Linear algebra: determinants and eigenvalues

In summary, an (n x n) skew-symmetric matrix A is singular when n is an odd integer. Proving that if A is nonsingular, then 1/(eigenvalue symbol) is an eigenvalue of A^-1 is done by considering the characteristic polynomial.
  • #1
i'm reading and doing some work in introduction to linear algebra fifth edition, and i came across some problems that i had no clue.

1. An (n x n) matrix A is a skew symmetric (A(transposed) = -A). Argue that an (n x n) skew-symmetrix matrix is singular when n is an odd integer.

2. Prove that if A is nonsingular, then 1/(eigenvalue symbol) is an eigenvalue of A^-1

can someone explain some of these for me. thank you
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  • #2
The second follows from considering the characteristic polynomial (as does the first now I imagine).
  • #3
can you please explain it in more details?
  • #4
For the first, you can show that det(A) is zero. Just use what you know about determinants and A.
  • #5
Yep, that seems better.

But the second is the char poly. e-values are the roots of... relate the char poly of A to that of A^{-1}
  • #6
i don't understand why det(A) has to be zero for the skew symmetric matrix. i know that if n is odd then det(-A)=-det(A) but i don't get why it has to equal zero. and why can't it be zero if n is even??
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  • #7
You're almost there. You haven't used the fact that A is skew symmetric yet.
  • #8
and why can't it be zero if n is even??

Eh? Nothing written in this thread implies that a skew-symmetric matrix of even order is always invertible (consider the zero matrix...).
  • #9
arg.. this is confusing. so since its skew-symmetric matrix det(-A)=-det(A)=det(A(transposed)). but why must it be zero :(
  • #10
Forget about skew-symmetric matrices for a while. In general, how are det(A') and det(A) related (A is any square matrix, A' the transpose of A)?
  • #11
det(A') and det(A) are equal. so that means the two determinants are zero?? man i suck
  • #12

det(A') = det(A).

But as already noted, for a skew-symmetric matrix of odd order, we also have that

det(A') = -det(A).

  • #13
Hopefully that's that cleared up for that one.

How about the other: if Av=tv (where t is the eigenvalue and v is the eigenvector) then v=A^{-1}tv=tA^{-1}v

can you complete that from there?
  • #14
i know that det(A') = det(A) = -det(A). i think i also mentioned this in the earlier post. But i still don't get why all the determinants are zero.

oh yeah. i figured out number 2. thanks
  • #15
Oh let D bet Det(A), you know D, a number, is equal to minus D. How many real (or complex) numbers satisfy D=-D? Or 2D=0?
  • #16
ah ha! that makes more sense. and that's so simple too. thanks alot!

FAQ: Linear algebra: determinants and eigenvalues

1. What is a determinant in linear algebra?

A determinant is a scalar value that can be calculated from the elements of a square matrix. It is used to determine important properties of the matrix, such as whether it is invertible or singular.

2. How are determinants used in linear algebra?

Determinants are used in linear algebra to solve systems of linear equations, find the inverse of a matrix, and determine the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix.

3. What is an eigenvalue in linear algebra?

An eigenvalue is a scalar value that represents the amount by which a vector is scaled when it is multiplied by a transformation matrix. It is an important concept in linear algebra and is used to understand the behavior of a matrix transformation.

4. How do you calculate eigenvalues and eigenvectors?

The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix can be calculated using the characteristic equation, which is a polynomial equation formed using the elements of the matrix. The roots of this equation are the eigenvalues, and the corresponding eigenvectors can be found by solving a system of linear equations.

5. What real-world applications use linear algebra, determinants, and eigenvalues?

Linear algebra, determinants, and eigenvalues are used in a variety of fields, including computer graphics, physics, engineering, and economics. They are used to solve complex problems and model real-world systems, such as predicting stock market trends, optimizing engineering designs, and analyzing data in machine learning algorithms.
