Permutations with repetitions

In summary, the conversation revolves around finding the number of permutations with repetition from a set of n elements with l different elements. The formula Z_{k,n}^l = Z_{k-1,n}^l.l + Z_{k-1,n}^{(l-1)}.(n-l+1) is found through a recursive definition, with boundary conditions Z_{k,n}^k = P^n_k = \frac{n!}{(n-k)!} and Z_{k,n}^1 = n. The conversation also mentions using Mathematica to program the formula and the expected result of \sum_{l=1}^k Z_{k,n}^l = n^k. However, no explicit
  • #1
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Hi all,

I have a question, which I would have thought has been resolved already since a few centuries, but I can't find anything on it. I'm looking for the following quantity: the number of permutations with repetition of a set of cardinality k, drawn from a set with n elements, of which there are exactly l elements different. I call that number, Z_{k,n}^l (I haven't found any standard notation for it).

Now, I've found a recursive definition for Z:
[tex] Z_{k,n}^l = Z_{k-1,n}^l.l + Z_{k-1,n}^{(l-1)}.(n-l+1) [/tex]

and boundary conditions:
[tex] Z_{k,n}^k = P^n_k = \frac{n!}{(n-k)!} [/tex]

(indeed, a permutation of k elements out of n, with repetition, but of which there are k different elements, is simply a permutation without repetition)

[tex] Z_{k,n}^1 = n [/tex]

(indeed, if there is only one "different" element, all k elements drawn are the same, and hence there are exactly n possibilities: they are all equal to the first of the n elements, or to the second, or...)

The recursion relation has been found by considering (k-1) elements drawn, and by adding the k-th element. The first term corresponds to the case where the k-1 elements already have l different elements in them, so the k-th one must be one of them, while the second term corresponds to the case where the k-1 elements have only l-1 different elements in them, so the k-th element must be distinct.

The recursion + boundary conditions are complete, I can program them in Mathematica, and seem to obtain good results.

We have of course that [tex]\sum_{l=1}^k Z_{k,n}^l = n^k[/tex], as the sum over all possible numbers of different elements comes down to picking all possible permutations with repetition.

But I would have expected this problem to have been solved already some centuries ago, with some explicit, closed-form expression, which I can't find.

Anybody any suggestion?
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Hi Patrick,

Thank you for bringing up this interesting topic. Permutations with repetitions are indeed a well-studied concept in mathematics and have applications in various fields such as combinatorics, statistics, and computer science. The quantity you are looking for, Z_{k,n}^l, is known as the number of k-permutations with repetition from a set of n elements with exactly l different elements.

As you have mentioned, there is no standard notation for this quantity, but it is commonly denoted as P_{k,n}^l or P(n,k,l). There are various ways to derive a recursive formula for this quantity, and the one you have found is correct. However, there is no known closed-form expression for P_{k,n}^l, and it is often calculated using generating functions or algorithms.

One approach to calculating P_{k,n}^l is through generating functions, which are used to represent a sequence of numbers as a polynomial. In this case, the generating function for P_{k,n}^l is given by:

G(x) = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} P_{k,n}^l x^k = \frac{x^l}{(1-x)^l} \cdot \frac{(1+x)^{n-l}}{(1-x)^{n-l}}

By expanding this generating function, we can obtain a recurrence relation that is similar to the one you have found. However, this approach does not give a closed-form expression for P_{k,n}^l.

Another approach is through algorithms, such as the one you have mentioned using Mathematica. These algorithms can efficiently calculate P_{k,n}^l for large values of n and k. However, they do not provide an explicit formula for P_{k,n}^l.

In conclusion, while there is no known closed-form expression for P_{k,n}^l, there are various methods to calculate it efficiently. I hope this helps answer your question. Thank you for your contribution to this topic and for sparking this discussion.

Best regards,

FAQ: Permutations with repetitions

1. What is a permutation with repetitions?

A permutation with repetitions is a way to arrange a set of objects where repetition is allowed. This means that the same object can appear multiple times in the arrangement.

2. How is a permutation with repetitions different from a permutation without repetitions?

A permutation without repetitions does not allow for any object to appear more than once in the arrangement. In contrast, a permutation with repetitions allows for repeated objects in the arrangement.

3. How do you calculate the number of permutations with repetitions?

The number of permutations with repetitions can be calculated using the formula n^r, where n is the number of objects and r is the number of positions in the arrangement. This is because for each position, there are n choices of objects.

4. Can you give an example of a permutation with repetitions?

One example of a permutation with repetitions is arranging the letters in the word "MISSISSIPPI". The number of permutations with repetitions for this word would be 11! / (4! * 4! * 2!) = 34,650.

5. When would you use permutations with repetitions in real life?

Permutations with repetitions can be used in situations where repetition is allowed, such as in password generation, lottery number combinations, or arranging a set of objects with duplicates.
