Possible Explanations of Spooky action at a distance

  • Thread starter michaelsatt
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In summary: DeteministicRelational/TransactionalA-Theory/B-TheoryConsistent HistoriesDecoherenceObjective CollapsePenrose/Orch-ORIn summary, the conversation discusses the concept of quantum mechanics and computing, specifically the idea of controlling entangled particles and the challenges that come with it. The possibility of using magnetic charge to control these particles is also mentioned. The conversation then shifts to the idea that the universe is made up of particles of probability and the concept of "spooky action at a distance." The speaker proposes two theories, one involving mirror images of particles and the other involving "stensions" that cause entangled particles to change in spin. The speaker acknowledges that these are just speculations and
  • #1
Quantum mechanics ideas:

the idea of quantum mechanics and computing is mind boggling and impossible to fully comprehend but a few fundamental problems that i see as a possible hurdle ( other than the gaping mathematical holes in the basic understandings of quantum mechanics) would be the concept of not only controlling these “entangled particles” but with there inherent ability to be both here and there, then what possible ways to do we have of controlling something with no finite state of existence, could it be magnetic charge?. The idea of a quantum computer would be impossible to control due to the qubits conotation to either “ work” or “not work” or be either here or there.

Now assume that we can somehow control this, if there is still no longer a definition or greater understanding of the inner working of these geographically-interchangeable particles, then i propose the idea that not only are there waves of probability in the universe concerning electrons, but also particles of probability ( not sure if my idea of particles of probability is similar to waves, but read on and you might get my drift) These are everywhere and anywhere at any point in time. perhaps the universe is simply a 3 dimensional ( or however many dimensions you accept) light board made up of an un-conceivable amount of particles that light up when supplied with energy( or something else). This is suggesting that we do not have a certain number of particles within our body but we are merely passing through particles ( or more likely pieces of probability on the same level as something similar to string theory) which simply do what we want to do while we are within in their specific region. As outrageous and stupid as this may seem it is un-likely explanantion for the discovery of this “spooky action at a distance” and that if two particles become “entangled” then it is just these two “lights on a switchboard” short circuiting causing another at a distance away to react due to a change in its “voltage supplied”. The reason this is not just a random position at any point in the uni/multiverse is because the other entangled particles position is proportional to the position of the other particle and the short circuit between the two particles moves as the particles do. Obviously there is no proof to any of these theories and are just thoughts floating around, but i think they may be worth analysis and debate if anyone has the time. to suffice, my explanation is roughly the notion that the particle being manipulated has not been changed, is actually just a mirror image or perfectly symmetrical copy of the particle being manipulated and that when these two particles become “entangled” both are destroyed and are actually double mirror images of each other, much like if you look at multiple copies of yourself in a house of mirrors.

Now a completely different proposal. What if these “spooky actions from a distance” perhaps these changes are created when these particles become entangled, the strings of the universe or “tendons” tighten and become stronger due to whatever reasons and for whatever reason now are relative to the particles that have become entangled. For arguements sake ill call these “Stensions” (similarity tensions) these become more stronger and become entangled causing a knot in these so that whenever a particle is adjusted in any way, the other one pulls on the other causing it to change in spin. obviously there are enormouse holes in these theories but hopefully these completely radical and ingenious outlines of possibilities may help a greater mind develop a better strategy to explaining some of the un-answered questions. michael satterley
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Welcome to PhysicsForums, michaelsatt!

When you have an improvement over existing theory to offer, preferably with something that could be tested, your idea will be more meaningful. If you think about it, asking other scientists to spend time to finish out your raw idea is not really logical. We could always speculate that something "might have merit" but it takes a lot of effort to determine that it doesn't.

Have you looked at the existing accepted interpretations of Quantum Mechanics? These all address entanglement, and I would strongly suggest you study these before trying to come up with your own (since it will likely end up being equivalent to one of these). The largest classes are:

Many Worlds (MWI)
Time Symmetric/ACausal

FAQ: Possible Explanations of Spooky action at a distance

What is spooky action at a distance?

Spooky action at a distance refers to the phenomenon in quantum mechanics where two particles can affect each other instantaneously, even when they are separated by large distances. This goes against our classical understanding of physics, which states that information cannot travel faster than the speed of light.

What are some possible explanations for spooky action at a distance?

Some possible explanations for spooky action at a distance include hidden variables theories, which propose that there are unknown properties that determine the behavior of particles; non-locality theories, which suggest that particles exist in a higher dimensional space and are connected in ways we cannot observe; and the many-worlds interpretation, which proposes that every possible outcome of a quantum event actually occurs in a different universe.

How does spooky action at a distance relate to quantum entanglement?

Quantum entanglement is a form of spooky action at a distance, where two particles become entangled and their states are linked even when they are separated. This means that if you measure one particle, the state of the other particle will be instantly affected, regardless of the distance between them.

Can spooky action at a distance be observed in everyday life?

No, spooky action at a distance can only be observed at the quantum level. While the effects of this phenomenon have been observed and proven through experiments, it is not something that can be observed in our daily lives or on a macroscopic scale.

What are the implications of spooky action at a distance?

The existence of spooky action at a distance challenges our understanding of causality and the concept of locality. It also has implications for communication and the development of quantum technologies, such as quantum computing and quantum teleportation. Further research and understanding of this phenomenon may lead to new advancements in science and technology.

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