Batteries and Capacitors in Series

In summary: V = 1J. If the current through the low voltage battery was greater than its spec, it would overheat. If the current through the high voltage battery was greater than its spec, it would overheat.
  • #1
I was looking up some information on series and parallel circuits, and a question popped in my head. I know that hooking up batteries and capacitors in series will give you a voltage equal to the sum of all the voltages in each component, but I was wondering why it does that?
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  • #2
Hi Drakkith! :smile:

But that's how voltage is defined :confused:

it's the difference in electric potential between two points,

ie the difference in potential energy per charge,

which in a conservative field (such as an electric field) is additive …

the difference between two points will always be the sum of the differences between intermediate points. :smile:

(and of course the difference between the same two points along different routes, ie in parallel, will always be the same).​
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  • #3
Hrmm. I see what you mean.

Well then, when you connect a couple of batteries in series, like in a flashlight, where is the current flowing when it passes from one battery into the other one? Into the electrodes and then the electrolyte and such? I think I'm actually wondering how the physical construction of batteries and capacitors allow more and more voltage to build up in series. Or something like that... I'm REALLY bad at wording my questions, so I apologize. I know what I want to say in my head, but I cannot get it out properly.
  • #4
Drakkith said:
… where is the current flowing when it passes from one battery into the other one? Into the electrodes and then the electrolyte and such?

Nothing really flows … each electron only moves a very short distance.

The current is the same all the way round the circuit.
I think I'm actually wondering how the physical construction of batteries and capacitors allow more and more voltage to build up in series. Or something like that... I'm REALLY bad at wording my questions, so I apologize. I know what I want to say in my head, but I cannot get it out properly.

They're like two pumps, their effect adds up.
  • #5
I understand all of that Tim.
Does the extra voltage have an effect on the batteries? IE will a battery eventually fail because you put too many in series?
  • #6
No, a battery will only fail because it uses up its own stored energy (the electrolyte, or whatever).

(I suppose you could "blow" a battery by putting too much current through it, just as you can blow a light bulb filament with too much current, but that's current not voltage)
  • #7
I'm struggling with these concepts as well... with the batteries in particular. When you take two batteries and hook the + of one to the - of the other and vice versa... you've just created something very close to a short circuit scenario and there is obviously current flowing (because of a very low internal resistance evidently)

Yet... when you connect them in series, this problem (of current flowing through them) does not occur... you just add the voltages. Likewise, if you connect them in parallel, (identical voltages), everything is fine... you've only increased the available current. Nothing is flowing through them like in the original scenario..

I've been asking similar questions around this stuff and I've still not been able to completely wrap my head around it...
  • #8
Drakkith said:
I understand all of that Tim.
Does the extra voltage have an effect on the batteries? IE will a battery eventually fail because you put too many in series?
You could imagine a circuit with a high voltage, high capacity battery in series with a little battery and a low resistance load. This circuit could cause a very high current to flow forward through the small battery, which would cause it to overheat and knacker it. But a battery used under normal conditions will just add energy to the charges flowing through it so series connection will just produce an overall potential difference equal to the sum of all the PDs of the batteries.
  • #9
You're saying that two 10V batteries in series would give you a 20V source to work with (which I would agree with).

But are you also saying that if we had (let's say) a 100V battery in series with a (let's say) 1V battery, we might not have a 101V source? At what point does the current flow through the little battery and overheat it? Is there a formula or something? This is something new that I've never heard of.

It's not hard to imagine it happening, and I wouldn't be surprised to see it documented, but I've never heard of it.
  • #10
If the current flowing through it was within its spec, there would be no difference in that situation in which a single battery is powering a low voltage circuit than if the same number of Amps were flowing in a 'high voltage' circuit or . Each Volt, wherever it is, corresponds to one Joule for every Coulomb flowing.

There's no "formula" to describe what happens when you force too much current through a battery but the power that is dissipated inside it will be about Isquared R, where R is the internal cell resistance.

You haven't put your finger on something that hasn't been thought of before - just look at it logically and it will become clear.
  • #11
Oh, so all you're saying is that you can't exceed the current rating on a battery...
  • #12
I'm saying that the internal resistance of the small battery needs to be taken into account if you try this sort of thing. In a stack of similar batteries this wouldn't be a problem - as long as the load was appropriate.
The battery doesn't 'know' where it is or in what circuit. All it can do is behave like a battery and provide its volts up to a specified current.

FAQ: Batteries and Capacitors in Series

1. What is the difference between a battery and a capacitor?

A battery is a device that stores chemical energy and converts it into electrical energy. It contains two electrodes - a positive and a negative - and an electrolyte that allows for the flow of ions between the electrodes. A capacitor, on the other hand, stores electrical energy by storing separated charges in an electric field between two conductive plates. It does not involve any chemical reactions and can release energy quickly.

2. How are batteries and capacitors connected in series?

In a series connection, the positive terminal of one component is connected to the negative terminal of the other component. This means that the components share the same current and the voltage across them is additive. In terms of batteries and capacitors, this means that the positive terminal of one battery is connected to the negative terminal of the other battery and the same for the capacitors.

3. What is the purpose of connecting batteries and capacitors in series?

Connecting batteries and capacitors in series increases the overall voltage of the circuit. This can be useful in devices that require a higher voltage than what a single battery or capacitor can provide. Additionally, connecting capacitors in series can increase the overall capacitance of the circuit, which can be useful in applications that require a larger amount of stored energy.

4. What are the potential risks of connecting batteries and capacitors in series?

One risk is that if the components are not properly matched, one component may drain faster than the other, leading to a mismatched voltage and potentially damaging one of the components. Additionally, if one component fails, it can cause the other components to fail as well.

5. How can one calculate the total voltage of batteries and capacitors connected in series?

The total voltage can be calculated by adding the individual voltages of each component. For batteries, this means adding the individual voltages of each battery. For capacitors, this means using the formula V = Q/C, where V is the voltage, Q is the charge, and C is the capacitance. The total voltage will be the sum of the individual voltages of each component.

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