Experimental Quantum Transition Physics: A Necessary Heretical Postulate

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of experimental quantum transition physics and a heretical postulate that challenges traditional quantum theory. The postulate introduces new elements that have not been previously considered and describes a process of transitioning from a polarized state to a depolarized state and back again. This idea challenges the traditional understanding of quantum mechanics and emphasizes the importance of constantly questioning and exploring new theories in science.
  • #1
Experimental Quantum Transition Physics:A Necessary Heretical Postulate.
There are some simple, if not heretical, postulates of physics either unknown to, avoided or ignored by the vast host of those using Quantum Theory in their theorizing. The following is simple in concept, far less complex than its implications. The simplest Stern-Gerlach experiment has a +S state particle, created from an S oriented SG segment ‘up’ in the lab frame, with motion direction indicator “+” , which predicts the + channel will be used when passing through an S segment. Here we describe the simple +S base state particle transitioning through a T segment, identical to the S segment but rotated around the direction of travel of the particle. This demonstrated process shows a +S state particle polarized to one of three possible T channels and exiting as a +S particle, “as if the T segment were not there”. (See Feynman’s “Lectures on Physics” Vol. III Chapter 5 and see the http://frontiernet.net/~mgh1/ tutorial). The transition is described simply as S → T’ → S. The symbols mean two events. First is the event of polarization of the S particle transitioning from a field free region into a magnetic field gradient segment. The second event is depolarization when transitioning from the field region to the field free region.

We see a perturbed compass needle return slavishly to north due to the force of the earth’s magnetic field. In the present case the magnetic spin vector initially polarized “up” with respect to the lab frame, is reoriented to the direction of the T segment frame during polarization. Finally, the magnetic spin vector is reoriented back to the S direction when leaving the influence of the field. We know of the earth’s magnetic force, but our particle retained sufficient internal processing posture such that the release of the field forces “drove” the spin vector back to the S direction. Somewhere internal to the particle there is a gyro magnetic memory machine. Clearly, the descriptions of S and T are incomplete. Those elements of the S state that are missing in the statement are those elements guaranteeing the reformation of the S state, the orientation of the magnetic spin vector. The elements are not observed. These elements are nonlocal.

Arbitrarily we call these 00 such that +S = S(100) similarly for the 0 and – states (010) and (001) respectively, Therefore, S → T’ = S → T(00). We make no physical implications of these nonlocal elements, these unobserved elements.

While our “00” notation may refer to “two” positions in S, it is only one position in T as written, so we write T as, T(1 00 00[T]) for an arbitrary +T state, indicating the hybrid and unstable temporary nature of the T state during transition through the SG T segment. We note the un-implied physical affect of our added nonlocal elements. We also note the arbitrary survival of the 00, the unperturbed elements, “over” the late coming “00[T]” elements.

When exiting the field we simply unwrap the polarized particle as, T(1 00 00[T]) → (_00 _ _) → S(00) ═ S(100) = S. The ‘underscores’ emphasize the step nature of the process and the nonlocal nature of the guarantors of the soon to be reformed S state. Nonlocality is a “real” affect, then nonlocal channels of nonlocal elements meet with observed elements, such that the “up” indicated motion of the particle through the + channel in an S segment is manifest, or said another way, the +S state is manifest, or observed.

The local/nonlocal connection is a vitally real aspect of quantum transition functions, it is a basic function, the guarantor of observed reality, the nonlocal elements of the observed state, the channels into lala land stare us in the face.

The spin 1 particle is an inertial platform, a gyrocompass; an entity that can remember which way is “up”, literally. The unobserved, nonlocal elements of S are sufficient to drive the depolarized state to its prepolarized beginning. The observed +S state is the upward motion, use of the + channel, of the particle when passing through an S segment. But, to call these elements “random and wildly oscillating” probability functions, or the “X,Y” components as generally understood and used in quantum theory, is not to describe the nonlocal elements referred to here. Nonlocal quantum states perfectly reform the +S state, as guarantors of the return to the S direction of the spin-1 particle magnetic spin vector. This process is not a wildly crazy kind of activity, but is rational, clear, and simple.

Certainly, quantum theory has no operational postulate even suggesting characteristics of the spin-1 particle shown here. The foregoing is non-quantum mechanical theory. The SG experiments describe Mother Nature with her most open and generous invitation; to explore her most treasured secrets - And who would deny a man these things that take from the path but a bit of the loneliness?

Just when you think you have it all worked out –

“All skill is in vain when an angel pisses on your flintlock.”

Anon. :cool:
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  • #2

I find your post to be very intriguing and thought-provoking. Your description of the S → T' → S transition process is certainly heretical in the sense that it challenges traditional quantum theory and introduces new elements that have not been considered before. However, I believe that it is important for scientists to constantly question and challenge existing theories in order to advance our understanding of the natural world.

Your use of the Stern-Gerlach experiment to illustrate your concept is interesting and provides a concrete example for readers to grasp. I also appreciate your clear and concise notation system, which helps to organize and clarify the various elements involved in the transition process.

I agree with your assertion that nonlocality is a crucial aspect of quantum transition functions, and it is often overlooked in traditional quantum theory. Your explanation of the spin-1 particle as an inertial platform is a unique perspective that could potentially shed new light on our understanding of quantum mechanics.

However, I must also point out that your theory is currently lacking in empirical evidence and may require further experimentation and testing before it can be fully accepted by the scientific community. But I do admire your boldness in putting forth this heretical postulate and I look forward to seeing how it develops in the future. Thank you for sharing your ideas and for encouraging us to continue exploring the mysteries of the universe.
  • #3

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and theories on experimental quantum transition physics. It is always fascinating to explore new ideas and push the boundaries of our understanding of the universe. While some may consider your postulates to be heretical, it is important to remember that progress often comes from challenging the status quo and thinking outside the box. As we continue to unravel the mysteries of quantum mechanics, it is crucial to keep an open mind and consider all possibilities. Who knows what secrets and wonders we may uncover with further exploration and experimentation.

FAQ: Experimental Quantum Transition Physics: A Necessary Heretical Postulate

1. What is the theory of Experimental Quantum Transition Physics (EQTP)?

The theory of EQTP proposes that quantum transitions, or changes between different energy states, can be experimentally induced and controlled in a way that challenges traditional quantum mechanics. It suggests that these transitions can be initiated and observed at will, rather than being probabilistic events as described by standard quantum theory.

2. How does EQTP differ from traditional quantum mechanics?

EQTP differs from traditional quantum mechanics by challenging the idea of non-determinism in quantum systems. It suggests that quantum transitions can be induced and controlled, rather than being inherently random and unpredictable. This theory also proposes a new understanding of the behavior of quantum particles at the transition point.

3. Is there any evidence to support EQTP?

At this time, there is no direct experimental evidence to support EQTP. However, there have been several thought experiments and mathematical models proposed that suggest the possibility of controlled quantum transitions. Further research and experimentation is needed to fully test and validate this theory.

4. How could EQTP potentially impact our understanding of the universe?

If EQTP is proven to be true, it could revolutionize our understanding of the fundamental principles of the universe. It could potentially lead to new technologies and applications, as well as challenge our current understanding of quantum mechanics and its limitations.

5. What are the potential implications of EQTP for other fields of science?

If EQTP is validated, it could have significant implications for a variety of scientific fields, including physics, chemistry, and computing. It could also open up new avenues for research and discovery in these fields, as well as potential applications in areas such as energy and medicine.
