Is Taking 12 Credits Enough for a Freshman Math and Physics Double Major?

In summary: Next semester, I'll be taking these classes: Real Analysis I, Introduction to Statistical Physics, Number Theory, and second semester of Linear Algebra. However, these are only 12 credits which is just enough to be considered a full time student. My schedule looks pretty difficult, but many people have said that taking 12 credits is far too few. In summary, this current semester, I'm taking Modern Physics, Linear Algebra, and an introductory class in Quantum Computation. I have A's in all of them currently, and so I have faith that I'll be able to do well next semester. I was wondering if it would be a good idea to take
  • #1
I'm a freshman math and physics double major. Next semester, I'll be taking these classes: Real Analysis I, Introduction to Statistical Physics, Number Theory, and second semester of Linear Algebra. However, these are only 12 credits which is just enough to be considerd a full time student. My schedule looks pretty difficult, but many people have said that taking 12 credits is far too few.

This current semester, I'm taking (ignoring my non math and physics classes) Modern Physics, Linear Algebra, and an introductory class in Quantum Computation. I have A's in all of them currently, and so I have faith that I'll be able to do well next semester. I was wondering if it would be a good idea to take another math class next semester; I could probably take an independent study for a second semester in Quantum Computation with my current QC professor.

Also, what is a good textbook for a continuation of linear algebra? I currently have and will be using Shilov's Linear Algebra for my Linear Algebra 2 class. My first semester covered systems of equations, determinants, vector spaces, subspaces,linear transformations, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, diagonalizability.
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  • #2
If I were you I'd take strategic math courses that will make the physics class less difficult. That means real analysis, differential equations, and I assume you have some sort of calculus classes. Take the one that talks about Stoke's thm, Green's them, Gauss/divergence thm and line integrals.

What is the syllabus of this second linear algebra class? And what do you leanr in QC?
  • #3
Thanks for the advice. I ,so far, have the basic calculus sequence (I-III) and an Ordinary Differential Equations class. My second linear algebra class will cover Canonical forms of a matrix, bilinear and quadratic forms, unitary spaces, and finite dimensional algebras. I'll be using Shilov's Linear Algebra, and probably covering (if time permits) from chapter 6 to 11.

My introduction to quantum computation class covered only the first 3 chapters of

which was some introduction to algorithms, some classical computation, and introduction to linear algebra and postulates of quantum mechanics.

Would it be a good idea to take an introduction to Partial Differential Equations class, which I suppose would be helpful for physics, or do I need more math classes before I am prepared for that subject?

Thanks for the advice!
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  • #4
EbolaPox said:
Would it be a good idea to take an introduction to Partial Differential Equations class, which I suppose would be helpful for physics, or do I need more math classes before I am prepared for that subject?

Thanks for the advice!

I think if you've had decent ordinary differential equations and linear algebra courses you should be pretty well prepared for a partial differential equations course, I'm taking one currently and the only thing I think would have been beneficial for me would be to have taken a linear algebra class beforehand.
  • #5
EbolaPox said:
...these are only 12 credits which is just enough to be considerd a full time student. My schedule looks pretty difficult, but many people have said that taking 12 credits is far too few.

Since you are planning on double-majoring, you may want to make a spreadsheet of what required classes you need and the terms that these are offered, and then you should form a master schedule for the duration of your undergraduate. It doesn't sound like you'll have a problem getting the credits you need, but it never hurts to be sure. Then -- you have a master plan of classes -- and you can figure out where all the extra classes you want can go. Since you are only in your first year -- you have plenty of time. Glad things are going so well!

As an aside... I took PDE after ODE... and liked the DPE class much more! I'm "partial to partial diff eq." :biggrin:
  • #6
physics girl phd said:
I'm "partial to partial diff eq." :biggrin:

Why don't you just make that your signature? :biggrin:
  • #7
That seems like a lot to pack into a freshman semester. Usually juniors and seniors have situations like this where they have to take 4-5 difficult classes per semester all together in order to graduate on time, but I can't really believe that in your freshman year you're under that kind of constraint/pressure.

Is it really necessary to take all 4 this semester, or is there 1 or 2 you can put off and put easier classes in their places?
  • #8
Thanks for all the replies!

Although I'd like to take a PDE course, no PDE class is being offered this semester. In truth, I probably don't have to take this many classes, but my professors have seen that I'm prety willing to do a lot of studying and work, and seemed to indicate that taking this many classes would be manageable as long as I work hard.

I suppose it's best just to cap out at 4 hard classes, even though it's only 12 credits and hold out on a second class on quantum computation or PDE class.

Another question though: has anyone used Shilov's Linear algebra text? Would it be good for a second linear algebra class?

  • #9
hmmm, I know you don't have to say, but what school is this? I am only asking because it seems like such a strange schedule for a freshman. I am guessing you took the calc and gen phys in high school?

What about core classes? Does you school require you to take English or Geography or Sociology or.. Phys Ed?

FAQ: Is Taking 12 Credits Enough for a Freshman Math and Physics Double Major?

What is a spring schedule question?

A spring schedule question refers to a question or concern about the schedule of classes during the spring semester at a university or school.

When is the spring semester?

The spring semester typically runs from January to May, but the exact dates may vary depending on the institution.

How do I view the spring schedule?

You can usually view the spring schedule on your school's website or through an online portal provided by your institution.

Can I make changes to my spring schedule?

Yes, you can usually make changes to your spring schedule during a designated add/drop period. However, there may be limitations or restrictions depending on your institution's policies.

What happens if a class I need is not offered in the spring?

If a class you need is not offered in the spring, you may need to take it during a different semester or find an alternative class that fulfills the same requirement. You can also speak to your academic advisor for guidance on how to proceed.

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