Welcome to PF3: Announcing Ourselves!

  • Thread starter FZ+
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation is about the new version of the forum, PF3, and the members announcing their return and discussing the new features. Some members have changed their usernames and others are experiencing difficulties with logging in. There is also a discussion about the meaning behind the "+" in one member's username and some jokes being made about it. Overall, members are excited to be back and are looking forward to using the new forum.
  • #1
Well... PF 3 is here.
(somewhat belatedly :wink:)
So, what do people think? Who's back? Who's new?
Announce yourselves here...
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Hello hello. I'm back, sort of... I was alis before. :)
  • #3
Greetings !
  • #4
Back too.
I guess most of the people that joined a lot will be back soon.
BTW, what is the story of the new + in your nick FZ+ ?
  • #5
I'm Back. Been so busy with uni I had no idea we were changing... Well I had an idea we were changing, just not so soon. :smile:
  • #6
Elvis has entered the building!
  • #7
Hmm... The +?
Well, it philosophically places an undefined addition to my username, suggesting that the name is only a part of all the concepts it encompasses, and that what is significant is not the name itself, but that which surrounds it which is significant.
Or, it suggests the eternally cumulative nature of scientific endeavor, suggesting that there exists always a plus for everything. Our sum of knowledge is never complete.
Or, it suggests a wistful feeling at the inevitability of change, that to progress, we must improve. And hence, the uncertain plus implies the idea of sheer undirectly evolutionary energy that is present in life.

Or maybe it's just because PF3 has an annoying thing about usernames under 3 letters. :wink:
  • #8
haha, being an admin, I think the reason the must be one of the first three.

I like the plus however, shows evolution!
  • #9
Originally posted by FZ+
Hmm... The +?
Well, it philosophically places an undefined addition to my username, suggesting that the name is only a part of all the concepts it encompasses, and that what is significant is not the name itself, but that which surrounds it which is significant.
Or, it suggests the eternally cumulative nature of scientific endeavor, suggesting that there exists always a plus for everything. Our sum of knowledge is never complete.
Or, it suggests a wistful feeling at the inevitability of change, that to progress, we must improve. And hence, the uncertain plus implies the idea of sheer undirectly evolutionary energy that is present in life.

Or maybe it's just because PF3 has an annoying thing about usernames under 3 letters. :wink:


Well, Mentat's back. Please, keep the booing to a minimum.
  • #10
Rock on

PHP rocks.

This forum rocks.

Ganshauk rocks...oh wait.. I'd hate to be immodest.

Ganshauk rocks immodestly!

I feel like I just got a new car and am still checking out all the killer gadgets on the dash. The only thing missing is that new-car-smell. Oh well, maybe PF 4.
  • #11
I love the new look. Great work on this Greg.

Hello all. It's good to be back.
  • #12
awww man... this brings back memories of when i came home from school in year 4, and my parents had moved interstate without telling me...

Why do people keep moving and not telling me??!


(Of course I am still here)
  • #13
By the looks of it, I'm already late! LoL, good to see that pretty much everyone's still around, and I've only visited the Feedback Forum so far!
  • #14
Originally posted by FZ+
Or, it suggests the eternally cumulative nature of scientific endeavor, suggesting that there exists always a plus for everything.
So some day we will have FZ+++++ ?
Or maybe it's just because PF3 has an annoying thing about usernames under 3 letters. :wink:
Ohh ... that is really sad (for the members with (Extremly) short nicknames
Why such a policy is applied in your opinion (is it some kind of usefull ?)
  • #15


The Site Is Cool ... Not Becuase Of The Look , But Becuase Of It's Poeple
:wink: ...
  • #16

hehehe I have wanted to do that for days!

Well I don't know if i am going by Nicool002 anymore... as you can see I was under it but that was when PF 3 was on the test site and it won't allow me to login now that we are on the official site. But the mentors don't seem to be having any problems so I will see what Greg can do about it.
  • #17
You rang?

Originally attracted to a site I thought would contain discussion of Addams', a wayward wanderer discovers that discussing "atoms" can also be quite interesting.

"I will follow this site 'round the Horn and 'round the Cape of Good Hope and 'round Perdition's flames before I give it up!"

This is sooo cool; people move their location, and I hunt them down. It's a lot like cyber-stalking!
  • #18
I will have to agree with Lurch! I will follow this site anywhere!

Some of the names have changed...but this place is still the same...AWESOME!
  • #19
Hi all. I was Kerr_plunk, if that means anything.
  • #20
I LOVE PFS! Of course, I'm here (good ol' Majin!)! Anyhow, this site, to my surprise is just like www.scienceforums.net,[/URL] where (yes I'm there too, with the same username). But better, because we've got the coolest, most intelligent dudes and duddets here.

I, MajinVegeta, vow* not to ever leave PFs.
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  • #21
BTW: Is Alexander here too? I didn't see him. Or maybe he's left us!??:frown:
  • #22
I was Sivakami ... Siv ... still am Siv. The atheist lady from India, super-skeptic ... whatever :smile:

Used to be an avid poster ... but lately have been a bit tied up with work. Hope to remedy that soon.

Like the new PF. Too bad about the reset post count, though ! Hard to switch from "Hyper Wave" to ... nothing !

- S.
  • #23
SivaKami, the atheist.. my goodness.. siva siva..
  • #24
Yeah! Nearly a week, several attempts and two emails later, I can respond to posts again! (Slight problem with my registration verification code I think, either that or they have read some of past responses and were trying to keep me out :smile: )

Hi everyone. The new site looks good. glad to see you all back.
  • #25
BH reporting for duty,

Greetings and salutations to all.

I think from what little I've seen that we will have better speed and more features with this forum. I'm right in the middle of doing some important stuff and doubt I will be able to remain active though... at least for a time.
  • #26
Yeah ! BH is back !
  • #27
Wow, this site really does rock. Big improvement over the last one by any means. O, that's cool, got the character counter at the bottom, just keep watching the words climb. Props again on the site upgrade and what's up everyone?
  • #28
Where's siv? I know she registered but she hasn't really posted... and Zero is busy doing stuff too.. There are still quite a few people missing.
  • #29
Originally posted by drag
Yeah ! BH is back !

Hi Drag,
Thanks for the greeting! :smile: :smile:

I'm pressed for time so it may be a few weeks before I get back to the swing of things. This forum is still quite alien to me but with some practice it may begin to feel like 'home' again. I will check in by and by 'till I get myself situated and have more time.

I noticed a number of members took a fast jump in their post counts. Do you suppose I will ever catch up?
  • #30
Hey BH! Long time no see!
  • #31
Originally posted by BoulderHead
I noticed a number of members took a fast jump in their post counts. Do you suppose I will ever catch up?
Naaah... No way !
You're a slow poster BH, just 1000 posts per month...
  • #32
Originally posted by Nicool003
Hey BH! Long time no see!
Hi Nicool003, good to see you too!
I have a ton of reading to do if I am to catch up with all the stuff that has been posted in PF3 already. Isn't it is a good feeling to have a community such as this one? I think it is.:smile:
  • #33
I wonder if Alexander will join the new PF. I hope so because around Christmas time I enjoy hearing his stories of Santa

FAQ: Welcome to PF3: Announcing Ourselves!

1. What is "Welcome to PF3: Announcing Ourselves!"?

"Welcome to PF3: Announcing Ourselves!" is a platform where scientists, researchers, and other professionals can introduce themselves and their work to the community. It aims to foster collaboration and networking among individuals in the science field.

2. How can I participate in "Welcome to PF3: Announcing Ourselves!"?

You can participate by creating a profile and introducing yourself and your work on the platform. You can also browse and connect with other members to expand your network and potentially collaborate on projects.

3. Is "Welcome to PF3: Announcing Ourselves!" only for scientists?

No, "Welcome to PF3: Announcing Ourselves!" is open to all professionals in the science field, including researchers, engineers, and educators. It is also open to students who are interested in pursuing a career in science.

4. Are there any membership fees for "Welcome to PF3: Announcing Ourselves!"?

No, "Welcome to PF3: Announcing Ourselves!" is completely free to join and use. There are no membership fees or hidden costs.

5. Can I share my work or research on "Welcome to PF3: Announcing Ourselves!"?

Yes, "Welcome to PF3: Announcing Ourselves!" encourages members to share their work and research with the community. This can help to increase visibility and potentially lead to collaborations or partnerships.

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