Is there such a continuous function?

In summary, it is not possible for there to exist a continuous function f(x) defined on (-\infty,+\infty) such that f(f(x))=e^{-x}. This is because for such a function to exist, it would have to be one-to-one, which means for every y>0, there should be exactly one x such that f(x)=y. However, this contradicts the fact that e^{-x} is strictly decreasing everywhere. Even for non-continuous functions, it is hard to find a solution for f(x) without continuity. While a non-continuous function f does exist, it is difficult to construct and it is not clear if there is a simpler way to do so.
  • #1
Is there a continuous function f(x) defined on [tex](-\infty,+\infty)[/tex] such that f(f(x))=[tex]e^{-x}[/tex]?
My opinion is "no", and here is how i think:
first of all if such a function exists, it should be a "one-to-one" function, that is for every y>0, there should be exactly one x such that f(x)=y.
Thus by the "one-to-one" property of f(x), for every [tex]x_{1}>x_{2}[/tex], either [tex]f(x_{1})>f(x_{2}) or f(x_{1})<f(x_{2})[/tex], but not [tex]f(x_{1})=f(x_{2})[/tex].
However we notice that in both case, [tex]f(f(x_{1}))>f(f(x_{2}))[/tex], and this is contradicting to the fact that [tex]e^{-x_{1}}<e^{-x_{2}}[/tex].
So I conclude that no such function f(x) exists, let along any "continuous" function.
Am I right so far?

And why emphasize "continuous" since I haven't find anything to do with continuity in my prove?
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  • #2
How do you justify that f must be 1-to-1?
  • #3
I think you nearly got it, but the continuity seems to be needed. We know that [itex]e^{-x}[/itex] is strictly decreasing everywhere. Now assume that [itex]f[/itex] is (not necessarily strictly) increasing on some open interval. It follows that [itex]f\circ f[/itex] is also increasing on this interval. Consequently, this cannot be the right [itex]f[/itex]. Now assume that the function is (not necessarily strictly) decreasing on an open interval. Again then, [itex]f\circ f[/itex] is increasing on this interval and [itex]f[/itex] cannot be the function.

As a result [itex]f[/itex] has to be a function which on any open interval is neither decreasing nor increasing.

Now I am missing a hard argument, but I can hardly imagine such a function being continuous. Hmm, actually why not, but it is certainly not differentiable. (Anyone able to fill this gap?)

But I don't think the "neither decreasing nor increasing" rules out the existence of a function [itex]f[/itex] in general, i.e. one which does not have to be continuous.

  • #4
It's not hard to show that continuity => f is strictly increasing, or decreasing, by the fact that f must be 1-1 (as f(f(x)) is 1-1) and by applying the intermediate value theorem.
For non-continuous functions it's harder, you'd have to look at the periodic points of exp(-x). I still think it is not possible though (how many periods of size 2 does exp(-x) have?)

Edit: I don't think exp(-x) has any periodic points, except for the unique fixed point, and there will exist non-continuous solutions for f.
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  • #5
to answer EnumaElish's question: because exp(-x) is 1-1, and if f(x) is not, i.e. there are distinct x1 and x2 such that f(x1)=f(x2)=y, then f(y)=exp(-x1)=exp(-x2), obviously this is impossible since f(x) has to be a function.

I think continuity is needed here to show that f is strictly increasing or decreasing on the whole real line. (gel, how do you justify this by using intermediate value theorem?)

And without continuity I guess we can't get the "neither decreasing nor increasing" rule of f(x) on any open inverval. Am I right here? So I imagine such a non-continuous f(x) does exist, can anybody help me justify that?

Thank you guys so much!
  • #6
one thing i couldn't understand that

it comes out that


f(inverse)(x1)>f(inverse)(x2) as you said



f(y1)>f(y2) ... x1>x2



which contradict what you assumed
  • #7
y_lindsay said:
And without continuity I guess we can't get the "neither decreasing nor increasing" rule of f(x) on any open inverval. Am I right here? So I imagine such a non-continuous f(x) does exist, can anybody help me justify that?

Well, although I demonstrated f can be neither increasing nor decreasing on any open interval, I also expressed my doubt that this rules out a continuous function already. The best I came up with until now is a rough idea how it may be possible to prove that such an f cannot be differentiable in any point. But this does not rule out continuity.

  • #8
y_lindsay said:
I think continuity is needed here to show that f is strictly increasing or decreasing on the whole real line. (gel, how do you justify this by using intermediate value theorem?)

We know that f is 1-1, and assume that it is continuous. Suppose that x<y<z and f(y) > f(z) > f(x). Then, by the intermediate value theorem there would have to be a number a between x and y such that f(a)=f(z), which contradicts the 1-1 property of f. Similarly, IVT rules out f(y) > f(x) > f(z), f(y) < f(z) < f(x) and f(y) < f(x) < f(z). The only remaining possibilities are that f(x) < f(y) < f(z) or f(x) > f(y) > f(z), so f has to be either increasing or decreasing on any set of three points x,y,z. I'll leave you finish off and show that this means it is either increasing or decreasing everywhere.
  • #9
y_lindsay said:
And without continuity I guess we can't get the "neither decreasing nor increasing" rule of f(x) on any open inverval. Am I right here? So I imagine such a non-continuous f(x) does exist, can anybody help me justify that?

A (non-continuous) f does exist, but I don't know if there's a simple way to express it. I'll try to explain how it can be done. First let a be the unique number such that exp(-a)=a. We will set f(a)=a. The hard part is defining f for x != a.
Let g(x)=exp(-x), so its inverse [itex]g^{-1}(x)=-\log(x)[/itex] exists for all positive x.

You can show that if you pick any x != a then repeatedly applying g^{-1} will eventually give a number y <= 0. This means that for every x !=a there is a unique integer n>=0 and real y <= 0 satisfying [itex]x=g^n(y)[/itex].

Now split the non-positive real numbers into two disjoint sets A,B such that there is an invertible map u:A->B. for example, you can have [itex]A=(-\infty,-1][/itex] and [itex]B=(-1,0][/itex].

Finally, if [itex]x=g^n(y)[/itex] for y in A, set [itex]f(x)=g^n(u(y))[/itex]. Alternatively if y is in B, set [itex]f(x)=g^{n+1}(u^{-1}(y))[/itex].

You can fill in the gaps in this construction, although you might find it rather tricky. I don't know if f can be constructed in any simpler way.
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FAQ: Is there such a continuous function?

1. What is a continuous function?

A continuous function is a type of mathematical function that has no sudden or abrupt changes in its graph. This means that there are no breaks, holes, or jumps in the graph of the function. In other words, the function can be drawn without lifting the pen from the paper.

2. How can you determine if a function is continuous?

A function is considered continuous if it meets the three criteria of continuity: 1) the function is defined at a given point, 2) the limit of the function exists at that point, and 3) the limit is equal to the value of the function at that point. If all three conditions are met, then the function is continuous at that point. To determine if a function is continuous on an interval, you would need to check if it meets these criteria at every point within that interval.

3. What are some real-life examples of continuous functions?

Some common examples of continuous functions in real life include temperature changes over time, the height of an object falling from a specific height, and the growth of a population over time. Other examples include the movement of a pendulum, the position of a car traveling on a straight road, and the water level in a bathtub as it drains.

4. How can a function be discontinuous?

A function can be discontinuous if it fails to meet one or more of the criteria of continuity. This can occur if the function is undefined at a certain point, if the limit of the function does not exist at that point, or if the limit is not equal to the value of the function at that point. Discontinuities can also occur at points where the function has a jump, a hole, or an asymptote.

5. Why is continuity important in mathematics?

Continuity is important in mathematics because it allows us to make predictions and draw conclusions about a function's behavior. It also helps us to understand the relationship between different types of functions and their properties. Additionally, many mathematical concepts and theorems are based on the assumption of continuity, making it a fundamental concept in various fields of mathematics such as calculus, analysis, and topology.

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