Radiation vector for a short dipole near a perfect magnetic conductor

In summary, the conversation discussed the use of the images method to calculate the radiation vector produced by a short dipole on an infinite perfect electric conductor. It was mentioned that for a perfect magnetic conductor, the images method could be applied by changing the sign of the current in the image. The concept of perfect magnetic conductors and their equations were also briefly discussed. It was noted that at very low frequencies, materials such as mumetal or permalloy can act as good magnetic conductors. Lastly, it was mentioned that for opposite currents, the radiation vector would be zero at the magnetic conductor, while for the same currents, the electric field would be zero.
  • #1
Hi there.

If I wanted to calculate the radiation vector (in z > 0) produced by a short dipole with uniform current Io (+z direction) on a infinite perfect electric conductor (plane z=0), I'd have to apply the images method. So I'd have to calculate the radiation vector produced by two short dipoles, one in z > 0 and one in z < 0, with currents Io.

However, if we change the perfect electric conductor by a perfect magnetic conductor, how can I apply the images method?

Thank you.
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  • #2
Bromio said:
Hi there.

If I wanted to calculate the radiation vector (in z > 0) produced by a short dipole with uniform current Io (+z direction) on a infinite perfect electric conductor (plane z=0), I'd have to apply the images method. So I'd have to calculate the radiation vector produced by two short dipoles, one in z > 0 and one in z < 0, with currents Io.

However, if we change the perfect electric conductor by a perfect magnetic conductor, how can I apply the images method?

Thank you.

What's a perfect magnetic conductor?
  • #3
It's an idealization.

PEC (Perfect Electric Conductor): [itex]\hat{n}\times\vec{E}=0 [/itex] and [itex]\hat{n}\times\vec{H}=\vec{J}_s[/itex].

PMC (Perfect Magnetic Conductor): [itex]\hat{n}\times\vec{E}=-\vec{M}_s [/itex] and [itex]\hat{n}\times\vec{H}=0[/itex].

Thank you.
  • #4
At very low frequency, mumetal of permalloy are good magnetic conductors.

It would change the sign of the current in the image. Opposite current achieve zero magnetic field at the magnetic conductor, while same currents achieve zero electric field.
  • #5

I understand what you say, but, in that case, radiation vector is 0 (because currents are opposite), isn't it?

Thank you.

FAQ: Radiation vector for a short dipole near a perfect magnetic conductor

1. What is a short dipole?

A short dipole is a type of antenna that is characterized by its length being significantly shorter than the wavelength of the radiation it is designed to transmit or receive. It is commonly used in radio communication systems.

2. What is a perfect magnetic conductor?

A perfect magnetic conductor is a theoretical material that has infinite magnetic permeability, meaning that it completely absorbs and reflects all incident magnetic fields without allowing any penetration or transmission.

3. What is the radiation vector for a short dipole near a perfect magnetic conductor?

The radiation vector for a short dipole near a perfect magnetic conductor is a measure of the direction and strength of the electromagnetic radiation emitted or received by the antenna. It is affected by both the properties of the antenna and the surrounding materials.

4. How is the radiation vector calculated?

The radiation vector can be calculated using mathematical equations that take into account the geometry and characteristics of the antenna, as well as the presence of the perfect magnetic conductor. These equations are based on principles of electromagnetics and can be solved using numerical methods or computer simulations.

5. Why is it important to consider the radiation vector for a short dipole near a perfect magnetic conductor?

Understanding the radiation vector for a short dipole near a perfect magnetic conductor is important for designing and optimizing antenna systems. It can also help predict the performance and potential interference of the antenna in its surrounding environment. Additionally, it is a fundamental concept in the field of electromagnetics and has many practical applications in various industries.
