Why is light the fastest possible speed

In summary: you either have to have a particulate system or a wave system and the wave system is much harder to work with.
  • #1
Why is light the fastest "possible" speed

With no reference to the higgs field. Could I get an explanation about why the momentum increases as speed increases of an object with mass? And why objects can't travel at light speed which have mass?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Momentum increases with speed because that is what "momentum" means, p=mv.
There is no "why" for the invarient speed - it just is.

You may prefer http://www.pma.caltech.edu/Courses/ph136/yr2004/0401.1.K.pdf to the subject.
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  • #3
Well by the principle of relativity if there is a speed limit then its the same in any inertial reference frame so is a constant. The question really boils down to why is there a speed limit. Think about it for a minute - what we notice generally is if something happens it is caused by something nearby happening which was caused by something nearby to that. In general we do not see something on the other side of the universe instantaneously causing something here on earth. This is called the principle of locality and more or less implies a maximum speed to things. This means there is an invariant speed and if you work through the math there is only one invariant speed. So we have a constant of nature and it just a matter of experimentally determining what it is. For all sorts of reasons it turns out to be the speed of light.

  • #4
bhobba said:
Well by the principle of relativity if there is a speed limit then its the same in any inertial reference frame so is a constant. The question really boils down to why is there a speed limit. Think about it for a minute - what we notice generally is if something happens it is caused by something nearby happening which was caused by something nearby to that. In general we do not see something on the other side of the universe instantaneously causing something here on earth. This is called the principle of locality and more or less implies a maximum speed to things. This means there is an invariant speed and if you work through the math there is only one invariant speed. So we have a constant of nature and it just a matter of experimentally determining what it is. For all sorts of reasons it turns out to be the speed of light.


Thank you. That cleared some things up :)
  • #5
The question really boils down to why is there a speed limit. Think about it for a minute - what we notice generally is if something happens it is caused by something nearby happening which was caused by something nearby to that. In general we do not see something on the other side of the universe instantaneously causing something here on earth.
... so the question of "why is there a speed limit?", in turn, really boils down to: "why do things generally happen one-after-the-other?"

The answer is still the one I gave: that's just the way it is.
But it sounds better the way bhobba put it :)

(This is why I hate "why" questions!)
  • #6
Simon Bridge said:
The answer is still the one I gave: that's just the way it is.
But it sounds better the way bhobba put it :)

That's exactly it. When explaining the why of something often all you are doing is expressing the same thing a different way. However that different way may be more intuitively appealing.

Its like when you find out about Noether's Theorem. It's not stating anything different but symmetries are more intuitively appealing.

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  • #7
bhobba said:
That's exactly it. When explaining the why of something often all you are doing is expressing the same thing a different way. However that different way may be more intuitively appealing.

Its like when you find out about Noether's Theorem. It not stating anything different but symmetries are more intuitively appealing.


bhobba can you do that same thing with QM...Please! :smile:
  • #8
nitsuj said:
bhobba can you do that same thing with QM...Please! :smile:

Sorry mate - that's a bit harder. I have my own private basis for QM but its very mathematical.

It goes like this. Consider a system and measuring apparatus with n possible outcomes yi. This is obviously a vector and to bring this out will write it as Ʃ yi |bi>. But we are now faced with a problem - the |bi> are arbitrary man made things freely chosen ie a coordinate system. The physics must be independent of that. What QM does - and this is really the key idea - is replace the |bi> by |bi><bi| to give the operator Ʃ yi |bi><bi|. That way it's basis independent. You need to appeal to Wigners Theorem a bit later to see it must be a complex vector space. Another reason is you can't get the action principle from going over to the sum over histories unless you use complex numbers. This is the first axiom of the approach you will find in Ballentine - QM - A Modern Development. The second axiom follows from Gleason's Theorem. And you have the two axioms Ballentine uses.

But like I say - its very mathematical.

  • #9
The philosophical "why" is always hard to answer. For example, if you approach special relativity from a certain viewpoint it seems fairly arbitrary (e.g. this paper http://arxiv.org/abs/1005.1614).

But basically, special relativity predicts that as momentum tends towards infinity, velocity tends towards c, not infinity.
  • #11
bhobba said:
Sorry mate - that's a bit harder.

that's a bit of an understatement :-p
  • #12
Try to imagine what it would be like if there were no 'speed limit'...at every instant every event in the universe would flash it's evidence at you...our current senses would likely be unable to sort out all those 'instantaneous' signals...of course distant activity might remain weaker, say as the ratio of 1/r2 so common already, but still you'd still get a 'lotta stuff' thrown your way.

I like things better as is...time keeps everything from happening at once, and space keeps it from all happening to me.

FAQ: Why is light the fastest possible speed

1. Why is light considered the fastest possible speed?

Light is considered the fastest possible speed because it is the highest speed at which energy and information can travel in the universe. It travels at a speed of approximately 299,792,458 meters per second in a vacuum, which is the maximum speed allowed by the laws of physics.

2. What makes light travel faster than other forms of energy?

Light travels faster than other forms of energy because it is made up of massless particles called photons. These particles have no rest mass, meaning they can travel at the speed of light without being slowed down by their own mass. This allows light to travel at an incredible speed compared to other forms of energy.

3. How does the speed of light compare to the speed of sound?

The speed of light is significantly faster than the speed of sound. While light travels at approximately 299,792,458 meters per second, sound travels at a much slower speed of about 343 meters per second in air. This is because sound waves travel by compressing and expanding particles, while light travels as electromagnetic radiation.

4. Can anything travel faster than the speed of light?

According to our current understanding of physics, nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. The speed of light is considered to be the cosmic speed limit, beyond which the laws of physics break down. However, some theories propose the existence of particles called tachyons that can travel faster than light, but they have not been observed or proven to exist.

5. How does the speed of light impact our daily lives?

The speed of light has a significant impact on our daily lives, even though we may not always be aware of it. Our understanding of the universe and the laws of physics is based on the fact that the speed of light is constant and the fastest possible speed. It also allows us to communicate and access information, as light is used in technologies such as fiber optics and wireless communication. Without the speed of light, our world would be very different.

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