Root Locus: 4 Open Loop Poles at s=-2

In summary, the conversation discusses the behavior of a system with 4 open loop poles at s=-2. The individual poles move outward from the original location to form a square as the gain increases in the transfer function. The locus of the roots follows the four corners of the square, which can be found by setting the denominator of the closed loop transfer function to zero and solving for s.
  • #1
bill nye scienceguy!
If have a system with 4 open loop poles, all at say s=-2, how would the locus approach each of the four asymptotes?

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  • #2
are you really the bill nye on the radio? just curious. after looking at your history, i somehow doubt it.

this thing sounds like what happens with a Moog 4-pole Low Pass Filter. once you surround it with a loop and gain, you just solve the new transfer function for the poles and you can see that they move outward from the original place like 4 corners of a square centered at the original location. are you going to make me do the math to show you?
  • #3
unfortunately not, sorry!

anyway, do you mean that the open loop transfer function G(s)=1/(s+2)^4 would become something like Gc(s)=K/[(s+2)^4+K]?
I still can't really visualise what the locus would look like though. Does it just expand outwards from s=-2, following the four asymptotes?
  • #4
bill nye scienceguy! said:
anyway, do you mean that the open loop transfer function G(s)=1/(s+2)^4 would become something like Gc(s)=K/[(s+2)^4+K]?
I still can't really visualise what the locus would look like though. Does it just expand outwards from s=-2, following the four asymptotes?

yes it does. but it's not really asymptotes. the loci of the roots really are the four corners of a square centered at s=-2. as K gets bigger, the square gets bigger (not proportionately). (i am presuming that K is the signed, linear gain in series with G(s) and that the feedback is negative feedback with unity gain.)

[tex] G_c(s) = \frac{K G(s)}{1 \ + \ K G(s)} = \frac{K}{1/G(s) \ + \ K} [/tex]

now, to find the poles of Gc(s), you set the denominator to zero and solve for s. if you are not already familiar with the nth roots of unity (involving complex numbers), you should get that down first.
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FAQ: Root Locus: 4 Open Loop Poles at s=-2

1. What is a root locus?

A root locus is a graphical representation of the locations of the closed-loop poles of a control system as the gain or a specific parameter is varied. It helps us to understand how changing the parameters of a system affects its stability and performance.

2. How are open loop poles represented in a root locus?

Open loop poles are represented as points on the real axis in a root locus. In the case of having 4 open loop poles at s=-2, there will be 4 points on the real axis at -2.

3. What does it mean to have 4 open loop poles at s=-2 in a root locus?

This means that the transfer function of the system has 4 poles located at s=-2 in the open loop configuration. These poles will affect the stability and performance of the closed-loop system.

4. How does the location of open loop poles affect the root locus?

The location of open loop poles affects the shape and behavior of the root locus. In this case, having 4 open loop poles at s=-2 will create a root locus with 4 branches emanating from the poles at -2 on the real axis.

5. What is the significance of having 4 open loop poles at s=-2 in a root locus?

Having 4 open loop poles at s=-2 means that the system has 4 dominant poles, which can significantly impact the stability and performance of the closed-loop system. It is important to carefully analyze and design the control system to ensure stability and desired performance.
