Is this effect common in all fields of physics?

In summary: So it's a bit more complicated than just taking the easier path. In summary, it is not always accurate to say that physical systems will always take the easiest path or avoid resistance due to the principle of least action. While this principle does play a role in many physical phenomena, it is not a definitive explanation for all behavior. Other underlying principles, such as the 2nd law of thermodynamics and Fermat's principle, may also contribute to the behavior of physical systems. Additionally, the concept of "easier" and "resistance" can be subjective and dependent on context.
  • #1

I was wondering in a physical action/reaction the subatomic particles or even the large object would usually avoid the significant resistance and take a easier route out is that true? like in energy conservation, matter to energy conversion, electric current, magnetic fields, subatomic particles colliding, force on objects to move,etc... And many more all those little physical objects and events that surround us every single second of the day. When there are countless options would they take the easier route which has the lessened resistance... lol this might sound funny but seriously try to imagine what I mean and give me you're opinion! This thought is stuck in my mind I just want to answer that enormous curiosity in my head!

Finally forgive me if I gave you some foolish named physical reactions I didn't really know how to put it lol...

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Physics news on
  • #2
DreamChaser77 said:

I was wondering in a physical action/reaction the subatomic particles or even the large object would usually avoid the significant resistance and take a easier route out is that true? like in energy conservation, matter to energy conversion, electric current, magnetic fields, subatomic particles colliding, force on objects to move,etc... And many more all those little physical objects and events that surround us every single second of the day. When there are countless options would they take the easier route which has the lessened resistance... lol this might sound funny but seriously try to imagine what I mean and give me you're opinion! This thought is stuck in my mind I just want to answer that enormous curiosity in my head!

Finally forgive me if I gave you some foolish named physical reactions I didn't really know how to put it lol...


I've noticed the pattern you are explaining too. I think in some examples, they do have an underlying principle, and others maybe not.

Two underlying principles I can think of are the 3rd law of thermodynamics, which says a system's energy state tries to approach a minimum equilibrium. I can't say with authority, but I think a lot of the "path of lease resistance" behavior is related to this.

Another is fermat's principle, which is used in classical mechanics and also optics/ray tracing and relativity. Basically this principle says that a ray of light will travel the shortest distance available. I don't know enough about it, but I have always been confused about its physical reality.. as in is it an actual physical property or is it just using a mathematical construct that explains the physical phenomena.

I'm not saying these two principles are related to each other, but I have seen how they have been used to explain some of the examples you gave.
  • #3
I'm thinking that the principal of least action may be behind some of your observations.
  • #4
So is it safe to say in most physical systems when there are to paths one with higher resistance(of any kind) and another path which basically avoids the resistance or the most difficult one and goes for the easier path and that due to the least action principle?

I do believe a system will try to reach to a balance from all the applied energy, force, etc... At the same time I think it will go for the easier method to achieve it if there is one.
  • #5
DragonPetter said:
Two underlying principles I can think of are the 3rd law of thermodynamics, which says a system's energy state tries to approach a minimum equilibrium.

I think you mean the 2nd law.
  • #6
Whovian said:
I think you mean the 2nd law.

You're right, thanks for correcting me, I did mean the 2nd law haha.
  • #7
DreamChaser77 said:
So is it safe to say in most physical systems when there are to paths one with higher resistance(of any kind) and another path which basically avoids the resistance or the most difficult one and goes for the easier path and that due to the least action principle?

I do believe a system will try to reach to a balance from all the applied energy, force, etc... At the same time I think it will go for the easier method to achieve it if there is one.

You are kind of talking in too general terms to get a good answer to your question. The words easier, your use of resistance, and path are all subjective and depends on the context you're talking about. I think you can't jump to a conclusion that every phenomena in physics is related/resulting of the least action principle when you talk so generally.
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  • #8
DreamChaser77 said:
So is it safe to say in most physical systems when there are to paths one with higher resistance(of any kind) and another path which basically avoids the resistance or the most difficult one and goes for the easier path and that due to the least action principle? .

The principal of least action appears in various forms in many modern theories, but it is not necessarily as simple as a particle always taking the path of least action. For example in QED we sum the action of all possible paths to a given destination to determine the probability (amplitude) that the particle will go to that location. The path of least action ends up being the most probable path, but not necessarily the path that a given particle takes.
Consider the double slit experiment, if every photon took path of least action, we would not see the interference pattern on the screen.
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FAQ: Is this effect common in all fields of physics?

1. Is this effect common in all fields of physics?

It depends on the specific effect being discussed. Some effects are universal and can be observed in all fields of physics, while others may only occur in certain subfields. It is important to study and understand the fundamental principles of physics in order to determine the applicability of a particular effect.

2. How do we know if an effect is common in all fields of physics?

Scientists conduct experiments and analyze data to determine the generalizability of a particular effect. If the results of multiple experiments in various fields consistently show the same effect, it can be considered common across all fields of physics.

3. Are there any exceptions to the rule that an effect is common in all fields of physics?

Yes, there are often exceptions to general rules in physics. Some effects may only occur under specific conditions or in certain systems, and may not be applicable to all fields of physics. It is important to carefully consider the context and limitations of a particular effect.

4. Can we predict if an effect will be common in all fields of physics?

Predicting the generalizability of an effect is a complex process that requires a deep understanding of the underlying principles and mechanisms involved. It often involves theoretical models and mathematical equations that can help identify patterns and make predictions, but ultimately, empirical evidence is needed to confirm the universality of an effect.

5. How does the presence or absence of an effect impact our understanding of physics?

The presence or absence of an effect can have a significant impact on our understanding of the physical world. If an effect is common in all fields of physics, it can provide evidence for the consistency and validity of our theories. On the other hand, if an effect is not observed in a particular field, it may indicate the need for further research and the potential for new discoveries and advancements in our understanding of physics.
