Probability of transition in hydrogen atom

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of time dependent perturbation theory to find the first-order probability that a hydrogen atom in the ground state will be in the 210 (nlm) state at a later time, when an external electric field is applied. The approach involves calculating the amplitude to transition from the initial state to the final state using the matrix element of the perturbation and integrating over the time dependence.
  • #1
Here's the question...

A hydrogen atom is in the ground state at time t = 0. At this time an external electric field of magnitude E(t)=E*exp(-t/tau) is applied along the z direction. Find the first-order probability that the atom will be in the 210 (nlm) state at time t >> tau, assuming that the spontaneous transition probability for the 2p -> 1s transition is negligible at that time.

What I'm thinking is I need to find the average pertubation (<psi|H'|psi>) and then use time dependent pertubation theory to solve this... but I'm not really sure what wave functions i'd use to do this. But also I'm conflicted if I should really be doing it this way and not using something for absorption/stimulation in the electric dipole approximation... any suggestions?
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  • #2
Hi mathlete,

This is straight time dependent perturbation theory. You need to calculate the amplitude [tex] c_{f i} [/tex] to go from the initial state i to the final state f. Your book will certainly contain the relevant formulae, but basically you know that the amplitude is proportional to the matrix element of the perturbation between the initial and final states with some integral that captures the time depedence.

Hope this helps.

FAQ: Probability of transition in hydrogen atom

1. What is the probability of transition in a hydrogen atom?

The probability of transition in a hydrogen atom depends on several factors such as the energy levels involved, the type of transition (i.e. emission or absorption), and the quantum numbers of the initial and final states. It can be calculated using the formula P = (2J+1)/(2n2), where J is the total angular momentum quantum number and n is the principal quantum number.

2. How does the probability of transition change with energy levels?

The probability of transition increases with increasing energy levels in a hydrogen atom. This is because higher energy levels have larger values of the principal quantum number n, which results in a larger denominator in the probability formula. Therefore, as n increases, the probability of transition also increases.

3. What is the difference between emission and absorption transitions?

Emission transitions occur when an electron in a higher energy level of a hydrogen atom moves to a lower energy level and releases energy in the form of a photon. Absorption transitions, on the other hand, happen when an electron absorbs a photon and moves from a lower energy level to a higher energy level.

4. How does the quantum number affect the probability of transition?

The quantum number, specifically the total angular momentum quantum number J, plays a crucial role in determining the probability of transition in a hydrogen atom. The higher the value of J, the higher the probability of transition. This is because higher values of J indicate a more favorable alignment of the electron's angular momentum with the magnetic field of the atom, resulting in a higher probability of transition.

5. Can the probability of transition be measured experimentally?

Yes, the probability of transition can be measured experimentally using various spectroscopic techniques. These techniques involve studying the emission or absorption of photons by a hydrogen atom and analyzing the energy levels involved in the transition. By comparing the observed and theoretical values of the probability of transition, scientists can validate and refine their understanding of the quantum mechanics of the hydrogen atom.
