Angular Momentum of 0 for Electrons in Ground Energy State

  • Thread starter pivoxa15
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In summary, the concept of angular momentum for electrons in the ground energy state can be confusing as it does not seem to be "moving" like it does in higher energetic states. However, this is due to the wave-like behavior of electrons at the atomic level, where the ground state and all S-states represent standing waves without an angular dependence, resulting in no angular momentum. This quantum mechanical view is necessary to understand the behavior of electrons in relation to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.
  • #1
How can there be an angular momentum of 0 for electrons in the ground energy state? It is moving around the nucleus just like it is when the electrons are in the 2s state. But in that case there is angular momentum.
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  • #2
How do you know it is "moving"?

  • #3
Does not s equals [tex] l = 0 [/tex] ?

And have you regarded the quantum mechanical view of the electron "moving" around the nucleus? What does the quantum numbers [tex] l [/tex] represent?
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  • #4
Let me think out loud for a bit.

Suppose that a classical object of mass [itex]m[/itex] is subject to an inwardly directed central force of magnitude [itex]A/r^2[/itex]. If the object is in a circular orbit of radius [itex]R[/itex], then the magnitude of its angular momentum is [itex]L = mvR[/itex]. Also, Newton's second law gives

[tex]m \frac{v^2}{R} = \frac{A}{R^2},[/tex]

which leads to

[tex]v = \sqrt{\frac{A}{m}} \frac{1}{\sqrt{R}}.[/tex]

Use in this in the expression for angular momentum:

[tex]L = \sqrt{Am} \sqrt{R}.[/tex]

Thus, classically, arbitrarily small values of [itex]L[/itex] are allowed and as an orbit's radius goes to zero, so too does the magnitude of the angular moment.

In this limit, the preferred axis "disappars". Quantum mechanically, [itex]L = 0[/itex] states are spherically symmetric.

As I say, I'm thinking out loud, so don't take anything I've written seriously.
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  • #5
ZapperZ said:
How do you know it is "moving"?


Good point. It could be stationary clouds of some sort. However at higher energetic states, |L| is not zero so does it imply it is 'moving'?
malawi_glenn said:
Does not s equals [tex] l = 0 [/tex] ?
Thats right. l=0 when in the s state.
malawi_glenn said:
What does the quantum numbers [tex] l [/tex] represent?

Good question. What does the quantum numbers represent? A direct answer is numerals to track the solution of the Schrodinger equation for a hyrdogenic system. And when the classical analogies of quantum operators are applied to the SE, out comes these numerals that we assigned. The angular momentum operator spits out these L numbers which we have to intepret it as angular momentum.
  • #6
Good question! However, your last remark contains an error. Namely, all S-states have zero angular momentum! This is very counter intuitive but also an experimental fact...

The problem is that we are used to think classically... However, on the atomic level experiments show that electrons behave wave-like. In order to understand your problem you must first accept this view...

Now, if you solve Schrodinger's wave equation then you can obtain so-called stationairy solutions. Simplified they represent standing waves in a Coulomb potential (the attractive force between proton and electron). The ground state and all other S-states then represent standing waves in the radial direction without an angular dependence. Because of this spherical symmetry there is not angular preference, and as a consequence no angular momentum.

I hope this brings you closer to your final answer!

  • #7
pivoxa15 said:
Good point. It could be stationary clouds of some sort. However at higher energetic states, |L| is not zero so does it imply it is 'moving'?

If it is "moving", especially in the geometry that has been described for the p,d,f,etc. orbitals, then it should radiate, no? But it doesn't.

So where do you think is the source of the problem here? Think about it. We have already addressed some of this in the FAQ.

  • #8
ZapperZ said:
If it is "moving", especially in the geometry that has been described for the p,d,f,etc. orbitals, then it should radiate, no? But it doesn't.

So where do you think is the source of the problem here? Think about it. We have already addressed some of this in the FAQ.


I am starting to think that its best not to think about a picture of the atom at all and just do the maths and get experimental results because nothing seems to make sense. The electron is moving but there is no paths. That is all I can infer. The electron can't be stationary for if it was then I will know its exact location so HUP is violated. There can't be a paths because then we will know its position and velocity instantaneously.

FAQ: Angular Momentum of 0 for Electrons in Ground Energy State

1. What is angular momentum of 0 for electrons in ground energy state?

The angular momentum of 0 for electrons in ground energy state refers to the fact that the electron does not possess any angular momentum while in its lowest energy state, also known as the ground state. This means that the electron is not moving or spinning around its own axis.

2. Why does an electron in ground energy state have an angular momentum of 0?

This is because the ground state is the lowest energy state that an electron can occupy in an atom. In this state, the electron is closest to the nucleus and therefore experiences the strongest attraction and has the lowest energy. As a result, the electron does not have any extra energy to move or spin, leading to an angular momentum of 0.

3. Can an electron in ground energy state have a non-zero angular momentum?

No, an electron in ground energy state cannot have a non-zero angular momentum. This is because the ground state is the most stable state for the electron and it cannot have any additional energy to move or spin, which would result in a non-zero angular momentum.

4. How does the concept of angular momentum apply to electrons in atoms?

In the context of atoms, angular momentum refers to the rotational motion of an electron around the nucleus. It is a characteristic property of an electron and determines the shape and orientation of its orbital. The value of an electron's angular momentum depends on its energy level and is quantized, meaning it can only take on certain discrete values.

5. What is the significance of the angular momentum of 0 for electrons in ground energy state?

The fact that electrons in ground energy state have an angular momentum of 0 has important implications for the stability and behavior of atoms. It helps to explain the observed electronic configurations and periodic trends in the properties of elements. Additionally, it is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics and has applications in various fields of science and technology.

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