Small scale windtunnel building.

In summary, the school project is trying to build a small scale windtunnel. They are trying to figure out what the proportion is between the scale of the model and the windspeed. They are looking for a method to cancel most of the wind turbulence. They are also looking into using a different fan speed power.
  • #1
Hi all, as a school project we are trying to build a small scale windtunnel.
I've been doing a lot of reading, the design of the tunnel is basicly done now. But now comes the real math's.
So I got a few questions which i hope that can be answered by one of you guys.

To deside the scale of the tunnel i need to know what the proportion is between the scale of the model and the windspeed. I've read several things and really can't figure out what formula to use.
Aka: If scale 1:24 windspeed 1:?

What is the best method to cancel most of the wind turbulence, I've seen some construtions that make a grid before the fan.

Many thanks in advance from this confused physics student from Holland (Havo5).
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  • #2
Look at "reynolds number" for an idea of how flow scales.
I think low speed wind tunnels tend to have the fan downstream of the model and pull the air in from outside to reduce the turbulence.
  • #3
So we are now some time later. And basicly all the planning is done and the first materials are coming in now.

The windtunnel will be a total over 1m 30cm, with a diameter of 30cm.

Some of our 3D concept pictures:""

Measuring will be calculated based on the angle of the tube (grafity) and with windmeters placed in front of the fan and in the end of the tunnel.

Hopefully we will have the tunnel working within the next month.
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  • #4
Very nice rendering. What kind of fan are you going to use? I did this project when I was in school and used a 1 horsepower (750 watt) model airplane engine/propeller, which produced 90 mph (40m/s) in a test section of roughly the same size. People tend to underestimate the necessary fan speed power (though if you are just testing cars, maybe it doesn't matter as much).

FAQ: Small scale windtunnel building.

1. What materials are needed to build a small scale wind tunnel?

To build a small scale wind tunnel, you will need a fan or blower, a test section (such as a cardboard or plastic tube), a power supply, and various tools such as scissors, tape, and rulers. It is also helpful to have a base or frame to hold all the components together.

2. How big should the wind tunnel be?

The size of your wind tunnel will depend on the purpose and scale of your experiments. Generally, a small scale wind tunnel can range from a few inches to a few feet in length. It is important to ensure that the dimensions of the wind tunnel are consistent throughout to maintain accurate results.

3. How do you ensure consistent wind speeds in the tunnel?

To ensure consistent wind speeds, the fan or blower should be positioned at a constant distance from the test section and turned on at a consistent speed. It is also important to minimize any obstructions or irregularities in the test section that could affect the airflow.

4. Can a small scale wind tunnel accurately simulate real-world conditions?

While a small scale wind tunnel may not be able to perfectly replicate real-world conditions, it can provide valuable insights and data for preliminary testing and research. It is important to carefully design and calibrate the wind tunnel to ensure accurate and reliable results.

5. How can I improve the accuracy of my small scale wind tunnel?

To improve the accuracy of your wind tunnel, you can consider adding features such as a flow straightener, diffuser, or adjustable test section. It is also important to carefully measure and record all variables, such as wind speed and angle of attack, during experiments and to repeat tests multiple times for consistency.
