A world with no curves, artificially creating a circle?

  • Thread starter Chaos' lil bro Order
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    Circle Curves
In summary, the conversation discusses the idea that in a world without curves, it is possible to create a circle using only straight lines by continuously shaving off the corners of a polygon. However, it is argued that this shape can never truly be a circle because of the limitations in measuring small radii. The concept of circles being abstract mathematical objects is also mentioned, with the understanding that an n-sided approximation of a circle is not a true circle. The conversation also references Archimedes' method for finding the area of a circle and the use of approximations in mathematics. Overall, the conversation explores the idea of circles and their definition in relation to the limitations of measurement.
  • #1
Chaos' lil bro Order
A thought occurs...

In a world devoid of curved lines, can we create a circle using only straight rigid lines? If we take a square as our starting block, then use 4 straight lines to cut off its 4 corners at 45 degree angles, we now have a perfect octagon. If we now take 8 straight lines and use them to cut off each of the 8 octagonal corners, we now have a 16 sided shape. You can see where this is going... If we continue this process of using straight lines to 'shave' off the corners of our shape, it become more and more circular. In fact, after only a few sets of 'shavings' the shape becomes a circle for all subjective purposes.

One caveat would be that, even though we start to see this shape subjectively as a circle, we know that it is not because upon detailed measurement we would see that its radius to circumference ratios would only be true for a very small number of the shape's radii, vs. the shape's total radii. My question arises. If we can continue shaving the corners of this circle-like shape to the nth degree, our shape becomes more and more circular, but never reaches the shape of a true circle as defined by the radius-circumference ratio requirement. But, how can we know for certain that all circles as we know them, are not these so-called 'squares shaved to the nth degree?' After say, 1 million sets of shaving, the corners of this circle-like shape would be spaced so closely together that we would not have a measuring device capable of measuring all the radii sandwiched inbetween each of these respective corners. So then, how can we logically prove that our 'square shaved to the nth degree' is in fact not a circle?

This writer thinks we cannot. Please prove me wrong!
Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2
If you don't have a circle, then not all points will have the same distance from the center.
For any nth degree approximation you mentioned, it will simply not be a circle by the definition of a circle.

The idea you mentioned is great for approximating circles though and can be used to prove the area of a disc is [itex]\pi r^2[/itex]. http://www.ugrad.math.ubc.ca/coursedoc/math101/notes/integration/archimedes.html.
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  • #3
Yes but we can never know if any circle is a perfect circle because of the limitations we have in measuring each tiny radii. For example, if we consider a circle with a trillion trillion trillion spokes, we cannot measure the radii between 2 adjacent spokes. Therefore, this tangent could be flat and not curved and we could never know.
  • #4
Let me further illustrate my point will the attached diagram that i drew:


  • circle-spokes.jpg
    19.3 KB · Views: 448
  • #6
Chaos' lil bro Order said:
Yes but we can never know if any circle is a perfect circle because of the limitations we have in measuring each tiny radii. For example, if we consider a circle with a trillion trillion trillion spokes, we cannot measure the radii between 2 adjacent spokes. Therefore, this tangent could be flat and not curved and we could never know.
You give me a regular n-sided polygon (n is very large) and I`ll give you two points on it having different distances to the center.

The point is, circles are abstract mathematical objects and don't have to correspond to objects in physical reality.
If I ask you what a circle is, you could draw one on a blackboard. But no mathemetician would be foolish enough to define a circle as a bunch of chalk particles on a blackboard.
Do you get what I`m trying to say?
  • #7
You said, to begin with that your world "has no curves". Given that, it cannot contain a circle. Polygons that are arbitrarily close to a circle, yes, but no true circle.
  • #8
Chaos' lil bro Order said:
Yes but we can never know if any circle is a perfect circle because of the limitations we have in measuring each tiny radii. For example, if we consider a circle with a trillion trillion trillion spokes, we cannot measure the radii between 2 adjacent spokes. Therefore, this tangent could be flat and not curved and we could never know.

That's true!

But mathematically, circles are circles, and an n-sided approximation for a circle is not a circle. It's certainly true that it's impossible for us to draw a perfect circle. But that doesn't make any difference to mathematics.
  • #9
I don't know how many decimal places pi has been calculated to so far but at some point, your n-gon's perimeter will diverge from pi. It might be the trillionth decimal place.
  • #10
Data said:
But mathematically, circles are circles, and an n-sided approximation for a circle is not a circle. It's certainly true that it's impossible for us to draw a perfect circle. But that doesn't make any difference to mathematics.
You are missing a point here. Entire calculus is based on approximations.
The goal of mathematics is to solve problems and in doing so some steps are required to be taken. In Archimedes' method for finding the area of a circle, the circle has to become a polygon of infinite sides, but to prove that all diameters of a circle have the same length, we need to fall back to the original definition i.e. it is a locus of points equidistant from a given point. Both the definitions of a circle are correct. We can choose either depending upon which is more convenient.
  • #11
Data said:
But mathematically, circles are circles, and an n-sided approximation for a circle is not a circle. It's certainly true that it's impossible for us to draw a perfect circle. But that doesn't make any difference to mathematics.
You are missing a point here. Entire calculus is based on approximations.
The goal of mathematics is to solve problems and in doing so some steps are required to be taken. In Archimedes' method for finding the area of a circle, the circle has to become a polygon of infinite sides, but to prove that all diameters of a circle have the same length, we need to fall back to the original definition i.e. it is a locus of points equidistant from a given point. Both the definitions of a circle are correct. We can choose either depending upon which is more convenient.
  • #12
net_nubie said:
You are missing a point here. Entire calculus is based on approximations.
The goal of mathematics is to solve problems and in doing so some steps are required to be taken. In Archimedes' method for finding the area of a circle, the circle has to become a polygon of infinite sides, but to prove that all diameters of a circle have the same length, we need to fall back to the original definition i.e. it is a locus of points equidistant from a given point. Both the definitions of a circle are correct. We can choose either depending upon which is more convenient.

There is a difference between a infinite countable set and an uncountable one. So, if both definitions are correct, we could, at some point, consider the cardinality of the set of natural numbers and the cardinality of the continuum to be equal. Sounds like rubbish, doesn't it? :biggrin:
  • #13
net_nubie said:
In Archimedes' method for finding the area of a circle, the circle has to become a polygon of infinite sides, but to prove that all diameters of a circle have the same length, we need to fall back to the original definition i.e. it is a locus of points equidistant from a given point. Both the definitions of a circle are correct. We can choose either depending upon which is more convenient.

A "polygon of infinite sides" is not a definition for anything. It's meaningless. Archimedes' argument can be made rigorous using limits. It doesn't need a different definition for what a circle is.

net_nubie said:
Entire calculus is based on approximations.

Give me an example of what in calculus is "based on approximations."
  • #14
net_nubie said:
You are missing a point here. Entire calculus is based on approximations.
The goal of mathematics is to solve problems and in doing so some steps are required to be taken. In Archimedes' method for finding the area of a circle, the circle has to become a polygon of infinite sides, but to prove that all diameters of a circle have the same length, we need to fall back to the original definition i.e. it is a locus of points equidistant from a given point. Both the definitions of a circle are correct. We can choose either depending upon which is more convenient.

Twice you posted this! It's unfortunjate that it is completely untrue. "Calculus" (which is what I think you mean by "entire calculus") is not based on approximations. You may be confusing the "difference quotient" which can have many different, approximately the same, values with the derivative itself which is a limit of difference quotients and is exact.

Archimedes never "defined" a circle as "a polygon of infinite sides"- he did show that (a primitive form of) the limit of the areas of such polygons was the area of the circle. Since even in modern mathematics, there is no such thing as "a polygon with infinite sides" no, you cannot "choose either".
  • #15
sorry guys. and thanks. it got posted twice 'cause my connection got cut-off when i clicked submit the first time.
  • #16
area of a circle is [tex]\pi r^{2}[/tex]
area of a regulated convex polygon is [tex] S*a[/tex] where S=semiperimeter and a is apothem.

[tex]a=\sqrt{r^{2} - \frac{l^{2}} {4}}[/tex]

where l is the side and r is radius of circle that polygon is inscribed in.

the higher the number of sides, the shorter the sides...r is a constant because we're inscribing this...let's say in a Unit Circle... so it's obvious the more sides, the shorter, so the [tex]\frac{l^{2}} {4}[/tex] decreases, leaving a closer and closer to [tex]\sqrt{r^{2}}[/tex].
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FAQ: A world with no curves, artificially creating a circle?

1. What is a world with no curves?

A world with no curves is a hypothetical concept in which all objects and structures are completely devoid of any curved edges or surfaces. This means that all shapes would be composed of straight lines and angles, and there would be no circles, spheres, or other curved shapes.

2. How can a circle be artificially created in a world with no curves?

In a world with no curves, a circle can be artificially created by using a series of straight lines and angles. This can be achieved through various mathematical calculations and constructions, such as using a compass and straightedge to draw an approximation of a circle.

3. Why would we want to artificially create a circle in a world with no curves?

Circles are a fundamental shape in mathematics and have many practical applications in fields such as engineering, architecture, and physics. In a world with no curves, artificially creating a circle allows us to still utilize the properties and benefits of this shape.

4. Are there any limitations to artificially creating a circle in a world with no curves?

Yes, there are limitations to artificially creating a circle in a world with no curves. The resulting circle may not be a perfect or exact representation of a true circle, as it is constructed using straight lines and angles. This may also affect the accuracy and precision of any calculations or measurements involving the circle.

5. How does a world with no curves impact our understanding of geometry and mathematics?

A world with no curves challenges our traditional understanding of geometry and mathematics, as curves and circles are integral components in many geometric principles and formulas. It requires us to think outside the box and find new ways to solve problems and visualize shapes and concepts without the use of curves.

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