Model Airplane-Work-Energy Theorem and Kinetic Energy

In summary, the problem involves a model airplane flying in a horizontal circle with given initial conditions of speed, radius, and mass. The person holding the guidelines pulls it in, causing the radius to decrease and the tension in the guideline to increase. Using the equations for kinetic energy and work, the new velocity and kinetic energy can be calculated, resulting in a final answer of 5.4 * 10^2 J for the net work done on the plane.
  • #1
1. A model airplane is flying at a speed of 22 m/s on a horizontal circle of radius 16m. The mass of the plane is 0.90 kg. The person holding the guidelines pulls it in until the radius of the circle becomes 14m. The plane speeds up, and the tension in the guideline becomes four times greater. What is the net work done on the plane

2. KE=1/2(mv^2),
W=KE final-KE initial

3. Obviously the radius and tension is throwing me off in the problem. I know how to find the KE.. I know the answer is suppose to be 5.4*10^2J.. Can someone lead me in the right direction or help with this problem
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  • #2
You can find both the initial kinetic energy and Centripetal force from what's given.

Then, you know the Centripetal (tension) force will become four times as great. That should help you calculate the new velocity, and therefore you can calculate the new kinetic energy.

The answer I got was 5.5 * 10^2 J but I might have just had rounding issues. Hope that helps!
  • #3
Mattowander said:
You can find both the initial kinetic energy and Centripetal force from what's given.

Then, you know the Centripetal (tension) force will become four times as great. That should help you calculate the new velocity, and therefore you can calculate the new kinetic energy.

The answer I got was 5.5 * 10^2 J but I might have just had rounding issues. Hope that helps!

Thanks Alot..I got the right answer now..

FAQ: Model Airplane-Work-Energy Theorem and Kinetic Energy

1. What is the Work-Energy Theorem?

The Work-Energy Theorem states that the net work done on an object is equal to the change in its kinetic energy. In other words, the work done on an object will either increase or decrease its kinetic energy depending on the direction of the force.

2. How does the Work-Energy Theorem apply to model airplanes?

In the case of model airplanes, the work done on the plane by the engine or motor will increase its kinetic energy and cause it to move. If the plane is gliding or descending, the work done by air resistance will decrease its kinetic energy and cause it to slow down.

3. What is kinetic energy?

Kinetic energy is the energy an object possesses due to its motion. It is calculated as 1/2 times an object's mass multiplied by its velocity squared (KE = 1/2 mv^2).

4. How is kinetic energy related to the speed of a model airplane?

According to the equation for kinetic energy, the speed of a model airplane has a squared relationship with its kinetic energy. This means that if the speed of the airplane doubles, its kinetic energy will quadruple.

5. Can the Work-Energy Theorem be used to calculate the speed of a model airplane?

Yes, the Work-Energy Theorem can be used to calculate the speed of a model airplane by rearranging the equation to solve for velocity. However, this calculation may not account for all external forces acting on the airplane, so it may not be completely accurate.
