Rotational friction on a surface

In summary, the conversation discusses how to determine the torque from friction on a convex 2D polygon rotating on a flat surface. The idea of splitting the polygon into triangles is suggested, with the suggestion to divide the polygon into smaller pieces for more accuracy. For a game, an approximation of the friction and torque may be acceptable. A simple method of calculating the torque using the linear motion and friction force at each vertex is proposed. However, a more accurate model of friction would require considering the flexibility of the objects in contact.
  • #1
Say you have a convex 2D polygon with a set of vertices rotating on a flat surface. Given the coefficient of friction and the coordinates of each vertex, how can you determine the torque from friction on this polygon? I'm looking more for an algorithm than some big equation, as this is something I'm going to add into my physics engine for a game. For that reason, an approximation would be acceptable as long as it takes a short time to compute.

I had the idea of splitting the polygon into triangles by imagining lines drawn from the center of the polygon to each vertex, and finding the torque on each triangle rotating about its vertex (the one that is at the center of the whole polygon), but I can't figure out how to get the torque for an arbitrary triangle. I know that to do this for a circle, you just integrate F * dr from 0 to the radius, but I can't figure out an analogue for triangles.
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  • #2
A good plan here is to divide your polygon into many small pieces, not a few large ones.

As the size of the pieces gets smaller, the rotation of each piece becomes less significant compared with the translation of the piece around the center of the whole polygon.

I guess that for your game you want something that behaves in a "sensiible" fashion but it doesn't have to be super-accurate. You could probably get away with assuming the contact was just at the vertices considered as a set of point in contact with the plane. Find the vector that gives the linear motion of each point, assume the friction force is in the opposite direction to the motion, then take the moment of the vectors to find the torque.

An accurate model of the friction for this sort of situation is quite complicated, because you have to take account of the flexibility of the objects that are in contact. The simple Coulomb model of static and dynamic friction doesn't apply. But for a game, I don't think you need to get into that much detail.
  • #3
Thanks! I'll play around with that to see if it appears realistic.

FAQ: Rotational friction on a surface

1. What is rotational friction on a surface?

Rotational friction on a surface is a force that resists the motion or rotation of an object on a surface. It is caused by the interaction between the object and the surface it is resting on, and can have a significant impact on an object's movement and stability.

2. How does rotational friction differ from static friction?

Static friction is the force that prevents an object from moving when it is at rest, while rotational friction is the force that resists the rotational motion of an object. Rotational friction is also dependent on the object's shape and the type of surface it is on, while static friction is dependent on the force applied to the object.

3. What factors affect the amount of rotational friction on a surface?

The amount of rotational friction on a surface is affected by several factors, including the weight and shape of the object, the type of surface it is on, the force applied to the object, and the speed of rotation. Additionally, the presence of lubricants or other substances on the surface can also influence rotational friction.

4. How is rotational friction measured?

Rotational friction is typically measured using a device called a torque sensor, which measures the amount of force needed to rotate an object on a surface. The unit of measurement for rotational friction is torque, which is typically measured in newton-meters (Nm) or foot-pounds (ft-lb).

5. Can rotational friction be reduced?

Yes, rotational friction can be reduced by using lubricants or changing the surface material to one with lower friction. Additionally, reducing the weight of the object or changing its shape can also help to decrease the amount of rotational friction. However, some amount of rotational friction is necessary to maintain stability and prevent objects from slipping or sliding on a surface.
