Wheel torque > contact patch friction > torque

In summary, wheel torque is the force applied to a wheel to make it rotate, typically measured in Nm or lb-ft. It affects the friction between the wheel's contact patch and the ground, with more torque resulting in increased friction and better traction. Factors such as vehicle weight, gear ratio, engine power, and tire type can influence wheel torque. The relationship between contact patch friction and torque is direct, as an increase in torque leads to an increase in friction. Torque plays a crucial role in a vehicle's performance, particularly in terms of acceleration and towing capacity, with higher torque allowing for faster acceleration and heavier loads.
  • #1
Am I correct in saying that when a torque is applied to a wheel
the force is resisted by the friction at the contact patch
and then becomes a "equal and opposite" torque acting around
the contact patch?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
If you neglect moment of inertia. (static case or small force, slow movement)

FAQ: Wheel torque > contact patch friction > torque

1. What is wheel torque?

Wheel torque is the force that is applied to the wheel in order to make it rotate. It is typically measured in units of Newton-meters (Nm) or pound-feet (lb-ft).

2. How does wheel torque affect contact patch friction?

Wheel torque plays a crucial role in determining the amount of friction between the wheel's contact patch and the ground. When more torque is applied, the wheel exerts a greater force on the ground, increasing the friction and allowing for better traction.

3. What factors influence wheel torque?

Several factors can affect the amount of torque that a wheel produces, including the weight of the vehicle, the gear ratio, the engine power, and the type of tires.

4. What is the relationship between contact patch friction and torque?

The relationship between contact patch friction and torque is a direct one. As torque increases, so does the force between the contact patch and the ground, resulting in an increase in friction.

5. How does torque affect a vehicle's performance?

Torque is a crucial factor in a vehicle's performance, especially in terms of acceleration and towing capacity. A higher torque allows a vehicle to accelerate faster and pull heavier loads, while a lower torque may result in slower acceleration and reduced towing capabilities.

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