Life on Earth Without the Atmosphere: What Would Happen?

In summary, the conversation discusses the potential effects of standing on Earth without an atmosphere. It mentions that without an atmosphere, our bodily fluids would boil, we would quickly dehydrate, and our skin would blister or freeze depending on the time of day. There is also a discussion about the impact on our health, particularly the risk of developing cancer from radiation. The conversation also briefly touches upon the potential loss of the magnetosphere and its effect on the atmosphere and water.
  • #1
I was unsure of where to post this so that it would get attention.
I am preparing a short lecutre about the Earth's atmosphere and I need to know the following(which I have not found answers to elsewhere):

How would be experience standing on Earth without an atmosphere? Would we be totally blinded by the sun? Would stars be visible any longer or yet more clear?

How much time would it take before we, by the radiation, developed all cancer-types we know of and died?

How would be experience night compared to day?
Earth sciences news on
  • #2
It would be a lot like standing on the Moon. There are pictures.
  • #3
There is a similar thread on the effects of removing a helmet in space in the general physics forum.

Without the pressure provided by our atmosphere, all of our bodily fluids would boil, we would dehydrate very quickly, our skin would blister almost instantly from exposure to nearly 250 degree F temperature during the day or freeze at extremely low temperatures at night (not quite as low as in space because of the heat radiating off the superheated earth), If our magnetic field was gone as well, we would fry from the radiation before developing cancer.
  • #4
That is interesting. Thanks, Artman. Can the magnetosphere be counted as a part of the atmosphere? Do you think it is worth mentioning in the lecture?
  • #5
There are theories that if we should lose the magnetosphere the atmosphere, and water would be ripped away by solar wind. This is believed to be a reason why Mars lost what appears to be large amounts of water.

FAQ: Life on Earth Without the Atmosphere: What Would Happen?

What is the Earth's atmosphere?

The Earth's atmosphere is a layer of gases that surrounds the planet. It is composed of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and other trace gases.

What would happen if the Earth had no atmosphere?

If the Earth had no atmosphere, the surface temperature would be much colder as there would be no greenhouse effect to trap heat. There would also be no protection from harmful solar radiation, making it difficult for life to exist on the planet.

How does the atmosphere affect the Earth's climate?

The Earth's atmosphere plays a crucial role in regulating the planet's temperature and climate. The gases in the atmosphere absorb and trap heat, creating a greenhouse effect that keeps the Earth's surface warm.

What are the consequences of a depleted atmosphere?

A depleted atmosphere could lead to extreme temperatures, increased levels of harmful radiation, and could make it difficult for life to survive on Earth. It could also affect weather patterns and lead to more frequent natural disasters.

Can the Earth's atmosphere be restored if it becomes depleted?

It is unlikely that the Earth's atmosphere could be fully restored if it became depleted. However, steps can be taken to reduce pollution and preserve the current atmosphere for future generations.
