Is it lucky to have a house like this?

  • Thread starter Saint
  • Start date
In summary, Saint is obsessed with money and wants to be rich. He is neglecting his family and friends for this obsession.
  • #1
This is my new house, about 1850 sq ft after kitchen extension.

how much can it cost in area like New York ?
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  • #2
I can't afford it myself, i share with my wife in purchasing it.
  • #3
saint, it would seem that your purpose in life is to gain as much material wealth as possible. with this purpose, you are sure to never be satisfied with the biggest and best house.
  • #4
I have to agree with kerrie here.. Saint what is your soul purpose in life? to get to america because it's the richest country so you can make the most money? What are you willing to sacrifice to get it? how about your wife? your kid? everyone has a price.. what's yours?

believe it or not to some people, money isn't everything.. wether they have it or not.
  • #5
YES, I admit that i need money , a lot of money, my target is at least to own 2 landed houses, one in KL, another in my hometown Penang Island, to drive at least a honda accord, to have fixed deposit of at least 300 USD (1.2 millions ringgit) in bank,
and, annually, can afford to spend about 5000 USD for tourism.

I need money!

Besides my own enjoyment, I aim to spend at least 10,000 USD to do charity yearly.

is that too much ?

YES, i work hard now to gain my phd in engineering in order to find a good academic job in US, or at least , to enable me to join --- maybe Intel Malaysia/Agilent/AMD etc, so that later i can JUMP to US for the purpose of making $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

without $$$, I am not happy, there are many things i want to have require money.
  • #6
i earn about 12000 USD/year now, the house costs 65000 USD,
you can imagine, I am very feeble to pay the loan.
because of this house, i have to abandon many other things, can't buy new car, can't go overseas for tour...

I am poor, very poor, i am not happy, I just frankly told GOD what is my desire,
i promise to do good to people when i have money.
  • #7
sometimes i look down upon myself for not being able to earn more money,
i feel that my achievement is very very low...
  • #8
Ummm. I'm sure this is beating a dead horse, but i never liked dead horses anyway...

You have some priority issues. This is called an obsession. Obsessions are unhealthy , no matter what the obsession. Whether is sex, grabbing small objects, breathing, or money, the obsession is bad for you. Learn to care about something else, you'll live longer.
  • #9
Saint said:
This is my new house, about 1850 sq ft after kitchen extension.

how much can it cost in area like New York ?

Well, I have no idea about how much it cost in New York. But I'll tell you how much it costs here.

Supposing it is situated in a medium class zone, it will cost approximately

400000 Euros.

Make a conversion: 1Euro=1.4 USDollars

So that: 560000 US$$ is my estimated budget for your house in my surroundings. I assure you would be inside of the so-called group of the rich here. So, come on, put your home into your suitcase and come here. :smile:

PD:see my location.

By the way: Yes you're lucky. I live on a flat, with my parents, my brother and a cat, and it has only [tex]642 ft^2=70 m^2[/tex]. And here my flat costs approximately 150000 Euros=210000 US$$. As you see, every place to live in here is very expensive. :(
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  • #10
The situation here is not very common outside. All of us want to have a house in propierty, and construction is believed to be the safest inversion, so the cost is very high and people can't buy unless they contract really huge mortgages (20 or 30 years)...

For example, you can see there how much it varies the relation between square metres and surface, only by its situation.

So I would say more than 400000 €
  • #11
Saint said:
sometimes i look down upon myself for not being able to earn more money,
i feel that my achievement is very very low...

saint, i think you need to realize how much of a grip society status has on you and how much that grip truly makes you unhappy. are you and your family healthy and happy? do you make good memories within the life you afford now? you have the "grass is always greener on the other side" outlook which is certain to make you unhappy. you have one thing that many of us here in america do not have: you are buying your own home. my husband and i make 5 times what you make, but we cannot afford to buy a house (yet). not even one that is half as decent as yours, but i do have a home, i have a family whom i love, and they love me (so they say :-p ), and most of all, we are all very healthy and happy. anything sort of material gains above that would make me truly rich.

there is a quote, although i do not remember the exact words, but it implies a rich man has money, but a wealthy man has time. what good is life if you have a lot of money but not any time? your need and desire for so much money is ultimately making you unhappy and leaves you feeling miserable.
  • #12
I can see by your posts saint that any advice we give you won't help. I have a friend like you.. he's obsessed with object wealth and status. If I purchase something, he'll rush right out, or do anything he can to get something better or to "one up" me. I stopped telling him when I buy stuff. He will never be happy, and he's always working very hard to get more money and more stuff.

here's something to consider: if you do get your dream house, someone's still going to have a bigger one. And someone's going to have more stuff, and someone's still going to be richer than you. You can't win this race.

You can't take it with you.

So sad, very sad.

Learn to be happy with with you have.
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  • #13
It's immoral to be obsessed with material wealth. Eh, Saint? :p
  • #14
Check, let it go. Let's not dwell on the past, eh ? :approve:
  • #15
I am truly unhappy, because:

1) I have a TV, only 25" Panasonic Flat screen, but i want 54" Plasma TV
2) I have a notebook, running at 2.4GHz Intel Celeron, but i want Athlon 64FX or intel P4 3.0GHZ HT notebook
3) I have house, but i want a 10,000 sqft bungalow with swimming pool and small golf.
4) i have a 1500cc Proton Wira car, but i want BMW 530
5) i can do charity, but one time i donate only about 20USD, I want to donate 20,000USD and still have enough money in my bank account
  • #16
WHY I need to be rich ?

I come from middle-lower class family, i know that education is important and can change your destiny and fate.
I have ambition to setup a Educational Scholarship and Loan for poor students to pursue their higher education. This foundation would need about 3 millions USD to operate to benefit at least 20 students/year.

To achieve this ambition and dream,
I always pray to God to make me a successful businessman (I am lecturer now) to earn enough $ to setup the scholarship foundation.

I major in engineering,
engineering can make a lot of money if you're able to setup own industry, a manufacturing plant.

I have some plans and visions about this, I hope God will help me, I promise to doo GOOD with the money I earn.

I also want to open orphan centers to take care of unfortunate children abandoned by their parents.

All these plans, need MONEY to implement.
  • #17
So that: 560000 US$$ is my estimated budget for your house in my surroundings. I assure you would be inside of the so-called group of the rich here. So, come on, put your home into your suitcase and come here.

it is about 2.1 millions ringgit in malaysia,
you can buy a 10,000 sq ft bungalow within 30km away from capitol Kuala Lumpur. :biggrin:
  • #18
But Saint, isn't it "easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God"?
I can't believe you say you are *truly unhappy* when you have a nice house and car, your children are fed and clothed, and you still have money left over for luxury items like a flat screen TV. You have a very comfortable life. Enjoy it.
  • #19
Kerrie said:
saint, i think you need to realize how much of a grip society status has on you and how much that grip truly makes you unhappy. are you and your family healthy and happy? do you make good memories within the life you afford now? you have the "grass is always greener on the other side" outlook which is certain to make you unhappy. you have one thing that many of us here in america do not have: you are buying your own home. my husband and i make 5 times what you make, but we cannot afford to buy a house (yet). not even one that is half as decent as yours, but i do have a home, i have a family whom i love, and they love me (so they say :-p ), and most of all, we are all very healthy and happy. anything sort of material gains above that would make me truly rich.

there is a quote, although i do not remember the exact words, but it implies a rich man has money, but a wealthy man has time. what good is life if you have a lot of money but not any time? your need and desire for so much money is ultimately making you unhappy and leaves you feeling miserable.

Dear Kerrie, thanks for your nice words,
I truly appreciated it,
I am obsessed with money, i am very money-inclined,
i have many dreams to achieve, all of them need money, plenty of money,
at this moment, i still can't change my mind,
I am sorry if i have dissapointed you.
  • #20
Math Is Hard said:
But Saint, isn't it "easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God"?
I can't believe you say you are *truly unhappy* when you have a nice house and car, your children are fed and clothed, and you still have money left over for luxury items like a flat screen TV. You have a very comfortable life. Enjoy it.

I am sinful, I am not contented,
this is my problem, i realize that, but i am just feeble to overcome my desire...
  • #21
i need rest before i can continue,
i am still very unhappy woth myself.....see you.
  • #22
Saint said:
I am sinful, I am not contented,
this is my problem, i realize that, but i am just feeble to overcome my desire...

Saint Paul had the same feelings, read Romans 7, verses 15 to end. He was not better than you, and look at him now!
  • #23
Sounds like you're creating your own hell there. I know people with all those things you just described. Are they happier than I am? in some cases yes, but in a lot of cases no- pesessions don't bring happiness. You may have that temporary "giddiness" that everyone experiences with new toys, but eventually it wears off.. then you're just another schmuck with a big TV- except you're working your butt off to pay for it now. Goals are good. Being obsessed with having obscene wealth is self-defeating and will cause the very unhappiness you're trying to escape from in different ways.

Happiness is a choice, not a result of posessions.

Some people just never seem to get that.. and I pity them.

Hope you find what you seek saint.
  • #24
Hope you find what you seek saint.

If i were rich, i am serious to setup a scholarship ONLY for orphans.
Among the orphans, some of them are intelligent, but unfortunately they can't go to school and wasted. This is a loss to the world.

I want to help those poor children, they need cares/loves/money to bring them up and retain their Dignity as a human being, enjoys what other children can enjoy equally.

To do this, I need money.

I have plan what to do with my qualification and capability,
to achieve bigger things, I need special blessing from God, and i promise to do GOOD with the blessings He gives me --- anyway, subject to his will.

On my part, i have to try my best.

seriously, i don't want to keep too much money for myself,
i will give it to the poor in an organised way if i i have more than enough. :smile:
  • #25
Saint said:
If i were rich, i am serious to setup a scholarship ONLY for orphans.

Wow that's beautiful. :zzz:
  • #26
Saint said:
...I need special blessing from God, and i promise to do GOOD with the blessings He gives me --- anyway, subject to his will.
Have you been attempting to cut a deal with God?
  • #27
It's funny because charity is about sacrifice.

You sacrifice $20 so that someone more needy can have.

With your plans, you don't seem to sacrifice anything for charity.

No offense, but donating to charity in the fashion you are doing it, is not better than those gambling all day and saying they will donate half to charity if they win.
  • #28
Sing it, Janis...

Oh Lord, won't you buy me a Honda Accord...
  • #29
Has the Mercedes Benz devalued so much ?! :eek:
  • #30
check said:
Wow that's beautiful. :zzz:

Since she is that nice, let's all give her money so she becomes rich. After that, she will use 99% of our money to spend on useless luxury items, and then spend 0.0001% on a scholarship fund for the people who gave her the money.

What does she do with the other ~1%? :confused:

She pays an accountant so that all our lovely money is counted properly. :zzz:
  • #31
I forgot to mention that we need scholarships because the rich take all the money and give very little back to the poor.

Note: This was an implicit statement in my post above.
  • #32
Ummm...she's a he.
  • #33
I am not afraid of your misunderstanding about me,
I scare no mocking,
I definitely will fullfil my words when i achieve what i want to achieve.

Life must have dream, dream of having a lot of money is not wrong, only the lazy persons will say NO to "earning a lot of money to help the poor".

Don't laugh, you don't know what will happen in the future, God will bless my ways if I walk in his path.
  • #34
Saint said:
I am truly unhappy, because:

1) I have a TV, only 25" Panasonic Flat screen, but i want 54" Plasma TV
2) I have a notebook, running at 2.4GHz Intel Celeron, but i want Athlon 64FX or intel P4 3.0GHZ HT notebook
3) I have house, but i want a 10,000 sqft bungalow with swimming pool and small golf.
4) i have a 1500cc Proton Wira car, but i want BMW 530
5) i can do charity, but one time i donate only about 20USD, I want to donate 20,000USD and still have enough money in my bank account

Ok, now that's just irritating.

I have a single 13 inch TV. Neither flat screen nor plasma, its a $50 (US) TV, with a universal remote for $10 because i don't have the original remote and had to go through 2 universals to find one that worked.

I have a notebook, 4 years old, 1.4 Ghz, I wish i could get a new one, but i can't, oh well.

I have no car.

I ahve no spare money to donate, or to buy a new computer, or to by a new tv, or to buy anything, except rent, food, and tuition.

And guess what? I'm just fine. Stop whining.

Edit: And given that I'm going to college and still have those things, I'ms till better off than the vast majority of people in the world. So you have even less reason to complain.
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  • #35
Saint said:
I am not afraid of your misunderstanding about me,
I scare no mocking,
I definitely will fullfil my words when i achieve what i want to achieve.

Life must have dream, dream of having a lot of money is not wrong, only the lazy persons will say NO to "earning a lot of money to help the poor".

Don't laugh, you don't know what will happen in the future, God will bless my ways if I walk in his path.

Ok so as you don't think I am mocking you, let me be blunt. you're greedy, and you disgust me. Outright greeed is something I'm quite accustomed to seeing. Trying to mask your greed by pretending to have philanthropy at heart is just pathetic.

We get what your actual goals are.. so instead whining, work hard and achieve the goals you want.. don't "bless us" with your kind hearted guestures, because no one here is buying into it And don't mention god because it's quite obvious you're all about worshipping the green. If you want to be rich, then don't talk about helping the poor.

You know, I'm going to let this post stand instead of editing it. I'm just saying what many are thinking.


Have a nice day :biggrin:

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