Leonard Susskind : Quantum Mechanics

In summary, the conversation discusses a playlist of lectures on quantum mechanics by Leonard Susskind. However, most of the videos in the playlist are set to private and cannot be accessed. Only the first video is available without an invitation and it is recommended for studying the scientific method. The conversation also mentions that the lectures are also available as free podcasts on iTunesU. One person notes that there may be a missing video in the playlist and suggests searching for the lectures on YouTube instead. Another person expresses excitement for finding video lectures on quantum mechanics. However, some criticism is given about the lectures not being mathematically rigorous and lacking in expansion on concepts.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
They're set to private dx. A shame because they look and excellent resource.
  • #4
(Must study scientific method). Its one of those days today. :redface:
  • #5
what do you mean? I was able to watch all of them.
  • #6
The first lecture video says its a private video and I can't watch. The others seem ok though.
  • #7
From what I can tell, that listing is missing a video, too. All ten lectures are available as free iTunesU podcasts, as are Susskind's classical mechanics and special relativity lectures. I haven't watched them yet (on my to do list!), but just by looking at the lengths of the videos, it seems like a rather short class, with only 20 hours...Of course, it is called the "theoretical minimum" and is meant for continuing studies students.
  • #8
Kurdt said:
The first lecture video says its a private video and I can't watch. The others seem ok though.

The link on the play list doesn't seem to work but if you search for "leonard susskind quantum mechanics 1" on youtube and click on it there it works.
  • #9
wow, this is great. I wasl looking for video lectures on quantum mechanics. Thanks for the link
  • #10
His lectures aren't as mathematically rigorous as they should be and he doesn't really expand on any concepts. It's the only set of quantum mechanics lectures on the web though, so beggers can't be choosers.
  • #11
QM lectures:

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FAQ: Leonard Susskind : Quantum Mechanics

What is Leonard Susskind's contribution to quantum mechanics?

Leonard Susskind is a theoretical physicist who is best known for his contributions to the development of quantum mechanics, specifically his work on the string theory and the holographic principle.

What is the holographic principle proposed by Leonard Susskind?

The holographic principle is a concept proposed by Leonard Susskind which suggests that all the information about a volume of space can be represented by a lower-dimensional surface on the boundary of that space. This theory has important implications for our understanding of black holes and the nature of space-time.

What is the difference between Leonard Susskind's string theory and traditional quantum mechanics?

Leonard Susskind's string theory is a more comprehensive and unified theory that seeks to explain the fundamental principles of the universe, including gravity, using the concept of tiny strings vibrating at different frequencies. Traditional quantum mechanics, on the other hand, focuses on the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic level.

What is the significance of Leonard Susskind's work on quantum entanglement?

Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon where two particles can become connected in such a way that the state of one particle affects the state of the other, regardless of the distance between them. Leonard Susskind's work on quantum entanglement has helped to further our understanding of this phenomenon and its potential applications in quantum computing and communication.

How has Leonard Susskind's work on quantum mechanics impacted the field of physics?

Leonard Susskind's contributions to quantum mechanics have had a significant impact on the field of physics, particularly in the areas of string theory, quantum gravity, and black hole physics. His work has helped to shape our understanding of the fundamental laws of the universe and has inspired further research and developments in these areas.
