Solve Implicit Function Question: Derivatives, Jacobi Matrix, Diff.

In summary, the conversation discusses two methods for computing the derivative of an implicit function (x,y)=g(z), which is part of a system f(x,y,z)=0 in the neighbourhood of (1,1,1). The first method involves computing the Jacobi matrix of f and checking for invertibility, while the second method uses implicit differentiation. The main issue is that the two methods give different answers with only a sign change, and it is unclear why this happens. The conversation then delves into the geometry of the solution vectors and possible reasons for the difference in direction.
  • #1
Hi! I've got a question about implicit functions.

I have to solve a system f(x,y,z)=0 in the neighbourhood of (1,1,1). I have a problem computing the derivative of an implicit function (x,y)=g(z), whose existence is given by the implicit function theorem when applied to the given function f(x,y,z) which goes from R^3 to R^2. I use as it seems two equivalent standard methods.

I compute the Jacobi matrix of f and check whether the minor - a square matrix - is invertible at the given point. Then I invert it and with one more step get the derivative of g at z=1.

The other method is: I use implicit differentiation, i.e. I differentiate the system f(x,y,z)=0 directly and get differentials dg_1/dz, dg_2/dz (because g is two-component).

Now I get two different answers with either method. The difference is only the sign, but I cannot figure out WHY there is sign change! Is there anything I should pay attention to when I use these two methods? I mean they are basically the same! I checked each step in both of them. What could be the reason for the difference?
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  • #2
well thiunk about it, you havee a map from R^3 to R^2, so you have a family of curves roughly parallel to one another in three space, eachc urve reprewenting the points collapsing under your map to one point in R^3.

and you have mnaged somehow to view the curve passing through (1,1,1) as a graph of a parametrized path, parametrized by the coordinate z. so the natural velocity vector would be the one pointing roughly in the directiion of the positive z axis.

it would seem this is the one you get by yur second method.

but you have not described your first method clearly enough to reveal why you may be getting the other direction from it. maybe you are just taking a cross product of two vectors and not choosing them so it has the same orientation as the other one.
  • #3
maybe what i said is wrong, maybe the second way gives the projection into the x,y plane of the velocity vector to the curve?

i haven't quite understood it. but anyway if you understand the geometry of your two solution vectors you wil see why they point different directions.

FAQ: Solve Implicit Function Question: Derivatives, Jacobi Matrix, Diff.

1. What is an implicit function?

An implicit function is a mathematical equation that defines a relationship between two or more variables. Unlike explicit functions, where one variable is directly expressed in terms of the others, implicit functions do not explicitly state the dependent variable. Instead, it is implied by the equation.

2. How do you solve an implicit function?

To solve an implicit function, you need to use implicit differentiation. This involves taking the derivative of both sides of the equation with respect to the independent variable. Then, you can solve for the derivative of the dependent variable in terms of the derivative of the independent variable.

3. What is the Jacobi matrix?

The Jacobi matrix, also known as the Jacobian matrix, is a square matrix of first-order partial derivatives. It is used to represent the gradient of a vector-valued function. The elements in the Jacobi matrix correspond to the partial derivatives of the function with respect to each variable.

4. How is the Jacobi matrix used in implicit function questions?

The Jacobi matrix is used in implicit function questions to determine the derivative of the dependent variable when the independent variable changes. It is necessary for solving systems of equations and optimization problems involving implicit functions. The Jacobi matrix is also used to calculate higher-order derivatives of implicit functions.

5. What is the difference between implicit and explicit differentiation?

The main difference between implicit and explicit differentiation is that in implicit differentiation, the dependent variable is not explicitly stated in terms of the independent variable. Instead, it is implied by the equation. In explicit differentiation, the dependent variable is directly expressed in terms of the independent variable. Implicit differentiation is necessary for solving implicit functions, while explicit differentiation is used for solving explicit functions.

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