics classes and they didn't formulated theory of Green's functions very mathematicaly correctly so my all understanding of this problem is only intuitive.
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  • #2
Then put it in that (self adjoint) form! Remember finding "integrating factors" for linear first order equations? Do the same thing here. Imagine multiplying the entire equation by u(x) so you have [itex]au(x)d^2x/dt^2+ bu(x)dx/dt+ cu(x)u= 0[/itex]. In order for that to be of the form [itex]d(p(t)dx/dt)/dt+ q(x)= p(t)d^2x/dt+ p'(t)dx/dt+ q(x)= au(x)d^2x/dt^2+ bu(x)dx/dt+ cu(x)= 0[/itex] you must have p(t)= a u(x) and p'(t)= au'= bu. Integrating that equation, [itex]u(t)= e^{(b/a)t}[/itex]. That is, you can write your equation as
[tex]\frac{d(e^{(b/a)t}\frac{dx}{dt}}{dt}+ ce^{(b/a)t}x= 0[/tex]
  • #3
Oh, yes, thanks. OK, so we can transfer the linear operator to desired form, but they are not the same. I mean, that
[tex]L=a\frac{d^2}{dx}+b\frac{d}{dx}+c\neq L'=\frac{d}{dx}(e^{(b/a)x}\frac{d}{dx})+ce^{(b/a)x}=Le^{(b/a)x}[/tex]
So I think that also right side of the equation: [tex]\delta(x-y)[/tex] should be multiplied by that factor, so we have
So what doest it imply for derivative jump? That it should be [tex]e^{(b/a)y}/e^{(b/a)y}=1[/tex]?
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  • #4
oh, there is a mistake in mine (and also HallsofIvy's) post. [tex]L'[/tex] should be
[tex]L'=\frac{d}{dx}(\frac{ae^{(b/a)x}d}{dx})+ce^{(b/a)x}[/tex] and so the derivative "jump" should be probably
[tex]\frac{e^{(b/a)x}}{ae^{(b/a)x}}=1/a[/tex] which is also what one can guess also from the original linear operator
but what is interesting is, that the fact, that first derivative doesn't exist has no effect for this jump. I mean, that similar linear operator
would give the same jump [tex]1/a[/tex].
But I'm not sure at all that my thoughts about the jump [tex]1/a[/tex] are O.K., because they are all ONLY intuitive, i.e. unfortunately I don't know anything what is mathematically correct about distributions and functional analysis - that means anything about delta function.
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FAQ: Solving Green's Function for L w/ Boundary Conditions

1. What is the purpose of solving Green's function for L with boundary conditions?

Solving Green's function for L with boundary conditions is a mathematical technique used to find the solution to a differential equation with specified boundary conditions. This allows for the determination of the response of a physical system to a given input or forcing function.

2. What are the steps involved in solving Green's function for L with boundary conditions?

The first step is to set up the differential equation and determine the boundary conditions. Then, the Green's function is obtained by solving a simpler equation with a delta function as the input. Next, the Green's function is used to find the solution to the original equation by convolving it with the forcing function. Finally, the boundary conditions are applied to determine the constants of integration and obtain the final solution.

3. How is Green's function different from the fundamental solution?

Green's function and fundamental solution are both mathematical concepts used to solve differential equations. However, Green's function is specific to a particular set of boundary conditions, while the fundamental solution is a general solution to a differential equation without any boundary conditions specified.

4. Can Green's function be used for any type of boundary conditions?

Yes, Green's function can be used for a wide range of boundary conditions, including Dirichlet, Neumann, and mixed boundary conditions. However, the specific form of the Green's function will vary depending on the type of boundary conditions.

5. What are some practical applications of solving Green's function for L with boundary conditions?

Solving Green's function for L with boundary conditions has many practical applications, particularly in the fields of physics and engineering. It can be used to model and analyze various physical systems, such as heat transfer, fluid flow, and electrical circuits. It is also commonly used in signal processing and image reconstruction techniques.
