Fourth particle in Electroweak theory

In summary, the fourth particle in the Electroweak theory is either the photon, as a consequence of the gauge symmetry, or the Higgs boson, as a result of the symmetry breaking. The Higgs boson is not a gauge boson like the W and Z, and its existence and mass are not dependent on the electroweak symmetry breaking. The other three particles involved in the symmetry breaking are the W and Z bosons, which receive their mass from the Higgs field. The Higgs field is introduced as a complex doublet to provide yukawa interactions and has 4 degrees of freedom, with the remaining component becoming the Higgs boson.
  • #1
I know that symmetry breaking in the Electroweak theory does a great job of explaining the existence and masses of the W and Z bosons, but I'm a little confused about the role of the fourth particle required by the theory. Some sources say that the fourth particle is just the photon, and that it remains massless as a gauge boson should (unlike the W and Z bosons). Other sources indicate that the fourth particle is the boson of the Higgs field itself, giving everyone's favorite latest discovered particle. So which scenario is it?
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  • #2
I know that symmetry breaking in the Electroweak theory does a great job of explaining the existence and masses of the W and Z bosons, but I'm a little confused about the role of the fourth particle required by the theory

What do you mean by the fourth particle?

If by fourth particle you mean the fourth gauge boson of the electroweak gauge symmetry, it is the photon ( After symmetry breaking and mixing between the neutral gauge bosons). However, the photon was not predicted by electroweak theory of course, it is just accounted for.

If by fourth particle you mean the fourth particle predicted by the theory, it is the Higgs boson.
But the higgs boson is not a gauge boson as the W and Z, it has spin 0 and not spin 1.
In addition, its can have mass regardless of electroweak symmetry breaking.

Hope this helps
  • #3
It helps a little. If nothing else, it shows I need to be more careful with definitions.

But as for the difference between them, wasn't the theory about the gauge symmetry and the consequences thereof?

Pardon the slight ignorance, but the book I'm reading is a little fuzzy about the difference between the two cases.
  • #4
But as for the difference between them, wasn't the theory about the gauge symmetry and the consequences thereof?

The theory has both the gauge symmetry and the higgs mechanism for breaking the symmetry as its ingredients
  • #5
So just to clarify, the fourth particle in regards to the gauge symmetry is the photon, but the fourth particle that is involved in the symmetry breaking is the Higgs boson (with the other three fields involved in the breaking giving the W's and Z their masses)?
  • #6
So just to clarify, the fourth particle in regards to the gauge symmetry is the photon, but the fourth particle that is involved in the symmetry breaking is the Higgs boson (with the other three fields involved in the breaking giving the W's and Z their masses)?

There is just one field/particle involved in the breaking, the Higgs.

The other four particles are there as a result of the gauge symmetry, not its breaking.
The breaking (due to the Higgs) gives mass to the W and Z.
  • #7
gildomar said:
So just to clarify, the fourth particle in regards to the gauge symmetry is the photon, but the fourth particle that is involved in the symmetry breaking is the Higgs boson (with the other three fields involved in the breaking giving the W's and Z their masses)?
Yes, this is correct.
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  • #8
To break the symmetry a complex doublet is introduced.

This scalar field is required with the right charges under su2 and u1_y to provide the yukawa interactions. A complex doublet has 4 degrees of freedom, 3 become helicity zero modes of the ~su2 gauge bosons. So the other thing left over from this scalar field is the Higgs.

FAQ: Fourth particle in Electroweak theory

What is the "Fourth particle" in Electroweak theory?

The "Fourth particle" in Electroweak theory refers to the hypothetical particle that is predicted to exist in the electroweak force, which is one of the four fundamental forces in the universe. It is believed that this particle, also known as the Higgs boson, gives mass to other particles through the Higgs mechanism.

Why is the "Fourth particle" important in Electroweak theory?

The existence of the "Fourth particle" is crucial in understanding how particles acquire mass in the electroweak force. Without this particle, the theory would not be able to fully explain the behavior of particles and the interactions between them. Its discovery would also confirm the validity of the Standard Model of particle physics.

How was the "Fourth particle" in Electroweak theory discovered?

The "Fourth particle" was discovered in 2012 by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. Physicists used the LHC to accelerate and collide protons at high speeds, producing a burst of energy which could potentially create the Higgs boson. After analyzing the data from these collisions, scientists were able to confirm the existence of the particle.

What are the properties of the "Fourth particle" in Electroweak theory?

The "Fourth particle" has a mass of approximately 125 GeV (Giga-electron Volts) and a spin of 0. It is also an electrically neutral particle, meaning it does not have an electric charge. It is the only fundamental particle in the Standard Model with a spin of 0.

What impact does the discovery of the "Fourth particle" have on our understanding of the universe?

The discovery of the "Fourth particle" has confirmed the validity of the Standard Model and provided scientists with a better understanding of the fundamental particles and forces in the universe. It has also opened up new possibilities for further research and the potential for new discoveries in particle physics.

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