Cmput: 2D parity error detection scheme

In summary, the conversation discusses the encoding and error detection scheme of blocks using two-dimensional parity. The rows are encoded using odd parity and the last row contains the parity bits for the columns, which are also encoded using odd parity. The corner parity bit in the last block can either check the row or column parity, and in this example, it has been used to check the column parity. The conversation also addresses the possibility of error detection and correction, as well as the number of overhead bits in the example. Finally, it provides a helpful tip for identifying errors by comparing each row and column for contradictions.
  • #1
Question Details:
The following blocks have been encoded using the two-dimensional parity error detection scheme. That is, the rows have been encoded using odd parity and the last row holds the parity bits of the columns which have also been encoded using odd parity. There are two possible interpretations of the corner parity bit in the last block – it can either check the row or column parity. In this example, it has been used to check the column parity.

a) Is an error detected?

b) If there is an error (or more than one errors) detected: are there conditions where the error or errors can be corrected? If there is no error detected, could there have been errors that were not detected?

c) How many overhead bits are there in this example?

1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1
0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1

also.. :
The following message bits are to be transmitted: 11010001010001001010. It is decided to split this message into blocks of 5 bits and apply the two-dimensional parity error detection scheme using even parity. Show the encoded blocks that would be transmitted.
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  • #2
You have to show your work if you want to receive detailed help.

Here's something to start you off. Recall the definition of odd parity. The parity bit is set to 0 if you have an odd numbers of ones and it is set to 0 if you have an even number of ones.

In your case, the last row (bottom) and the last column (to the right) are the parity bits. Compare each row and column and see if you find any contradictions. If you do, then t here has been an error in the transmission.
  • #3

a) Yes, an error is detected. The last block has a parity bit of 1, but the correct parity for the columns is 0. This means that there is an error in at least one of the columns.

b) In this case, the error can be corrected by flipping the bit in the last block's parity bit. This would correct the error in the columns. However, if there were more than one error, the error could not be corrected as the parity bit only indicates the presence of an error, not the location of the error.

If there is no error detected, it is possible that there were errors that were not detected. This is known as a "false negative" and can occur if the errors cancel each other out in terms of parity.

c) There are 3 overhead bits in this example - one for the row parity and two for the column parity.

Encoded blocks:

FAQ: Cmput: 2D parity error detection scheme

1. What is a 2D parity error detection scheme in Cmput?

A 2D parity error detection scheme is a method used to check for errors in data transmission in computer networks. It involves adding an extra bit to each row and column of data, which is calculated based on the number of 1s in that row or column. This extra bit is used to detect and correct errors that may occur during data transmission.

2. How does the 2D parity error detection scheme work?

In the 2D parity error detection scheme, the sender adds an extra bit to each row and column of data, and calculates its value based on the number of 1s in that row or column. The receiver then checks the received data by counting the number of 1s in each row and column, and compares it to the extra bit that was sent. If there is a mismatch, the receiver knows that an error has occurred and can request for the data to be resent.

3. What are the advantages of using a 2D parity error detection scheme?

One advantage of using a 2D parity error detection scheme is that it is simple and easy to implement. It also has a high error detection rate, meaning it can detect a large percentage of errors that may occur during data transmission. Additionally, it can help to improve the overall reliability of the network by detecting and correcting errors before they cause major issues.

4. Are there any limitations of the 2D parity error detection scheme?

Like any error detection scheme, the 2D parity scheme also has its limitations. It can only detect and correct errors that occur in an odd number of bits. This means that if an even number of bits are flipped during transmission, the scheme will not be able to detect the error. Additionally, it does not provide any form of error correction, so it cannot fix errors that are detected.

5. How is the 2D parity error detection scheme different from other error detection schemes?

The 2D parity error detection scheme is different from other error detection schemes in that it adds an extra bit to both rows and columns of data, rather than just one. This allows for a higher error detection rate. It is also a simple and efficient scheme, making it a popular choice for error detection in computer networks.
