4 Classes of Math/Physics/Engineering a Quarter - Too Much?

  • Thread starter camjohn
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In summary, it is possible for someone to major in robotics engineering and applied physics at UCSC if they are intelligent and have a lot of time.
  • #1
4 Classes of Math/Physics/Engineering a Quarter -- Too Much?

I plan on double majoring in robotics engineering and applied physics at UCSC. This plan mandates an extensive schedule -- four STEM courses a quarter. Is this just a ridiculous load to handle? Or is it, provided the person is intelligent and hard working, somewhat doable? My view of doable entails going out on weekend nights and getting you know, like six hours of sleep a night on average.

I know that it's doable for the first couple of years for the lower division courses, but there are some quarters later on that seem straight up insane; for example, spring junior year I have to take quantum mechanics, thermodynamics, math methods for physicists iii and intro to microprocessors in the same quarter. Especially since UCSC is world renowned for undergradute research -- an activity in which I'll have to fully partake due to my grad school applications -- does this seem like too much?

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  • #2

Hey camjohn and welcome to the forums.

If you haven't already taken first year courses, it would unwise to speculate if it is doable or not for yourself.

If a lot of the first year stuff is new to you and you do well, then I can't see a reason why you couldn't do the same in later years. You also have to remember that after you do stuff for a few years you get a form of intellectual maturity where the prior experience helps understand the new stuff in different ways.

Obviously this is a very personal question, but if I had to give advice for later years the best thing to do would be to try the first year and see if you can handle that first.

Also if you can talk to an academic adviser at the university, particular one in the same department as your course, you should speak to them as well. They will be able to give you specific advice once they know your situation and your previous knowledge/marks.

If you can do the above, I'd recommend it.
  • #3

You'll be fine if you have the work ethic and time management skills.

I generally took 15-18 hours of coursework each semester, with 4/5 courses being STEM courses through my chemical engineering curriculum. I had time to hang out with friends, etc. It's all about budgeting your time. Keep track of things in a planner! Get things done ahead of time.

FAQ: 4 Classes of Math/Physics/Engineering a Quarter - Too Much?

1. What are the 4 classes of Math/Physics/Engineering a Quarter?

The 4 classes of Math/Physics/Engineering a Quarter are Calculus, Physics, Linear Algebra, and Differential Equations. These are core subjects that are essential for understanding higher level concepts in these fields.

2. Is taking 4 classes of Math/Physics/Engineering a Quarter too much?

It depends on the individual's abilities and workload, but for most people, taking 4 classes of Math/Physics/Engineering a Quarter can be challenging. It is important to manage time effectively and seek help when needed.

3. What are the benefits of taking 4 classes of Math/Physics/Engineering a Quarter?

Taking 4 classes of Math/Physics/Engineering a Quarter can improve critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills. It can also provide a strong foundation for future courses and careers in these fields.

4. How can I succeed in taking 4 classes of Math/Physics/Engineering a Quarter?

To succeed in taking 4 classes of Math/Physics/Engineering a Quarter, it is important to stay organized, attend all classes, complete assignments on time, and seek help from professors or tutors when needed. Utilizing study groups and staying motivated can also be helpful.

5. Are there any tips for balancing the workload of 4 classes of Math/Physics/Engineering a Quarter?

Some tips for balancing the workload of 4 classes of Math/Physics/Engineering a Quarter include creating a study schedule, prioritizing tasks, taking breaks when needed, and managing time effectively. It is also important to maintain a healthy work-life balance and not take on more than you can handle.
