How Would a Body Die in Outer Space?

In summary, if a human body is jetisoned from a ship into outer space without a protective suit, the victim would fall unconscious after about 30 seconds and then die of suffocation. The low pressure and lack of oxygen would cause the air trapped in the lungs to expand, causing damage to the gas-exchange tissues. Additionally, any fluids in the body would not boil or vaporize due to being contained by the skin.
  • #1
I'm doing research for a sci-novel I'm writing.

I've read various answers to this question, but, how would a human body die in outer space if it were jetisoned from a ship, with no protective suit?

Would it freeze to death? Suffocate? Explode? All of the above?

And what's the sequence of biological events?
Biology news on
  • #3
bio4ata said:
Under extremely low pressure air trapped in the lungs expands, tearing the tender gas-exchange tissues. This is especially grave if you are holding your breath or inhaling deeply when the pressure drops.
While this is true, your lungs are no longer of any use in the few minutes you have left to live.
  • #4
DaveC426913 said:
While this is true, your lungs are no longer of any use in the few minutes you have left to live.

I've heard that your blood would essentially boil, or vaporize. Is this true?
  • #5
gabrielh said:
I've heard that your blood would essentially boil, or vaporize. Is this true?
No. Your fluids are contained by your skin; they are not exposed directly to vacuum.
  • #6
See also another thread: [thread=300079]This first thing that Kills a human in Space?[/thread].
  • #7
DaveC426913 said:
No. Your fluids are contained by your skin; they are not exposed directly to vacuum.

Thank you for the clarification.

FAQ: How Would a Body Die in Outer Space?

1. How long would it take for a body to die in outer space?

The exact amount of time it takes for a body to die in outer space varies depending on several factors, such as the individual's health and the specific circumstances of the exposure. However, it is estimated that a person would lose consciousness within 15 seconds due to a lack of oxygen and would likely die within 2-3 minutes.

2. What would cause a body to die in outer space?

A body would die in outer space due to lack of oxygen and exposure to extreme temperatures and radiation. Without the Earth's protective atmosphere, the body would be exposed to high levels of radiation from the sun and other cosmic sources, leading to cellular damage and death. Additionally, the lack of oxygen would cause the body's cells to suffocate and stop functioning.

3. Can a body survive in outer space for any amount of time?

It is highly unlikely that a body could survive in outer space for an extended period of time without proper protection and support systems. However, certain organisms such as bacteria and tardigrades have been shown to survive in the vacuum of space for limited amounts of time.

4. Would a body decompose in outer space?

Yes, a body would eventually decompose in outer space, although the process may be slower than on Earth due to the lack of bacteria and insects to aid in decomposition. The extreme temperatures and radiation would also contribute to the breakdown of the body's tissues.

5. What would happen to a body if it was brought back to Earth after dying in outer space?

If a body was brought back to Earth after dying in outer space, it would likely be in a state of advanced decomposition due to the lack of oxygen and extreme conditions. The lack of atmospheric pressure may also cause the body to swell and potentially burst. It would also be highly contaminated with radiation and would pose a risk to anyone who came into contact with it.

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