Brackett series nearest to Paschen series

  • Thread starter Quelsita
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In summary, the first line of the Paschen series occurs at 18,751.1A with an energy of En=-13.6/(3)2 and is closest in wavelength to the n=9 line of the Brackett series. The difference in wavelengths between these two lines is 577A. The formula used to calculate series wavenumbers can provide further insight into how this answer was obtained.
  • #1
Which of the spectral lines of the Brackett series is closest in wavelength to the first spectral ine of the Paschen series? By how much do the wavelengths differ?

The first line of the Paschen series occurs at 18,751.1A with an energy of En=-13.6/(3)2.
I know the answer is n=9 with a sepperation of 577A but I'm super confused how they arrived at this answer.

If anyone could help at least to explain what is esentially going on here, or point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated!

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  • #2
I suppose formula that is used to calculate series wavenumbers could be a good starting point.
  • #3

The Brackett series and Paschen series are both series of spectral lines in the hydrogen atom. The Brackett series consists of spectral lines that correspond to electron transitions from higher energy levels to the fourth energy level (n=4), while the Paschen series consists of transitions to the third energy level (n=3). The first line of the Paschen series, with a wavelength of 18,751.1A, corresponds to an electron transition from n=4 to n=3, with an energy of En=-13.6/(3)^2.

To find the Brackett series line closest in wavelength to the first line of the Paschen series, we need to find the line in the Brackett series that also corresponds to an electron transition from n=4 to n=3. This occurs at the ninth line of the Brackett series, with a wavelength of 18,174A.

The difference in wavelength between the first line of the Paschen series and the ninth line of the Brackett series is 577A. This difference is due to the change in energy level (from n=4 to n=3) and the corresponding change in energy of the electron.

In summary, the first line of the Paschen series is closest in wavelength to the ninth line of the Brackett series, with a difference of 577A. This is because both transitions involve a change in energy level from n=4 to n=3.

FAQ: Brackett series nearest to Paschen series

What is the Brackett series nearest to the Paschen series?

The Brackett series is a series of spectral lines in the infrared region of the hydrogen atom's emission spectrum. It is the fourth series in the Balmer-Rydberg sequence and is closest to the Paschen series, which is the fifth series.

What is the energy difference between the Brackett series and the Paschen series?

The energy difference between the Brackett series and the Paschen series is 822.5 cm-1. This corresponds to a wavelength of approximately 1.216 micrometers.

How many lines are in the Brackett series?

There are a total of 7 lines in the Brackett series, labeled as Brackett alpha through Brackett omega. These correspond to transitions from higher energy levels to the n=4 level of the hydrogen atom.

What is the significance of the Brackett series?

The Brackett series is significant because it provides evidence for the existence of energy levels in the hydrogen atom, supporting the Bohr model of the atom. It also helped in the development of quantum mechanics and the understanding of the atomic structure.

Can the Brackett series be observed in astronomical objects?

Yes, the Brackett series has been observed in various astronomical objects, such as stars, galaxies, and nebulae. This is because hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, making its emission spectrum visible in many objects.
