How Does Photon Wavelength Affect Electron Ejection and Metal Work Function?

In summary, the conversation discusses the calculation of kinetic energy and work function in a scenario where a photon of wavelength 250 nm ejects an electron from a metal. The ejected electron has a de Broglie wavelength of 0.85 nm. The formula for de Broglie wavelength is used to calculate the momentum of the electron, which is then used to find its energy. For the second part, the leftover energy from the photon is calculated by subtracting the work function (energy needed to separate the electron from the atom) from the total energy. The units for momentum are kg*m/s and for energy are J.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A photon of wavelength 250 nm ejects an electron from a metal. The ejected electron has a de Broglie wavelength of 0.85 nm.

(a) Calculate the kinetic energy of the electron.

(b) Assuming that the kinetic energy found in (a) is the maximum kinetic energy that it could have, calculate the work function of the metal.

(c) The incident photon was created when an atom underwent an electronic transition. On the energy level diagram of the atom (given by link), the transition labeled X corresponds to a photon wavelength of 400 nm. Indicate which transition could be the source of the original 250 nm photon by circling the correct letter.

Diagram is last page here:

Homework Equations

KE = .5mv^2

The Attempt at a Solution

a) The kinetic energy of an electron:
f = c/[tex]\lambda[/tex]
f = (3.0 * 10^8 m/s)/(8.5 * 10^(-10) m)
f = 3.53 * 10^17 Hz

E = hf
E = (4.14 * 10^(-15) eV[tex]\bullet[/tex]s)(3.53 * 10^17 Hz)
E = 1461.42 eV

b) [tex]\phi[/tex] = Work Function
KEmax = hf - [tex]\phi[/tex]
1461.42 eV = 1461.42 eV - [tex]\phi[/tex]
[tex]\phi[/tex] = 0

But I know this is incorrect.

Would I have to use KEmax = e[tex]\Delta[/tex]V for part (a)? If so, how do I find [tex]\Delta[/tex]V?
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  • #2

The kinetic energy of an electron:
f = c/LaTeX Code: \\lambda
f = (3.0 * 10^8 m/s)/(8.5 * 10^(-10) m)
f = 3.53 * 10^17 Hz

This is wrong.
From de Broglie wave length you can find momentum first. p = h/λ.
  • #3

For part (a), you calculated the energy of the photon, not of the electron. Remember that the electron starts out "attached" (bound) to the atom, and it takes part of the photon's energy just to separate the electron from the atom. (That part is called the work function.) The leftover energy stays with the electron as kinetic energy, and it's that leftover energy that you are asked to find in part (a). You can do it by using the electron's de Broglie wavelength of 0.85 nm. Do you know a formula involving de Broglie wavelength?
  • #4

So, using p = h/[tex]\lambda[/tex] :

p = (6.63 * 10^(-34) J*s)/(8.5*10^(-10) m)
p = 7.8 * 10^(-25)

Or would you use h = 4.14 * 10^(-15) eV*s?
In which p = 4.87*10^(-6)?

And what are the units for the momentum? Simply kg*m/s?
  • #5

And what are the units for the momentum? Simply kg*m/s?
Now using momentum find energy. E = p^2/2m
  • #6

rl.bhat said:
And what are the units for the momentum? Simply kg*m/s?
Now using momentum find energy. E = p^2/2m

E = [(4.87*10^(-6) kg*m/s)^2]/[2(9.11*10^(-31) kg)] = 1.30 * 10^19 J

If this is correct, than for part (b), E = hf - [tex]\phi[/tex], correct? Or is there another equation?
  • #7

science.girl said:
E = [(4.87*10^(-6) kg*m/s)^2]/[2(9.11*10^(-31) kg)] = 1.30 * 10^19 J

If this is correct, than for part (b), E = hf - [tex]\phi[/tex], correct? Or is there another equation?
p should be in kg.m/s not in eV.
  • #8

rl.bhat said:
p should be in kg.m/s not in eV.

Oops! p = 7.8 * 10^(-25) kg.m/s
E = [(7.8 * 10^(-25) kg.m/s)^2]/[2(9.11*10^(-31) kg)] = 3.38*10^(-19) J

And E = hf - [tex]\phi[/tex]?

Is this it?

E = hf - [tex]\phi[/tex] = hc/[tex]\lambda[/tex] - [tex]\phi[/tex] where you take the difference of the energy of the electron and the energy of the photon to reach the answer?
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  • #9

Never mind. I figured it out. Thanks for your help.

FAQ: How Does Photon Wavelength Affect Electron Ejection and Metal Work Function?

What is a photon?

A photon is a fundamental particle of light. It is the basic unit of electromagnetic radiation and carries energy and momentum.

How are photons produced?

Photons are produced when an atom or molecule undergoes a transition from a higher energy state to a lower energy state. This can happen through various processes such as thermal radiation, fluorescence, or stimulated emission.

What is the energy of a photon?

The energy of a photon is determined by its frequency, which is inversely proportional to its wavelength. This relationship is described by the equation E=hf, where E is energy, h is Planck's constant, and f is frequency.

What is the speed of a photon?

Photons travel at the speed of light, which is approximately 299,792,458 meters per second in a vacuum. This speed is considered a fundamental constant in the universe.

How do photons interact with matter?

Photons can interact with matter in various ways, depending on their energy and the properties of the material. Some common interactions include absorption, scattering, and emission of new photons.

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